Emcee Su Wan

Emcee Su Wan Experienced emcee/master of ceremonies, strive to deliver memorable and engaging experiences.

Honoured to be invited to co-host the remarkable “2023 The Page Elite Entrepreneur” appreciation night together with par...

Honoured to be invited to co-host the remarkable “2023 The Page Elite Entrepreneur” appreciation night together with partner in crime & ever elegant Emcee Yee Yee It was an unforgettable night filled with celebration, connections, and incredible moments.

很荣幸被邀请主持“2023年《商页菁英2023》表扬晚宴”,与搭档及女神主持人Emcee Yee Yee一起主持。这是一个充满欢庆、交流和令人难忘的夜晚。

The PAGE is a captivating business magazine published bi-monthly since 2017. It covers a wide range of content, including exclusive interviews, corporate stories, global financial trends, and more.

《商页》The PAGE杂志不断分享许多成功与激励人心的企业故事,为读者提供开拓新业务的信息与灵感。每个创业旅程背后都有一段故事。
《商页菁英》是The Page商页的年度重头特刊,展现30位在商界崭露头角的杰出人物,讲述了他们在商业领域鼓舞人心的成功故事,并为读者提供开拓新业务的信息和灵感。

《商页菁英》也为优秀的企业家们搭建一个展示 实力的平台,透过特刊、电台访问、录影、推介礼 和表扬环节,让社会大众共同见证这些非同凡响 的企业家们,如何技压群雄,在竞争激烈的商业 环境脱颖而出。

读者们将视这些进取精神为学习典范,以最高的 水平自我鞭策,追求卓越、冲出大马,放眼世界。

"✨ Proud and Grateful ✨Had the absolute pleasure of being the emcee at Michael and Jolene's beautiful wedding! 🎉✨ Being ...

"✨ Proud and Grateful ✨

Had the absolute pleasure of being the emcee at Michael and Jolene's beautiful wedding! 🎉✨ Being part of their special day was an incredible experience, filled with love, joy, and unforgettable moments.

As your host, I always strive to create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere, ensuring that every moment is filled with excitement and cherished memories. It was an honor to guide the proceedings, keeping the energy high and the celebrations flowing smoothly.

Thank you, Michael and Jolene, for trusting me to be a part of your magical day. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness! 💍❤️.

✨ 骄傲与感恩 ✨

非常荣幸成为Michael和Jolene美丽婚礼的主持人!🎉✨ 参与他们特别的一天是一次难忘的体验,充满了爱、喜悦和难以忘怀的时刻。



#婚礼司仪 #专业主持人 #难忘时刻






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