LE'S Eventilicious

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LE'S Eventilicious LE'S EVENTILICIOUS is an event company that able to come out with various needs.

Check this out! This   Event Planning Company is seriously amazing! They made our   look classy and stunning! 🎉Whenever ...

Check this out! This Event Planning Company is seriously amazing! They made our look classy and stunning! 🎉

Whenever it’s time to plan an , , , or any other event, it's always such a headache! It has to look good, every detail needs attention, and it still needs to stay within budget!

Don’t stress yourself out! Let us, your 【 One-Stop Event Planning 】 team, handle all the big and small details of your events!

Whether it’s a or , we’ve got your back. We’ll arrange everything for you with ease! 💪

Our team has extensive experience, covering everything from creative design to stage effects and program arrangements – all done professionally!

👉 Small, medium, or large events, we can create customized plans just for you, saving you time and hassle so you can focus on what matters most.

to make sure your event is flawless from start to finish 👍

✅ Comprehensive service, from planning to ex*****on – stress-free for you

✅ Professional team, delivering top-notch event experiences

✅ Tailored solutions that fit your budget and needs

✅ We’ll turn your vision into reality, making your event shine!

Don’t wait – PM us now! Book today and enjoy a free consultation. Leave it to us to make your event the highlight of the day!

📞: 012-534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

头疼婚礼布置选什么风格🤔【现代极简风婚礼】真的很好看和受欢迎同时是拍照打卡发在social media的绝佳选择📷‼️定制化设计像背景墙✅新人名字✅拱门✅让婚礼创新又温馨🥰最后就祝这对新人幸福美满✨长长久久💗“婚礼筹备压力大☝🏻放心交给我们...


同时是拍照打卡发在social media的绝佳选择📷‼️



“婚礼筹备压力大☝🏻放心交给我们 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 省心又美好🤗带来属于您的完美婚礼🎉
📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

"Feeling stuck choosing a wedding theme? 🤔
[Modern Minimalist Weddings] are truly stunning and incredibly popular‼️

Plus, they’re the perfect photo backdrop for social media moments! 📸✨

Customized designs like elegant backdrops✅personalized name displays✅and stylish arches✅make your wedding both unique and warm-hearted🥰

Wishing the happy couple a lifetime of love and joy! 💖

Planning your wedding feel like a headache? Relax and leave it to us https://wa.link/pxgoe6 ☝🏻🥰
📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

Wedding Hall: DoubleTree by Hilton, Melaka

#马六甲婚礼布置 #婚礼布置 #婚礼策划 #一站式婚礼策划

头疼婚礼布置选什么风格🤔【现代极简风婚礼】真的很好看和受欢迎同时是拍照打卡发在social media的绝佳选择📷‼️定制化设计像背景墙✅新人名字✅拱门✅让婚礼创新又温馨🥰最后就祝这对新人幸福美满✨长长久久💗“婚礼筹备压力大☝🏻放心交给我们...


同时是拍照打卡发在social media的绝佳选择📷‼️



“婚礼筹备压力大☝🏻放心交给我们 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 省心又美好🤗带来属于您的完美婚礼🎉
📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

Wedding Hall: Double Tree By Hilton Melaka

"Feeling stuck choosing a wedding theme? 🤔
[Modern Minimalist Weddings] are truly stunning and incredibly popular‼️

Plus, they’re the perfect photo backdrop for social media moments! 📸✨

Customized designs like elegant backdrops✅personalized name displays✅and stylish arches✅make your wedding both unique and warm-hearted🥰

Wishing the happy couple a lifetime of love and joy! 💖

Planning your wedding feel like a headache? Relax and leave it to us https://wa.link/pxgoe6 ☝🏻🥰

📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

Wedding Hall: DoubleTree by Hilton, Melaka

#马六甲婚礼布置 #婚礼布置 #婚礼策划 #一站式婚礼策划


第一次和 Happy Villa Melaka 合作 💯🎉
也感谢 Vendors 们给力的配合,

【 一岁妹妹 和 十七岁姐姐 】 的生日宴会,圆满结束 ❤️🎂

这次的event ,我们准备了
✅ Entrance Arch ( 迎宾拱门 )
✅ Customized Birthday Backdrop ( 生日打卡区布置 )
✅ Snackbooth ( 零食和甜点档口 )
📸 Photographer & Videographer

小小的生日会,我们还准备了美食街 🤩🤤
共有三个档口 ~

🍢中式烧烤 ( 好评满满 💯 )
🍧Cendol 档口 ( 户外event 必备 ,超解暑 )
🍢Satay档口 ( 本地人最爱 😍 )

还有最重要的是🍽️ Catering 自助餐 , 食物也是满满的好评

感恩大家的配合,让event 顺顺利利完成 ~ 顾客非常满意 👍🏻

#一站式活动策划公司 #我们全程负责

快看 🤩🎉 这家  #一站式活动策划公司 真的太GENG了!公司的   给他们搞到好看又体面!💯每次公司要做  #开张  #晚宴  #发布会 还是什么活动都好,真的很头痛的!要做到好看,要注重细节,又要under预算 💰别自己烦啦🤯 ‼️ ...

快看 🤩🎉 这家 #一站式活动策划公司 真的太GENG了!公司的 给他们搞到好看又体面!💯

每次公司要做 #开张 #晚宴 #发布会 还是什么活动都好,真的很头痛的!要做到好看,要注重细节,又要under预算 💰

别自己烦啦🤯 ‼️ 找我们【一站式活动策划】帮你搞定所有大大小小的活动!



👉 不管是小型中型大型活动,我们都能为你量身定做专属的策划方案,让你省时省力,不必再为这些事烦!

#我们全程负责,让你的活动从头到尾都完美无缺 👍

✅ 全程一手包办,从策划到执行,绝对不用你烦

✅ 专业团队,活动效果一流

✅ 根据你的预算和需求,提供最适合的方案

✅ 我们会把你的想法变成现实,让活动亮点不断!

不要再等了,现在就直接【PM】我们,我们提供一对一咨询 ‼️ .

We transformed the 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼 venue in Melaka into a vibrant celebration✨🚀Decorated in Isuzu's red and white‼️The space featu...

We transformed the 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼 venue in Melaka into a vibrant celebration✨🚀Decorated in Isuzu's red and white‼️

The space featured a balloon release for the opening🎈a dining area for guest interactions💯and the stage backdrop incorporates 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼's brand colour. The dessert area added a sweet touch🍮highlighting 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼's commitment to excellence through our designs🔥💪🏻

✅Opening ceremony design
✅Stage design
✅Dessert area design and setup
✅On-site coordination and support
✅Canopy and dining area setup

Looking to create a memorable event for your brand⁉️Contact us today📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 to bring your vision to life with seamless event planning and ex*****on🥰💪🏻

📞:012-534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious





想为您的品牌打造难忘的活动吗⁉️立即联系我们📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 让我们为您提供无缝的活动策划与执行服务🥰💪🏻

📞: 012-534 1395
IG:Le‘s Eventilicious

𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼 Melaka's grand opening was brought to life with the elegance of traditional Malay dance💃, the powerful beats of th...

𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼 Melaka's grand opening was brought to life with the elegance of traditional Malay dance💃, the powerful beats of the drums🥁, and the vibrant energy of a live band🎤. A celebration that seamlessly blended culture, music, and excitement💯🔥

Our services for this event included💥

✅Arranging and coordinating all performances
✅On-site event coordination and management
✅Providing a professional audio system
✅Backstage management to ensure smooth operations

Looking to create a memorable event for your brand⁉️Contact us today📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 to bring your vision to life with seamless event planning and ex*****on🥰💪🏻

📞: 012-534 1395
IG:Le‘s Eventilicious




想为您的品牌打造难忘的活动吗⁉️立即联系我们📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 让我们为您提供无缝的活动策划与执行服务🥰💪🏻

📞: 012-534 1395
IG:Le‘s Eventilicious

A grand opening with a creative twist✨ Ribbons🎀balloons🎈 and smiles came together to celebrate 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼’s launch at their b...

A grand opening with a creative twist✨ Ribbons🎀balloons🎈 and smiles came together to celebrate 𝑰𝑺𝑼𝒁𝑼’s launch at their brand new Melaka showroom🤩💯

Our service of this event included💥

✅Custom-designed decoration setup
✅Event branding elements design
✅Coordination of timing and ex*****on

Looking to create a memorable event for your brand⁉Contact us today📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 to bring your vision to life with seamless event planning and ex*****on🥰💪🏻

📞:012-534 1395
IG:Le‘s Eventilicious




想为您的品牌打造难忘的活动吗⁉立即联系我们📲 https://wa.link/pxgoe6 让我们为您提供无缝的活动策划与执行服务🥰💪🏻

📞:012-534 1395
IG: Le‘s Eventilicious


For stardust to spotlight!🌠We head the privilege of crafting this cosmic birthday and career anniversary event for who's been shining for 20 years🚀

生日快乐 🍰 庆祝20年的卓越成就 🎉✨ 准备好让你的下一场庆祝活动变得与众不同?让我们为你实现梦想!🌠 #场景设计 #与我们一起庆祝

【 Decoration Service 🎉 】
🎨Customised Design Backdrop
👨‍🔧Event Set up & Dismantle

👀Make your event just as unforgettable —📲get in touch with us https://wa.link/pxgoe6 for custom event decor that dazzles🚀

📞: 012-534 1395
IG : Le's Eventilicious

Happy Birthday and congratulations to 𝑱𝒐𝒆𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 on 20 incredible years in the spotlight!🌟🎂We're honoured to have design...

Happy Birthday and congratulations to 𝑱𝒐𝒆𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 on 20 incredible years in the spotlight!🌟🎂We're honoured to have designed this out-of-this-world celebration.

20年的星光璀璨与特别的生日齐聚一堂!🎂🚀祝Joey Leong生日快乐🥳出道20周年纪念日快乐🥰愿你在未来的道路上继续闪耀✨

Want to make your next event just as stellar? 📲Contact us today https://wa.link/pxgoe6 to bring your vision to life with seamless event planning and ex*****on👀🚀

📞: 012-534 1395
IG : Le's Eventilicious

For stardust to spotlight!🌠We head the privilege of crafting this cosmic birthday and career anniversary event for who's...

For stardust to spotlight!🌠We head the privilege of crafting this cosmic birthday and career anniversary event for who's been shining for 20 years🚀

生日快乐 🍰 庆祝20年的卓越成就 🎉✨ 准备好让你的下一场庆祝活动变得与众不同?让我们为你实现梦想!🌠 #场景设计 #与我们一起庆祝

【 Decoration Service 🎉 】
🎨Customised Design Backdrop
👨‍🔧Event Set up & Dismantle

👀Make your event just as unforgettable —📲get in touch with us https://wa.link/pxgoe6 for custom event decor that dazzles🚀

📞: 012-534 1395
IG : Le's Eventilicious






📍New Lagoon MelakaA dreamy pink wonderland for a love story as timeless as the blush of roses💗🤗✨Customized backdrop✅🎎Wal...

📍New Lagoon Melaka

A dreamy pink wonderland for a love story as timeless as the blush of roses💗🤗

✨Customized backdrop✅
💐Flower decor✅
💡Fancy light✅

Transform your special day into a stunning pink paradise! Let us craft your wedding dreams with elegance and style. 💕🌷"

Let’s create magic together—📲book your consultation with https://wa.link/pxgoe6 us today⌛️
📞:012 534 1395
IG:Le‘s Eventilicious


Imagine your wedding as the most beautiful ever curated📸

Each moment💍 each decoration✨ carefully designed to reflect your unique style and story.💌

💗Let's create magic together - 📱book your consultation with https://wa.link/pxgoe6 us today 🪄
📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

Wedding Hall : Lucky Palace Restaurant Melaka 馬六甲大好運酒家

#马六甲婚礼布置 #婚礼策划 #大好运酒家

Imagine your wedding as the most beautiful   ever curated📸Each moment💍 each decoration✨ carefully designed to reflect yo...

Imagine your wedding as the most beautiful ever curated📸

Each moment💍 each decoration✨ carefully designed to reflect your unique style and story.💌

💗Let's create magic together - 📱book your consultation with https://wa.link/pxgoe6 us today 🪄
📞: 012 - 534 1395
IG: Le's Eventilicious

Wedding Hall : Lucky Palace Restaurant Melaka 馬六甲大好運酒家

#马六甲婚礼布置 #婚礼策划 #大好运酒家

【 Smart Junior Sport Day 🏃 】Dopamine colors approach you with a happy atmosphere‼️🤩Surrounding by balloon🎈and colourful ...

【 Smart Junior Sport Day 🏃 】

Dopamine colors approach you with a happy atmosphere‼️🤩
Surrounding by balloon🎈and colourful design🟣🔵🟡

Bright colors brighten your day😎

Don't be tempted💭take action to contact via
https://wa.link/pxgoe6 , to get more information📲

📞019 550 0022
IG: Le‘s Eventilicious

星黛露主题生日布置走进现实⁉️非常适合小公主们的生日主题💗梦幻的城堡搭配紫色真的太出片📷星黛露和满满的气球🎈让孩子置身于星黛露的世界中💜🤩拒绝日常化的生日派对‼️📍Location : The Colonial Homestay Melak...





📍Location : The Colonial Homestay Melaka


📞:019 550 0022
IG: Le’s Eventilicious

夏天橘色系婚礼 🌿 | 一站式搞定 🪄最新婚礼场地 【 The Vow Event , Muar 】 💍 一踏进这个场地,就能感受到婚礼的浪漫气氛和温馨的氛围 🧡~为什么要选择 𝑳𝒆’𝒔 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 婚礼布置❓💝【婚礼布置配...

夏天橘色系婚礼 🌿 | 一站式搞定 🪄
最新婚礼场地 【 The Vow Event , Muar 】 💍 一踏进这个场地,就能感受到婚礼的浪漫气氛和温馨的氛围 🧡~
为什么要选择 𝑳𝒆’𝒔 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 婚礼布置❓





我们提供一站式服务从场地选择 #婚礼主题布置与搭建 💒 #精美甜点与蛋糕 🍰 #伴手礼 🎁 #婚礼流程 📝 #多种自助餐选择 🍲 #音响与灯光 🔊都能够包办


#马六甲活动策划 #马六甲婚礼策划团队 #马六甲婚礼布置 #见证爱情最美的样子 #生活需要仪式感 #记录幸福时刻 #马六甲婚礼场景布置 #我的走心婚礼 #婚礼现场 #婚礼策划师 #真实婚礼 #马六甲一站式策划






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