La Vie Event & Management is an experienced wedding, exhibition and event organiser with infrastructure capacity. We assist our clients with all their project management, sales & marketing for their exhibitions and events.
Our innovative team offers streamlined benefits in tune with our clients’ objectives, focusing on delegate, exhibitor and visitor needs.
Founded in 2012 and was resisted in 2016, La Vie Event & Management is a private company which is located in Sibu. However, the services are cover the entire Sarawak & Sabah.
Experience- We have extensive experience managing different types of events and exhibitions over the last few years.
Innovation- Our dynamic and knowledgeable team presents you with new and creative ideas to assist you in fulfilling your objectives, thereby ensuring peace of mind and a stress free event.
Diversity - We have experience in working with a myriad of industries in both the public and private sectors as well as both large and small exhibitions and events.
Professionalism – La Vie Event & Management is built on strong foundations, which enables our dedicated team to provide each of our clients with supreme service.
Affiliations - Our strong affiliations allow us instant access to expertise and resources, ensuring we are able to deliver powerful solutions to meet our client needs, without costly overheads.
Project Management
We will assist in the overall planning and implementation of your project. This includes the design of the exhibition with the floor layout, the look and feel and brand management of your event.
Sales and Marketing
We have strong online advertising team and we assist our client to develop a sales and marketing plan to ensure the success of the event. We will ensure that the event is in line with the budget and includes a variety of tools to create public awareness of the project and achieve sales.
Financial Management
We will assist you in compiling a budget and managing it.
公司起初的原名为 LA ROMANCE LA VIE 。是以策划婚事活动为主要活动并在2016年转型成为专业活动策划公司(而婚事活动策划服务依然保持,并迅速发展)。法语,是全世界公认最浪漫的语言之一。公司起初也因为对浪漫主义的完美追求,所以选择了法语来命名 La Romance La Vie(法语)在中文是“一生浪漫”的意思。为自己人生大事留下一个难忘和浪漫的回忆,是每对新人所期望的。在婚宴上,小提琴家拉着维瓦尔的歌曲,微暗的紫白色灯光,再来杯82年法国红酒, 全部来宾们都被浓浓的波斯米雅的浪漫气氛包围着,新人也沉淀在来宾献上的最美祝福里。但类似这样的情节,仿佛只能在电影中看到。因为“浪漫”在现实生活中,有时是需要用到很多金钱才能制造出的一种感觉。因此许多人因为看了这些策划的价码后望梅叹止,有些还因为这样婚后负债累累。这,不是我们公司所提倡的!
公司成立成立的目的,除了兴趣,也是抱着一股以最合理的价钱来完成新人心目中梦想婚礼的使命。花钱制造浪漫,可以说是很简单但确是件不容易的事。简单是因为只要肯花钱,婚礼要有多富丽堂皇,就可以有多富丽堂皇。但不容易的原因是,来宾往往会因为这些眼花缭乱的昂贵布置,灯光,节目等,忽略了婚礼中的灵魂人物-新郎与新娘,而失去了婚礼的真正意义。这是很可惜的!公司因为注意到了这点,所以在追求浪漫主义和新人之前, 力求达到一个平衡点。因此,我们相信La Romance La Vie将会是您首选的专业婚礼策划公司!