We joined Michela Farrugia and Anthony Mizzi on the set of The Smiling Man to provide you a sneak peak of what to expect throughout this weekend's performances 🎭
Powered by Blank Canvas 💥
An original Two Sleeping Cats Production 🎬
Tickets available on Chitzo Malta https://bit.ly/3o1PKd4 🎟️
The Smiling Man 🎭 Tickets out now!!
The story follows a married couple, Lily and George, and how they are gradually torn apart because of their definition of happiness. Set in a dystopian modern world, the play explores society's invasiveness into our private lives. Combining disco and Orwellian madness, the play is an immersive experience that seeks to bring its audience into a world that, though extreme, is not too unfamiliar to their own.
Tickets can be found on bio 🎟️
A Two Sleeping Cats Production
Written by Michela Farrugia
Directed by Joseph Zammit
Performed by @jacobgege @antmizzi @michelafarr & @joseph.m.zammit
Hosted by @blankcanvas.tv
Let's Remember...
The past year has undoubtedly been a tough one for all of us.
Here is our little message of hope - as we slowly approach brighter times ahead. ☀️
#Message #messageoftheday #messageofhope #messageoflove #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #support #malta #events #future #LetsRemember #whatareyoulookingforwardto #chitzo #chitzolife #covid_19 #covid #hope
The hustle and bustle of the Christmas Market may not be with us this year, but we can still do our part and support our local artisans!
The Malta Artisan Markets have set up their premier virtual market to still allow shoppers to buy their favorite local quirky goods.
You can view the online shop here: https://bit.ly/34EcMwi
#supportlocal #supportsmallbusinesses #supportlocalartists #malta #christmasinmalta #maltaartisans
MC Adventure Rock Climbing
Doesn’t this snippet from the last Rock Climbing activity make you buzz with excitement?🤯
Whether you’re the adventurous type or simply looking to get out of your comfort zone, MC Adventure and Teambuilding events in Malta's next Climbing activity is the perfect choice for you. Don’t miss out on this unique experience accompanied by professional guidance and safe equipment, on the 5th December.
Click the link below for booking.
In the mood for food? Now offering a 15% discount on your order at Sea Salt using our code chitzo15off 🦞
Valid till 31st December 😋
Check out more of Sea Salt's offers here:
This zip lining snippet will definitely sweep you off your feet 😂
Catapult yourself right into nature with MC Adventure and Teambuilding events in Malta 🌿
Click here for similar events: https://bit.ly/3eVQEl6
The Great Tattoo Marathon!
Today is the last day to get a tattoo and help raise money in aid of DAR Bjorn & ALS Malta
Great to catch up with Rachael Hollwey, one of our great listers. Through her Walk and Talk, she is raising awareness as well as reducing the stigma associated with mental health.
It was inspiring to listen to her story and how she is actively supporting the mental health arena in a non invasive manner. The Walk and Talk may be the perfect invitation to get hope and sound advice, especially during this time.
Check out her next Walk & Talk here below:
#chitzo #malta #maltaevents #walkandtalk #maltawalkandtalk #mentalhealth #help #support #listerspotlight #whatson
Malta Artisan Markets - Living The Chitzo Life
It's that time of the year again - the Malta Artisan Markets are here! We met up with the founder, Lisa Grech, to get more insight into the market - a family-friendly home for Artisans and enthusiasts of its crafts. Come check it out this Friday 25th and Saturday 26th at Pjazza Tigne to pick up some unique items!
More information on chitzo.com
#chitzo #malta #chitzomalta #malta🇲🇹 #maltagram #maltalovers #artisan #markets #crafts #jewelry #maltaevents #whatson #whatsonmalta #fun