The pressure of SINGLENESS
Chapter one B
Pain can come for a single person because of absence of having a partner in their lives.The waiting period can be extremely painful and lonely.it is important to know that God's way of doing things does not make sense to the average person.similarly,his timing differs from our concept of time.The world today hates patient and waiting,we want it now or never forgetting that everything worth gold is worth waiting for.The rushing into relationship can lead to more pain than the waiting period.
One of the advantages of a single person among others is that there can attend to the things of God without distraction.1cor7:33-34.
So what are we saying;you are free to go to wherev'er you want to and whatever you want to.But people in relationship need to compromise to satisfy their partners.you do not compromise your space and time with any body rather this is time to develop yourself, your career, health alongside with your relationship with God, family and friends.you should also reach for your dreams and aspirations in life.Do not allow your desires to get out of hand, set your mind on things above.Donot pre-occuppy your thoughts with marriage and sex,set your mind on spiritual things.OCCUPY FOR JESUS.