After a well-deserved break, I would like to thank everyone involved in Crowned’s first Event.
First, let's congratulate the winners of the night, No Humano, for their outstanding performance, giving us a taste of some original industrial punk!. What a show! They also won the crowd vote!
Secondly, a huge thanks goes out to the rest of the bands that participated Captain Romance and the Danger Dogs, SouthernScum, Notion Malta, From Sheep To Wolves and Sacroment. They put on a great performance and made it a memorable night of music. The competition was close until the very end. Thank you for being very respectful of one another, it was good healthy competition. I hope that you all got something out of this to help you on your musical journey.
Thank you to the team that made this event possible. Without your efforts, events like these wouldn't happen. Special thanks to The Garage, Steve Lombardo, Philip Gerhard, Dino Mifsud Lepre, David Depasquale, Noel Mifsud, Nick Cassette Mor, Rachel Mifsud, Vica Mifsud and Karen Farrell for doing such an excellent job and keeping everything under control.
I also want to thank our sponsors Farsons Beer Festival, Kewn Records and SPINESPLITTER STUDIO. Thanks to their support, we were able to provide some epic prizes for the bands.
Last but certainly not least, thank you to the crowd. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped behind the scenes! Thank you for supporting local music!
We will announce the next Crowned event very soon, so keep an eye on this page for updates.