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There is no greater beauty or charm than what we can find in nature. - Todd Romano
Only at BüKE!
Nothing could go wrong for our preserved forever flower hanging on your keychain or as a bag charm.
MYR 39.00 only!
Limited piece and color. Grab yours now. #bükeflowersngift #preservedflower #PreservedRoses #keychain #giftmalaysia #giftsabah #giftideas #hadiah #flowers #bouquetmurah #bouquetofflowers
Apart from chocolate, gifts and fresh flowers, B Ü K E also provide arrangements for preserved flowers that can last long up to 2 years.
Imagine you have beautiful flowers sitting on you table and you can keep it sane, radiant and pretty for over years.
It's suitable for a momento, achievement token, memorial sentiments.
So why don't you have one arrangement for you or your love one.
As much as we value quality and our customers satisfaction, we also treasure a money value.
Dont sweat, InshaAllah our price is you mampu-milik kinda thing.
So apa tunggu lagi? Mari kemari merapat dan lihat-lihat pilihan yang ada. Kalau tidak ketemu, boleh terus bertanya kepada kami.
P/S: it's the cheapest in town yalll!!! 💰
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