Another ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ google review! Showtimes 3 & 7pm every Saturday at @club_wyndhamSkyline Tower in Atlantic City. Steps from the beach and boardwalk. #googlereviews #5star #thingstodoinatlanticcity @visit_atlanticcity @buckscountymag @gotowhitney @doac @north2shore @atlanticcitynightlife @absecon_lighthouse @ac_conciergeassoc @wyndhamhotels @atlanticcountymag
Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and to everyone who has supported this show throughout the past year. Thank you for those id you who have helped build this show to what it is today. Both New Year’s Eve shows are completely sold out. Next show day will be Saturday, January 4th and every Saturday throughout the entire year of 2025!!!! #themagiccomedyhour #nye2024 #atlanticcitysfavoritemagician #thankyou
Visiting Atlantic City New Jersey this weekend? The Magic Comedy Hour has over a hundred ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google reviews and seats available for Saturday 3 & 7PM at Club Wyndham Skyline Tower 6th floor theater. Discounted parking & concessions available. Ticket link in bio
A second show added New Years Eve at the Club Wyndham Skyline Tower! A few seats left for the 8 PM show and tickets now available for our 10 PM show! Includes champagne toast featuring award-winning magician Joe Holiday with special guest comedian/actor @michaelpaullive as seen on the Tonight show, sex, and the city and America’s got talent! Ticket link bio or visit Shows will sell out! Get your tickets now! #atlanticcity #thingstodoinatlanticcity #atlanticcitynewjersey #nye2024 #champagnetoast @doac @visit_atlanticcity
The Magic Comedy Hour NYE show celebration with complimentary champagne toast. Featuring award winning Magician Joe Holiday & Special Guest @michaelpaullive as seen on The Tonight Show, Sex and the City and America’s Got Talent. Parking, drinks and concessions available at the theater. Accessible parking & seating. Showtime @ 8pm. Seating is limited so get your tickets now! Ticket link in bio or visit #nye2025 #nyeatlanticcity #atlanticcitynewjersey #themagiccomedyhour #thingstodoinatlanticcity #champagnetoast #jerseyshore
Atlantic City’s Premier Magic Experience! New Year’s Eve Show Celebration 1-Show December 31st @8PM featuring Magician Joe Holiday and Comedian @michaelpaullive ticket link in bio or visit #atlanticcity #nye2024 #themagiccomedyhour #thingstodoinatlanticcity #newyears @doac @visit_atlanticcity
Atlantic City’s only 5-Star Google rated magic experience! Two shows every Saturday 3 & 7 PM! Special New Year’s Eve Show celebration with champagne toast included December 31 @ 8 PM with Magician Joe Holiday and Comedian @michaelpaullive ticket link in bio or visit #atlanticcity #thingstodoinatlanticcity #themagiccomedyhour #nye2024 #jerseyshore
Atlantic City’s ONLY 5-Star Google rated Magic Show! Every Saturday 3 & 7pm showtimes. NYE Celebration show includes champagne toast featuring Magician Joe Holiday with special guest Comedian @michaelpaullive 12/31/24 8pm. Ticket link in bio or visit #atlanticcity #thingstodoinatlanticcity #themagiccomedyhour #nye2024 @doac @visit_atlanticcity @gotowhitney @thecitypulse @ac_conciergeassoc @club_wyndhamskylinetower @mrkelseygrammer
The Magic Comedy Hour NYE celebration Featuring award winning Magician Joe Holiday with special guest appearance by Michael Paul as seen on: The Tonight Show, Sex and the City and America’s Got Talent. Onsite parking, drinks, concessions available at the theater. December 31st Showtime @ 8pm with a complimentary champagne toast. Atlantic City’s only 5-star Google rated magic show. Seating is limited ticket link in bio or visit @club_wyndhamskylinetower #nye2024 #thingstodoinatlanticcity #atlanticcitynewjersey
An Atlantic City NYE celebration like no other! The Magic Comedy Hour featuring Magician Joe Holiday with special guest comedian @michaelpaullive @club_wyndhamskylinetower 8pm one show only! Limited seating ticket link in bio or visit #thingstodoinatlanticcity #themagiccomedyhour #nye2024 #atlanticcity
Join us for our NYE celebration and champagne toast. Special guest appearance with Magician Joe Holiday. Advance tickets now on sale at @club_wyndhamskylinetower #thingstodoinatlanticcity #atlanticcitynewjersey #nye2024 #atlanticcitysfavoritemagician
We reached 💯FIVE STAR Google reviews! Thanks to @sharonmfesta @rich_kurtz @e_troudt @kkefalas @disney_dad71 @michaelpaullive @mcangry @ericdasher @natemagic @sara_troudt @dianetroudt @maxfineran @briancurrylies @doac steve&heather @angie_festa @maggie_.1027 #robmurray @wernicoff @sebastian.goldstein @jannaexquinn @nick_kienzle216 @aayfranco @jessmcanulty @oh_age @otisdadispatcher @melissamason @gotowhitney @acmikenj @visit_atlanticcity #jincraneshow @ac_conciergeassoc @absecon_lighthouse @club_wyndhamskylinetower #Megan&Matt and the entire skyline tower sales and activities crew Carmen,Blanca,Matt, @casscabell Mel and Adrianna for all of your support and hard work! I have the best damn friends and team a person could ask for! Well hit 💯 shows in early May 2025, so get ready to party! #thingstodoinatlanticcity #atlanticcitynewjersey #themagiccomedyhour #acboardwalk #teamworkmakesthedreamwork