The day I truly understood that God wants me to succeed even more than I want to succeed, everything about how I viewed life changed.
Disappointments? Failures? People walking away?
They all started looking less like tragedies and more like God’s way of saving me from something I couldn’t yet see.
Someone once asked me, “What would you do if you trained a lady through school only for her to graduate and marry someone else?”
My answer? NOTHING!
Yes, you read that right. It's that simple.
I would do absolutely nothing. I kid you not.
What were you expecting? You think I'll kill myself or drag her online? To what end?
As painful as it might seem in the moment, I’d choose to be glad. And here’s why...
It’s often said that a broken relationship is better than a broken engagement, but do you know what’s even better?
A broken engagement, it is far better than a broken marriage. Some people don't understand this thing.
Worse come to worse, I'd rather have a broken engagement over and again than one broken marriage. I'm serious.
Imagine the agony of tying your life to someone who isn’t meant to walk that path with you.
Imagine enduring years of mismatched values, constant conflicts, and shattered trust.
Imagine managing year in year out to fulfill God's will for your life with someone who isn't going in the same direction as you but you're stuck together.
If they can leave, it means they weren't meant for you in the first place. So imagine marrying the wrong person, do you think your life will be colourful?
When someone chooses to leave, they might be saving you from all of that. You better wake up and put yourself together.
This perspective is a game changer. The one who's meant for you will never leave you, if at some point they left, that's exactly where their assignment ended.
Looking back now, every breakup I’ve experienced has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I'm glad they happened, seriously.
At the time, it might have felt like my world was ending, but with hindsight, I realized that God was redirecting me toward something better.
And here’s the thing, people often reveal their true colours before they leave.
The red flags are there. The inconsistencies are glaring. The signs are clear.
But many of us ignore them because we’re blinded by what we think is “love.”
Let me tell you something, your love doesn’t have the power to change the wrong person.
You can pray, cry, and pour out your heart, but if they aren’t the one for you, it won’t work.
Their departure, no matter how painful, might just be God’s way of answering prayers you didn’t even know how to pray.
If such a situation were to happen to me, I wouldn’t see it as a shocking betrayal. I’d see it as a confirmation of what God had already been trying to show me.
And trust me, there are always traces, yeah, real signs we often choose to ignore.
Emphasis on "WE CHOOSE TO IGNORE."
Instead of holding on to bitterness, I’d thank God for revealing the truth before it was too late. I'd thank God for allowing the person to take the decision I was too weak to take.
And I’d choose to trust that His plans for me are far greater than anything I could imagine.
My counsel to you?
When people walk away, don’t fight to hold on to them. Let them go with grace.
Trust God to bring the right person into your life—the one who will walk with you, build with you, and honour God with you.
You want to kill yourself because someone left?
That's not just unwise, it's also very stupid. It's a proof that you don't love yourself in the first place, and that my friend, is a bigger problem.
So remember this, God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Even your heartbreak, disappointment, and loss are tools in His hands to shape you into who you’re meant to be and prepare you for what He has prepared for you.
When you learn to see rejection as God’s redirection, you’ll experience peace that surpasses all understanding.
Stay open, stay hopeful, and let God’s perfect will unfold in your life. You may not like it, but if God is the one in charge, He'll turn it all around for your good.
You may not marry who you want, but trust me, with God by your side, you'll marry who you need. That's even better.
But listen, this is just a counsel and you can do with it as you please 🙏🏾
If you got my point, say "I HEAR."
Enjoy 😊