When it comes to the issues of exes, I wish people will be honest and sincere. It's unhealthy to entertain an ex, someone you've ended a love relationship with, the relationship is dead or has expired, it has no life, so you don't feed it. Nobody in their right senses will keep feeding a déad animal knowing it's déàd.
Why will you give attention to someone you want to leave behind? Entertaining them means you don't want to let them go.
The fact that you ended the relationship doesn't make them your enemy, one is supposed to learn from that relationship and move on.
You're supposed to build your relationship with your new partner, bond with them, get to know them and create memories 🥰
We've people that are in committed relationships who are constantly entertaining their Exes, talking about what? 💭🤔🤷
Yet these people will not be happy if their partners entertain their exes, people guilty of this behavior try to make statements such as your ex is not your enemy.
©️ Damilola Comfort Sunday ✍️✍️✍️