Story & Matter

Story & Matter Story & Matter Events ( LLP 0010941-LGN)
wedding & event planning
actual wedding day coordination
styling & design

We offers a discreet, professional service for time
pressed clients, creating timeless, elegant, events with passion. By choosing Story & Matter to plan your special day, you can expect meticulous attention to detail, creative ideas and a professional, stress free service. This ensures you are left to enjoy the magical build up to your big day. We also take great pleasure in arranging the followin

g events:
Baby showers

Enquiry form:

 Love is the only reason we ‘breathe’ each other into life. Our couple Alvin & Hayley knew they were bound for a lifetim...

Love is the only reason we ‘breathe’ each other into life. Our couple Alvin & Hayley knew they were bound for a lifetime of bliss as they solemnised their marriage with a private yet meaningful moment.

Venue EQ Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Planning & Design Story & Matter
Photographer Louis Gan Photography
Cinematography The Subtle Film
Makeup Artist Makeup Artist Elise Yap
Decorator Event Diaries
Emcee Emcee Balloon
Live Drawing Oh Beatrice
Daikam 专业大妗Cassey姐

Ken & Pui YieEvery wedding is a beautiful prelude to a series of wonderful beginnings. As such, Ken & Pui Yie’s wedding ...

Ken & Pui Yie

Every wedding is a beautiful prelude to a series of wonderful beginnings. As such, Ken & Pui Yie’s wedding radiates a natural expression of beauty that is both timeless and elegant.

The sacred union took place in the beautiful Seputeh Glasshouse amidst a rustic atmosphere, with a neutral spread of lush pampas grass, elements that are drenched in earthy tones and texture grounded in its own reflection of innocence and purity.

Wedding Planning by Story & Matter
Design & decor direction by Pui Yie the Bride
Venue Glasshouse at Seputeh
Photographer Twins Photography l Malaysia Wedding Photographer
Cinematographer Omelette
Decorator ZáHuoHang
Catering WYK Catering
Wedding Cake Brown & Sugar
Gazing Bar KEJU
Chaperons Jerry Wong
Emcee Emcee Voon




How to pick a wedding band 💍 We’ve got all the help you’ll need check out this guide on every important factor to consid...

How to pick a wedding band 💍 We’ve got all the help you’ll need check out this guide on every important factor to consider 😊

Your engagement ring and wedding band should complement one another without feeling too matchy-matchy. Here are ten pairings we think work well together and tips for picking your own unique combination

2020年已經來到尾聲,新冠肺炎疫情爆發也將近一年了,疫情沒有趨緩,這幾天各國仍不斷傳出刷新確診紀錄的消息。尽管婚期可能無限期推遲的困境, 但也不要太过灰心,总有会过去的一天 :)

2020年已經來到尾聲,新冠肺炎疫情爆發也將近一年了,疫情沒有趨緩,這幾天各國仍不斷傳出刷新確診紀錄的消息。尽管婚期可能無限期推遲的困境, 但也不要太过灰心,总有会过去的一天 :)

這些伴隨感與心酸的時刻,都被婚禮攝影師們拍了下來,This is Reportage 婚禮攝影獎,每年都會收到超過 12,000 份作品中選出優勝者,而我們精心選了幾張與疫情有關的動人幾張照片與你們分享。



Backyard Garden Mini Wedding后花园主题小型婚礼不喜欢匆匆忙忙的婚礼仪式早上四五点就要起来化妆准备,也不想现场来了一群连我们的名字都叫不上的宾客早上睡到自然醒慢悠悠的吃个饭就去结婚啦😌那你的理想婚礼会是怎样的形式呢...

Backyard Garden Mini Wedding






Check out Malaysia Wedding Ceremony Standard Operating Procedure by MKN

Check out Malaysia Wedding Ceremony Standard Operating Procedure by MKN

Due to rising number of Covid-19 cases, wedding receptions are not allowed in these states under Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). However, wedding ceremonies i.e. Registration of Marriage and Solemnisation (Akad Nikah) is allowed. Do adhere to the following SOPs for non-Muslim and Muslim w...


WayWeLove x 风格拍摄

这次的企划选择沿用真实情侣,特别感谢shawn & amber,为我们这次的拍摄增添不少真实浪漫的画面。而所有的灵感来源自于这个朴实无华的Sempah T-Farm 森芭梯田,我们保留其质朴大自然的特点,以暖夏色调+慵懒田园元素打造成温馨自然系婚礼。

WayWeLove x 森巴梯田
大自然色系婚礼,当然少不了最重要的料理。森巴梯田的中式料理以farm to table 的概念,运用新鲜田园的食材,搭配主厨精心备制的菜单,无论食材上的搭配,还是摆盘,可以媲美城市里的高级中餐厅。


WayWeLove x 婚礼幕后人
这一次的发起人是 BEST Outdoor Wedding & Event 的 Bobo Poh Yee,那时候就有说如果在这里办一场婚礼,那会是怎样的婚礼。她的一通电话开始构思,于是就携手合作这次的风格拍摄企划,我们用了仅仅不到15天的时间,集合了志同道合的伙伴们参与这场拍摄,也因为大家的投入和热忱,在疫情当下,让这场企划格外有意义。
全天记录真实美好的每一个瞬间-婚礼影片制作团队 BEZ studio
把这一系列美丽的瞬间都拍下的婚礼摄影团队 H+ Studio
完美默契改造这次场地的婚礼布置风格团队 GNG Studiobooth - Decoration & Photo Booth Malaysia
提供婚纱礼服 7th Heaven Bridal Gallery
提供多元风格道具和家具租借 Just Rent It Malaysia
而我们 BEST Outdoor Wedding & Event & Story & Matter是婚礼策划师,主要负责整体婚礼策划、概念设计和婚礼全天监督




暖夏钟情,梯田婚礼Way We Love 全体幕后工作伙伴

Way We Love 全体幕后工作伙伴

暖夏钟情,梯田婚礼  Way We Love . Styleshoot夏暖钟情主题拍摄构思以温暖的夏天,大地棕色系为主、搭配夏日田园元素如橘子柠檬等蔬果点缀。这次打造的梯田婚礼以随性、慵懒的夏日时光想象画面带出温暖如夏的自然系婚礼。舞台的设...

Way We Love . Styleshoot




花艺设计沿用简单不规矩的centrepiece为主轴,以站立式花艺做延伸再搭配一些复古蜡烛高脚塔。餐桌上的摆设,利用干橘子片点缀在menu和place card上,以西式元素搭配中式餐具,具有不一样的观感。

Styleshoot Concept
A warm summer laid back farm inspired wedding. This shoot encompasses the late summer aesthetic with a charming array of florals, vibrant pops of orange, yellow. Use of dried + fresh floral design elevates this shoot to the next level in terms of texture and color.

Bright and airy scenery at Sempah T-Farm 森芭梯田 was the inspiration for this warm summer evening with clean lines, pops of citrus, together with breezy of wind. Captured beautifully by H+ Studio

The Table
Our farm tables were the perfect neutral base for this simple elegant tablescape best suited for farm to table menu. The sprawling tablescape of fresh floral arrangement designed by Dried orange slice placed together with custom designed menu & place card atop plates

The Setting
We set up a stage area complete with rugs, chairs, a vintage divider, some baskets of fruits and artfully arranged furniture & props from Just Rent It Malaysia. Praise to the fairy light setting & decor production by GNG Studiobooth - Decoration & Photo Booth Malaysia make the hall enhance beautifully throughout the night. A twoway use backdrop design for stage and group photo taking, it became a great getaway from dining to a cozy spot to have a conversation with friends and family.

Through this styleshoot, we would like to breakthrough the traditional way of photo gallery and signing corner. An open frame type of photo gallery/find your place/ signing which may enhance the interactiveness among guest.

Special thanks to our couple Shawn & Amber
Amazing team behind the styleshoot
场地和料理 Venue & Menu by Sempah T-Farm 森芭梯田
策划和概念 Planning, Design & Concept by Story & Matter & BEST Outdoor Wedding & Event
场地布置 Decor & Production by GNG Studiobooth - Decoration & Photo Booth Malaysia
手花与花艺设计Floral Design by
摄影Photography by H+ Studio
拍摄和制片Filming by BEZ studio
化妆MakeUp Artist by
婚纱礼服Wedding Gown & Suit by 7th Heaven Bridal Gallery
家具装饰租借Props & Furniture Rental by Just Rent It Malaysia

About way we love wedding style shoot暖夏钟情,梯田婚礼             #小型户外婚礼  #田园婚礼  #夏天  #从农场到餐桌

About way we love wedding style shoot

#小型户外婚礼 #田园婚礼 #夏天 #从农场到餐桌




遠距離戀愛就像是月亮與地球的距離,在不同軌道上運轉,卻又保持著相同的運轉速率,泰國插畫家 Reen 用簡約可愛的畫風繪出遠距離戀愛的親密日常,每一張圖都含情脈脈...




不用担心,婚礼策划师就是你的全能管家处理你婚礼大小事务。绝对不会missed任何一个重要的moment。你只需要好好享受婚礼的过程就行了, 要是错过了真的会是生命中的遗憾,因为一生人只有一次的婚礼大事。

➡️story&matter 拥有超过4年的策划经验。服务从A-Z + 婚礼后续服务。加上设计团队为你打造专属婚礼。我们是首个推出设计理念的婚策公司。


省下来的时间还可以敷个面膜, 多睡几个钟的美容觉

➡️只需要1个contact, 所有的联络安排,都交给我们。


#婚礼策划 Planning
✏️无限次的whatspps💌咨询服务, 帮助解决任何关于婚礼的问题或需求
✏️让你不花冤枉钱的婚礼预算分析, 帮你省钱省事
✏️提供场地的风格、特点和配套预算的分析, 陪你场地考察
✏️我们合作过无数vendor, 根据风格和预算筛选适合你的wedding vendor, 不用花时间到处比较价钱
✏️定制calendar和checklist让你随时跟进婚礼进度, 轻轻松松

#风格设计 Styling & Design
✏️专属婚礼主题concept moodboard, 从颜色、布置、请柬到手花的选项搭配主题和风格 让你深入了解整体婚礼概念
✏️让你了解decor的一切设计、尺寸、材料选择、花款和预算的decor proposal, 还有提供多位经验丰富的花艺师和木匠选择
✏️打造高达90%根据proposal的完成品, 不用担心货不对版
✏️我们包办所有wedding stationery的设计包括logo、请柬、menu、welcome board, 不需要另外聘请设计师

#婚礼监督 Coordination

#我们提供免费咨询, 了解后再选择适合你的planning


[Story & Matter周年限定优惠]👫
在这8月15日前booking的话, 附送8%折扣, 首期只需RM1500就可以优先体验我们的3个月策划服务, 3个月后再付其余的款项,不用担心荷包大出血, 另外我们还提供3个payment term

首5位签购可以得到一份新娘订制礼盒🎁价值RM 400


街头婚礼/Street Wedding兩人在证婚牧師「隔著四层樓」距离见证下,大声說出:「我愿意。」完成这场别具意义的婚礼 🥰

街头婚礼/Street Wedding
兩人在证婚牧師「隔著四层樓」距离见证下,大声說出:「我愿意。」完成这场别具意义的婚礼 🥰

前幾天,紐約街頭發生一件浪漫又感人的趣聞,準新人 Reilly Jennings 與 Amanda Wheeler 原先計劃在十月結婚,然而新型冠狀病毒在美國大爆發,但是他們決定不讓這場災難阻礙他們的計畫,於是舉行了一場別樣的街頭婚禮...

Sending out a card or online message is a great way to keep guests excited & let them know what’s happening. We’ve round...

Sending out a card or online message is a great way to keep guests excited & let them know what’s happening. We’ve rounded up few Change The Date card design for you.

A complimentary design & planning consultation is available. Contact us for further inquiry

Source of image: pinterest

Yay, great news from government! wedding ceremony and reception finally can held from 1st July 2020 onwards, with SOP ap...

Yay, great news from government! wedding ceremony and reception finally can held from 1st July 2020 onwards, with SOP applies.

👉maximum number of attendees at 250 people depends on size of space.

👉social distancing among the guest

👉temperature checked before entering the hall.

👉food can be served in buffet-style provided with server manage the food

👉3-4 hours duration for overall reception program

For more details please refer to the article below

For planning service and consultation, feel free to send us inquiry to [email protected] for further discussion.

PUTRAJAYA: Social events, including wedding receptions, engagement parties, reunion gatherings and religious events, can be held from July 1 onwards, says Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but will never outgrow your heart. A heartwarming moment of Maggie & her dad walking do...

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but will never outgrow your heart. A heartwarming moment of Maggie & her dad walking down the aisle. Happy Father's Day to every greatest dad in the world


父情节 快乐

Geometric Inspired Wedding SuiteGeometric elements are appearing in wedding from modern decor to wedding stationery suit...

Geometric Inspired Wedding Suite

Geometric elements are appearing in wedding from modern decor to wedding stationery suite. Design can be simple like triangle as one of the pattern element on the card. For more unique look, we had elaborated the place card into hexagon mini plate with designated wording on it.

Designed & Customised by Story & Matter

 #简约森林系 #婚礼策划这次的婚礼设计灵感源自于yap & maggie本身热爱大自然,不拘束的性格,采用简约式的花艺设计搭配粉色系元素,打造低调浪漫自然森林系婚礼。节目编排尽量以简单内容为主。我们也鼓励 yap & maggie分享本身...

#简约森林系 #婚礼策划
这次的婚礼设计灵感源自于yap & maggie本身热爱大自然,不拘束的性格,采用简约式的花艺设计搭配粉色系元素,打造低调浪漫自然森林系婚礼。

节目编排尽量以简单内容为主。我们也鼓励 yap & maggie分享本身的故事和想说的话。这一场婚礼虽然没有喧哗的布置和过多的节目安排,但在场的每一位宾客都可以透过他们的故事体验到真正婚礼的意义。感谢yap & maggie的信任让我们安排这一切。我们也因而感动其中。

Neutrals with Natural Setting
These textured blooms in muted shades of blush, green, and ivory apply in both ceremony and reception.

Yap & Maggie’s wedding celebration is not only about themselves, but also about sharing happiness with their close relatives and friends. Thanks for having us

Wedding planning & coordinate by Story & Matter
Emcee Emcee Balloon
Actual day photography captured by QingHui Photography
Flower arrangement & deco styling by GNG Studiobooth - Decoration & Photo Booth Malaysia
Bridal Makeup by J.Ying Makeup Studio


Featuring Extraordinary Outdoor Wedding by


Featuring Story&Matter co-founder San San sharing on how wedding planning incorporate design and style that uniquely belongs to couple.

Whimsical Winter WeddingElegant tree centrepiece strung with thematic adornment like hanging crystals and dendrobium orc...

Whimsical Winter Wedding

Elegant tree centrepiece strung with thematic adornment like hanging crystals and dendrobium orchid garland give a touch of whimsical winter affairs.

We covered the ballroom with white drapes and incorporate with cool blue ambient lighting to enhance the atmosphere of winter ❆

venue Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
captured by BEZ studio
planning & designed by Story & Matter
decor production by Periwinkle Design

Thanks for the feature! ❤️

Thanks for the feature! ❤️

秋 . 简 / 一切从简的戶外婚礼 /…Sometimes, simple is more

秋 . 简
/ 一切从简的戶外婚礼 /

Sometimes, simple is more

With each passing moment let us embrace the new year with more positive hopes, more colourful joys and more amazing futu...

With each passing moment let us embrace the new year with more positive hopes, more colourful joys and more amazing future in this Year of Rat

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Holiday Announcement
We will closed from 24 January until 3 February

Story & Matter

First DanceThe moment when Thavin & Peggy gazing into each other's eyes under the moon and star.Captured by Manoj Photog...

First Dance

The moment when Thavin & Peggy gazing into each other's eyes under the moon and star.

Captured by Manoj Photography
Wedding Coordination by Story & Matter


V03-11-03, Lingkaran SV Sunway Velocity
Kuala Lumpur


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Our Story

We curate a bespoke celebration infused with personal touches and delicate details through our planning and design. By choosing Story & Matter to plan your special day, you can expect meticulous attention to detail, creative ideas and a professional, stress free service. We also take great pleasure in arranging the following events: Engagements Birthdays Anniversaries Enquiry form:

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