Love Hope Health Fundraising Launching
Clientele : Hi Bliss
Project : Love Hope Health Fundraising Launching
Videographer : KenQi & Gino Lim
VIdeo Editing : Musegraphix
HKMBA Greetings Winter Solstice 2021
Client : HKMBA
Title : Winter Solstice 2021 e greetings
animation & Character created by Musegraphix
Client : HKMBA
Title : Dragon Boat Festival
animation & Character created by Musegraphix
Romancing the 50th Anniversary
If a picture paints a thousand words, videography eternalises a million beautiful moments. Let Musegraphix's dynamic videography capture the essence of your events and immortalise your sweet memories.
#eventvideography #eventpenang #eventdeco #eventplanner #eventphotography #jenz #ginolim
Shang Hai Night Wedding Theme Deco
A Shang Hai Theme Wedding Deco by Musegraphix + Spring Productions
Kurnia Non Motor SMS Launch
short animation created for Kurnia Malaysia
Samsung Star TVC
a Samsung Star TVC using Flash animation
Created by: Musegraphix
Client: Style Junction