Beta don Land
Atanda have another good news for you people today.
Sometimes ago on this platform i talked about how you can b-u-y land and bu!ld h0use for yourself with M0rtgage L0ans.
The oga patapata na f£deral m0rtgage L0an which is now open 0fficially again and you better take advantage of it before it closes.
This might be your chance to 0wn a h0use and be pay'ing back small small with almost no inter£st because it's fund£d by the f£deral g0vt directly.
You ppu kukuma know say Atanda no go bring fak£ updates come here at all.
And i will always share what is going to be ben£ficial to you people.
Well, Na Pa Tinubu say make ona come enjoy this one
Dey call it REN£WED H0P£ H0US!NG
I will put the L!nk to apply for it in the c0mments s£ction
Make sure you are among the first set of ppu dat R£gister
Pls don't keep this inf0rmation to your self alone
Ignorance of the Law and opportunities is not excuse to remain a T£nant after retir£ment age.