Happening on 9.9, next Saturday at 3:30pm with the amazing Zephyr Flute Ensemble! Limited seats available, grab your tickets now 😊
很感谢马来西亚著名 #录音 / #混音师 王诗豪老师来到我们的分享空间,与学员们交流也分享了许多关于 #混音 的概念与技巧。老师也透露不排除将来会再开设混音班,有兴趣的你可以留意哦!
回顾一些【遇见手风琴】#工作坊的片段,很开心大家不止可以对 #手风琴更加了解,也亲身体验了演奏手风琴的乐趣,现场也有些手风琴好手聊着聊着就Jam起来了,气氛好欢乐 ☺️
#脉轮 真的是一门很深奥的学问,老师在工作坊当天也指导了学员们如何更了解自己的身体与能量,希望大家都可以更加善待自己,也懂得怎么运用自己的 #能量 哦!
The workshop by #Master Mac Chew has successfully concluded! We express our gratitude to the Master Mac for sharing his valuable insights, and we look forward to more workshops in the future.
Stay tuned and follow us for more upcoming events!
Mac Chew大师的 #编曲 工作坊圆满结束啦!感谢大师的分享,希望陆续有来!
近期内我们也有很多不同类型的 #工作坊,关注我们以免错过哦~
Here are some highlights from our 2-Day #voiceacting Acting Workshop. We would like to express our gratitude to all the enthusiastic participants for their active participation and interaction. Everyone also received their own #voiceover samples recorded in the #studio!
Stay tuned for more exciting events and activities, and make sure to follow us to stay updated!
分享一些我们的2天 #配音工作坊的片段,感谢每位学员的热情参与互动,大家也都拿到了各自在 #录音室所录制的Samples哦!
#throwback 我们于上个周末举办的 #手碟工作坊,谢谢老师的分享与指导,大家都玩得尽兴呢!
更多有趣的 #活动 可以关注我们哦!
Looking back at the #handpan workshop we hosted last weekend, we'd like to thank the teacher for sharing his expertise and guiding us through a fun and engaging session. We're thrilled that everyone had a great time!
Stay tuned for more exciting #events by following us!
Thanks to everyone who joined the “Piano Playing with an Arranger’s Approach “ workshop by Mr. Leonard Yeap! It was a fun and inspiring session! For more interesting upcoming events, please follow our pages for updates!
Our VOICE ACTING WORKSHOP has come to a successful conclusion! Thanks to all participants who make this happen! You guys are amazing!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 There’ll be one more collaboration with teacher Grace, please stay tune to our pages for more updates!
我们的VOICE ACTING WORKSHOP 圆满结束啦!非常感谢参与本次活动的学员们,大家都非常热情并主动争取学习呢,好棒好棒 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
也悄悄地预告一下,接下来我们与Grace 老师将再次合作,这一次将会是更深入的课程,不想错过就继续留守我们的页面以获取报名方式,由于人数限制,所以这次也是先到先得哦!🙌🏻
我们的2小时占星专题学习会结束啦!感谢占星之家 Vincent Lu 老师的指导,尤其是对现场朋友们的个案进行分析与分享,也感谢出席活动的朋友们热情分享,让大家都更了解“凯龙”与内在小孩。
不想错过更多精彩的活动请关注我们的页面哦 🌻
#凯龙 #占星 #马来西亚 #eventspace #eventspacemalaysia #eventspacekl
Our February event, the “Film Scoring 1.0” workshop has come to an end! Ken not only shared his views on the industry but also introduced the skills that a film composer should possess and the challenges they will face. We hope that this will inject new blood and sparks into the local film scene. 🥳
Stay tuned for Film Scoring 2.0!
There are also many interesting events in March, so feel free to check out our pages!
当然随着这个workshop的结束也代表我们今年的in-house event暂时告一段落了,2023我们还会继续带来更多有趣有意义的活动,尽请期待!
我们的下一场workshop是关于歌曲制作,如果你想自己DIY歌曲或者想做好demo,都很欢迎你来听听哦~ 详情可以进入我们的主页点击27/11的活动帖哦!