Waslet l-okkażżjoni tà Jum l-Omm ❤. Naħsbu fl-ommijiet billi nagħmlulhom xi bukkett 💐sabiħ bħalma jistħoqilhom, għal but tà kullħadd. U jekk forsi tixtieq xi pjanta 🪴, isibilna kemm tà barra kif ukoll tà ġewwa. Barra minnhekk ma nridux ninsew dawk l-ommijiet li ħallew din id-dinja 🥀. Nirringrazzjakom talli għażiltu s-servizz taghna u minn qalbi nawgurawlkom Jum l-omm it-tajjeb 🥰. Il-granet huma: Nhar is- Sibt 11 tà Mejju ha nkunu armati l-pjazza tà Hal Luqa sal- 12pm u l-Hadd 12 tà Mejju hdejn ċ-ċimiterju tal-Imqabba sal-12pm. Ordnijiet ha jittiehdu bit telefonati biss
Mother's day is just round the corner ❤. Think ahead and make sure that the mother's get beautiful bouquets 💐they deserve within your budget. We also have indoor and outdoor plants 🪴. Moreover we cannot forget those mother's that have left this earth 🥀. We thank you for choosing our service and happy mother's day 🥰. On Saturday 11th May we will be at Luqa Square till 12 and on Sunday 12th May at Mqabba cemetery till 12.
Kindly note orders are only going to be taken by phone
Flower Touch by Catherine