Packages are already moving out 💃💃
Ensure you make someone smile today with a box of goodness from @noleyskitchen
Sales are up and running, don’t miss out!
#foodpacksabuja #foodboxesabuja #suprisepackagesarethebest #noleyskitchen #showlovetoday #happyday
We deliver lunch packages hot, fresh and tasty .
Call: 08135721595 to place your orders 🥰🥰
We love to feed you
#lunchpackagespecial #lunchpackabuja #tastymealsalways #preorderlunchavailable #noleyskitchenabuja #noleyskitchenvaluesyou #supertastymeals😋
Maggi jollof signature 💕 for your homecoming firewood jollof .
It’s all African here!!
@maggi_nigeria @ghmaggi @homecomingjollof #homecomingjoy #firewoodjollofrice😍 #maggijollofsignature
@noleyskitchen #supertastydishes #abujaskitchen #preordersonly #yummylunch #yummysoupbowls
Still on the matter, how was your day?
My clients are amazing
#foodielover #foodloversabuja #eatwellabuja #preordermealsonly #yummydishesonly #tastyandspicy😋😋 @noleyskitchen
Good afternoon from our kitchen
👉food bowls
👉surprise tray
👉lunch packages
👉healthy drinks and canapés
#noleyskitchenvaluesyou #noleyskitchenabuja #tastydishes @noleyskitchen #yummydishesmeals #yummydishesonly #preordermealsonly #24hrsnoticerequired
Make una come here ooo!!!
I don de hold phone since morning, Biko come and buy ticket naaaa, make I no go village ooo🙏
#noleyskitchendinner #africandinnerabuja #yummydishesmeals #irep29thoct #africandishesonly #tastymealsalways #afticanattire
Let’s make your day smoky 😋
Lunchtime with noleys keeps your day bubbling 💃💃💃
👉lunch packages
👉bulk orders
#noleyskitchen #lunchpackagespecial #abujalunchtime #tastyandyummy😋 #eventsabuja #firewoodjolofrice #smokyjollofrice #jollofriceloversonly #jollofricemeetings
My people you don chop?
Seafood okra that makes the heart leap for joy
Exceptional taste filled with plenty sea hold up
Call us to satisfy your cravings
#noleyskitchenabuja #seafoodokrasouponmymind😃 #seafoodokraabuja #homedeliveryserviceavailable🏍️🚘 #pickupdeliveries #yummydishesmeals #seafoodokralovers #snailsandprawns #tastymelasabuja #lunchordersabuja
More ofada goodness 😍
It’s always a pleasure every time we get to serve you
#noleyskitchen #ofadalovers #yummydishesalways #tastymeals #abujalunch
#bangasouplovers #chefN #abujacheflife #abujacheflife #abujafoodiediaries #abujaafricandinner #culturaldishes #yummydishesonly #preordersonly‼️ #tastymealsalways #doorstepdelivery🏃🏽🚚 #eatwellabuja #foodforthesoul💕 #abujaonlinekitchen #abùjaevents #abujacatrer #abujapartiesforadults #lunchpackagesabuja
Good morning abuja !!
#noleyskitchen #thefoodwelove #egusisouprecipe #abujameals #abujadoupbowls #soupbowlinabuja
ATAMA soup!! All my akwaibom people gather in ooo and order, you will definitely thank me!
The taste is simply out of this world!!!
#akwaibomkitcheninabuja #atamasoup🤑😝😜🙈🙈 #akawaibomsoup #preordersonly‼️ #yummydelicacies #enjoytastymeals #noleyskitchen
Small chops available on preorder for your events.
A taste will convince you better!!!
#smallchopsabujachops #abujachefjobs #noleyskitchenabuja #smallchopsvendorinabuja
A Surprise tray that make the heart skip for joy 🤩
We are always available to serve you ! 24- 48hrs notice.
#cookinglove❤️ #abujasuprisetrays #birthdaytrays #noleyskitchen #surprisepackagesabuja
It’s the Tuesday magic 😊😊🙌🙌
#noleyskitchen #abujàfoodies #soupbowlsabuja #yummydishesalways
You can’t go wrong with our yummy delicacies
What soup are you having for the weekend?
#noleyskitchenabuja #freezermeals101 #soupbowlsabuja
Weekend getaway 🥰🥰
#freshness #freshmealsalways #yummydelicacies😋 #okrosouplovers #abujatastymeals #abujalunchpackages #noleyskitchen #lunchpackagespecial #lunchpackagesabuja
The reviews keep us on our feet always.
Satisfied client✊
#satisfiedclient😌 #abujaclients #abujaclientsrock #noleyskitchen #abujafoodies #lunckpackages#yummydishes__ #eatwellabuja
It’s the obstacles for me 😋😋
It’s a good day to order yummy delicacies from @noleyskitchen
#chefofsoups #noleyskitchen #chefforlife👩🏻🍳 #abujachefabujacaterer #abujacheflove #cateringservicesinabia #soupbowlsinabuja #soupwithobstacles #soupwithgrade #yummydishesonly #freezerbowls #occassionsandmore #loveyourself #lovedorfood #foodiesofabuja