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Liberty Media We produce high quality videos using world-class tools to satisfy our clients needs and budget.


Good morning, beloved community! 🙏 Welcome to "A Time With God," our sacred sanctuary of early morning prayer. As the sun gently kisses the horizon, let us gather in unity and reverence to commune with the Divine. In the hushed moments before dawn, let's cultivate stillness within, opening our hearts to grace and guidance. Together, we embark on a journey of spiritual awakening, finding solace in each whispered prayer and shared intention. May this sacred space be a beacon of hope, love, and support for all who seek solace and strength. Join us, as we embrace the dawn with faith and gratitude. 🌟


Buying Church Media Assets: How to Convince “The Boss”

Aside from a few larger churches where everyone has a departmental budget, most church media teams need to convince their pastor to purchase any piece of gear or new media assets.
If you’ve been left with that role, you know the anxiety that comes before “the pitch.” He’s going to ask why you need it, how much it costs, probably stall for a second, and then ask you why you don’t consider a cheaper alternative (even though we both know you did extensive research and landed on this option because it was the best.) It’s a tough dance.

Buying Church Media Assets: Convincing Your Pastor
Remember – you and the pastor probably have the same goal: you want outstanding quality and impactful church services. At the end of the day, that remains the same. The only difference is the disagreement between what’s necessary to get there.
So, if you’re struggling with how to convince your pastor to invest in new church media assets, here are a few tips:

1. Recognize Pastors Care About Visuals
It’s easy to get carried away with describing what you want, why you want it, and how you could use it. Remember that most pastors care about visuals equally as much as you and the best way to convince them may just be to show them.
Of course, there are probably some differences in opinion between you and your pastor on what design looks best, so approach them with designs that you know will appeal to them. If you’re looking at a motion background provider like Motion Worship, show them stuff you know they will like – whether that’s more colorful, abstract, and upbeat motion backgrounds, or more traditional, slow, nature-based backgrounds.
Also, if you can find any free media from the provider you’re looking at, use that for sake of demonstration. Pastors care about visuals just like you. Don’t just describe what you need – show them if you can.

2. Do Your Research and Know Your Options
This is for a few reasons. For you, it is important that you don’t convince your pastor to purchase something you’ll regret in a year. If you’re going to upgrade, make sure you know it will last, perform the tasks you need, and become an essential piece of your workflow.
Chances are that your pastor will be skeptical of any purchase, not because they’re being frugal, but because they want to know that money put towards any aspect of your church is truly for the better. Best way to convince them? - Actual evidence from research and the word of others.
Do your research on the gear and compile a list of exactly how you would implement it. If it’s a new projector, where and how will it be mounted? Does additional stuff need to be purchased to operate it? What are the specs of your existing projector vs. the new one, and how will that impact the quality?
But after doing initial research, seek out the word of others. Call local A/V companies or email them so you have their response written. Post on Facebook groups and online forums asking others.
If you have clear evidence from research as well as the word of industry experts backing your decision, it will be much more convincing to your pastor than you simply asking him for it. It gives him an opportunity to see the benefits the way you do. Give him a clear picture.

3. Connect it to The Mission
This isn’t just for convincing your pastor – this is a good question for you to be asking yourself. How will this new piece of gear or new subscription actually benefit your church’s mission?
As someone who works on creative teams in a church, my opinion is certainly that improved quality in worship and service production helps reach people. I’d assume your pastor believes the same thing.
Describe the visual or auditory difference the upgrade will make. How will it affect the experience for the congregation? Your pastor’s priority and heart is on improving the experience for attendees and furthering the mission of your church. If you can clearly connect a media asset purchase to the congregational experience, your pastor will be more interested in helping out with the purchase.

In Summary
At the end of the day, it’s good to even remind ourselves that none of this is about us. While you may be excited about trying out a new media asset, we need to keep our eyes focused on the experience for congregation members. Does this help improve the experience for congregation members, and will it draw more people to the church to hear the Word of God?
When you think that way, you’ll better understand your pastor’s focus, which can help with talking to him/her about an upgrade or new purchase that needs to happen.
Also remember that your pastor cares about visuals, maybe even as much as you. Understand what their design preferences are and consider those when demonstrating what a new church media asset purchase may make!

Last year – 2023, October I approached my pastor about the need to get three new cameras for our productions, some light gears, cables etc; considering the high cost we narrowed down to two and together with the pastor we paid for it. One arrival and implement, the pastor got exited and he gave fund to get the third camera. We got this done in less than three months without taking fund from church’s purse not receiving contribution from any member.
These things I did:
1. Prayer to God about the needs
2. Approach the Pastor
3. Recognize the Pastor’s care
4. Do my research
5. Connect the needs to the church’s mission – soul winning.

In case you’re feeling discouraged about your responsibilities in the house of God, there’s someone somewhere watching y...

In case you’re feeling discouraged about your responsibilities in the house of God, there’s someone somewhere watching your services and being blessed!
You and your church are their bridge to Christ. Keep up the good work!

Never be weary of doing good for in due season you shall reap the reward if you faint not.

In our quest for an appealing stage design, we initially experimented with projection backgrounds, but the challenge of ...

In our quest for an appealing stage design, we initially experimented with projection backgrounds, but the challenge of a low ceiling hindered optimal results. The attempt with LED strip design proved unsatisfactory.

However, a breakthrough came when we opted for a printed sticker approach. Leveraging our existing board frame, we strategically replaced the front wash light with top spotlights, surpassing our expectations. Remarkably, this budget-friendly transformation, costing us less than $100, not only elevated the quality of our video production but also significantly increased our church's social media following.

The versatile printed sticker solution proved to be the key to a visually impressive and cost-effective stage design, leaving a lasting impact on both our in-person and online audiences.


What is mastering?

Mastering takes an audio mix and brings it to distribution quality. It’s the final step to balance your mix, unify sonic elements and optimize playback response for all file formats and devices. It typically consists of a series of subtle audio processes including stereo enhancement, compression, equalization and limiting. It’s the vital connection between your hard work as a creator and radio-ready sound quality.

Here are a few advantages to mixing your live stream on a DAW (digital audio workstation) instead of a mixing console.Pl...

Here are a few advantages to mixing your live stream on a DAW (digital audio workstation) instead of a mixing console.

Plugins - You can easily integrate advanced plugins like vocal tuning and drum replacement which help your stream sound "radio ready."

Multi-track Recording - You can multi-track record as you stream audio through a DAW, allowing you to play the audio back and remix it later.

Simple User Interface - A DAW gives you 100% control over your mix layout, meaning you can simplify it for volunteers new to mixing. But in just a few clicks, a more experience mix engineer can dive into the weeds.

Take note

Take note

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

By His death and resurrection, we now have abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness through which we reign above life.

Happy Easter.


Hardworking but lazy (Part 1)

It is possible for hardworking people to also be lazy, depending on how they approach their work and what their goals are. It is important to take a step back and reflect on whether the effort being put in is actually leading to meaningful results, and to constantly challenge oneself to grow and pursue passions and interests.

Hard work and productivity are not always the same thing. Many people can work long hours and appear busy without actually accomplishing much. This is often referred to as "busy work" and can be a way to avoid more important tasks or responsibilities. In this sense, someone can be hardworking in the sense that they put in long hours but still be lazy in terms of not using their time and resources efficiently.

Some hardworking people may become complacent in their jobs, sticking to routines and avoiding taking on new challenges or responsibilities. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a feeling of being stuck in a rut. In this case, someone may appear to be hardworking but not actually be pushing themselves to their full potential.

Some hardworking people may be working towards the wrong goals, or goals that are not truly aligned with their passions or interests. This can lead to a lack of drive and a sense of dissatisfaction, even if they are putting in a lot of effort towards their work. In this sense, someone may be hardworking but still be lazy in terms of not putting in the effort to find a more fulfilling career path.

I urge you this day to encourage someone not to be hardworkingly lazy.


Welcome to our Facebook Church Livestreaming Service! We are so glad you have joined us today. Although we may be physically apart, we are united in our faith and our desire to worship together.

We invite you to participate fully in this service, singing along to the hymns, listening to the message, and connecting with others in the comments section. We hope that you will feel the presence of God and experience the love and support of our online community.

We understand that this is a challenging time for many, and we hope that this service will bring you comfort, hope, and inspiration. May you be blessed as you worship with us today.


Every family is a small business and small businesses is the backbone of every economy.
When small businesses thrives the economy thrives, when families is in unison the society is in unison.

No matter how near partners are, there are gaps to be filled -- a reason you must be part of this month's edition of Wisdom For Marital Success.

It's a new month.Start with confidence, your only limitation is you. Rise up and March.

It's a new month.
Start with confidence, your only limitation is you. Rise up and March.

Daily the world get linked and better -- thanks to technology; anywhere you find mediocrity it's the choice of the decis...

Daily the world get linked and better -- thanks to technology; anywhere you find mediocrity it's the choice of the decision makers therein.

2022 we built an internet radio system -- web, Android and iOS (development in progress) for a client.

This is my joy in the project:
1. Solution developed in Nigeria
2. For an Australian based client
3. Transmission from India
4. Broadcast access across the World.

If you have not embraced technology you are not helping yourself.

Your stage design is as beautiful as your light design. The back stage design may not be georgous but if you've got a ri...

Your stage design is as beautiful as your light design. The back stage design may not be georgous but if you've got a rightly designed lightening system it will augment for the stage shortfalls.

Light was so important as much as it could that God could not do anything on earth until he designed a lightening system for He said, "Let there be light..."
There must be light before anything can can work in media tech.

You may not necessarily need to start with expensive light rigs or console but with something basic that can lit up your stage you can get going and improve as supplies increases.

Lightkey is a Mac based software that can be used to program your lights and automated with Pro Presenter for your lyrics. Lightkey offers 24 inputs free - which is good to start with.

In summary, if you must get media right, you must get lightened rightly.

How to handle a singing PastorOvertime there is the assumption that Pastor's are bad singers -- an assumption I highly d...

How to handle a singing Pastor

Overtime there is the assumption that Pastor's are bad singers -- an assumption I highly disagree with. Everything spirit lead are good for there is no variableness nor shadow of turning in the things of the spirit. But Pastor's do sound horrible many times singing. Why? Mixing console and or microphone tuning.

To help a singing Pastor, do these:
1. Duo patch his/her microphone
2. On one channel, make the microphone fit for preaching
3. On the second channel, make the microphone fit for singing.

When the Pastor transition singing, switch to the channel set fit for singing and vice versa.

Note: On the channel set fit for singing, apply the necessary plugins and set the channel a little bit higher above every other microphones -- he's now a lead singer.
And most importantly, apply vocal tuning.


Every church deserves great sound because the quality of your sound may determine the quality and the quantity of your audience... who no like better thing?

With the advent of technology, sound mixing now split into:
1. Live mixing and
2. Broadcast mixing

Within both kinds of mixing -- live and broadcast mixing, are the basic fundamentals:

i. Gain: Gain in audio is a term for the amount of amplification applied to a signal by any process that increases its strength. It’s measured in decibels, or dB for short. A good way to think about gain is as the difference in signal strength between the input and the output of an audio system or processor.

ii. EQ: Get rid of moodiness and reduces the frequencies you don't need.

iii. Compressor: It makes everything sound more consistent and smoother. It reduces the differences between the loudest and quietest part of your mixing.
You can apply compressor to individual channels (if you mix with a digital mixer) or the whole mix i.e. mastering process.
Compressor allow you to control gains within certain threshold.

iv. Effects: It adds the element of space to your mix; it add ambience.
For instance, in the effect -- reverb, you can send all your mix to a bus and apply same reverberation setting to all or, delay the sound to make it bigger, repeats it and then fade it away.

v. Vocal tuning: vocal tuning is a processing that allows your mixing to listen to voice(s) and then tune it to definite key.

As a Sound Engineer, Worship Leader, Tech Director, etc the beauty of your mix is best amplified by:
1. Getting your musical band to play in the right note
2. Making your Singers to sing in pitch.

Encoding is the process of compressing large video files for easier uploading to the internet. Broadcasters live streami...

Encoding is the process of compressing large video files for easier uploading to the internet. Broadcasters live streaming setup need either a hardware or software encoder for the job.

A hardware encoder takes a feed from your camera and audio sources or your video mixer into a physical box. A hardware encoder connects directly to the internet to send the feed (attached picture is an hardware encoder).
A software encoder requires a computer on site. In this setup, video sources send signals to the computer with a video capture device. The software reads the input and pushes the stream to the internet through the computer's internet connection (a popular software encoder is OBS).

Hardware encoder is better because of its simplicity and consistency.

Using a software encoder on a computer introduces the potential pains of computer and software updates, CPU usage limits, network connection issues, and security problems. With a laptop or desktop involved, you open yourself to many more obstacles and difficulties that might prevent a successful broadcast.

Unlike computers, hardware encoders are dedicated to one task— encoding your video. Hardware encoders free you from having to worry about other computer-related hassles such as CPU usage, memory, and network security issues.

*** *** ***

Hardware encoders aren't the right solution for every broadcaster. In many situations, your team may benefit from using software .

However, if your goal is to simplify your streaming process and eliminate risks and pain points, hardware encoders are your answer.

Dear Church Tech Team,While it is necessary to have your media contents on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok etc it is more impo...

Dear Church Tech Team,

While it is necessary to have your media contents on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok etc it is more important you have them all in your personalized media platform -- app or website.
Don't just leverage with the secular media platforms, also build you own robust and highly competitive church digital space.

Why must you do this?
Facebook may disappoint anytime -- you don't have control over that. YouTube, TikTok, Twitter may all disappoint when least expected since you don't have control over them.
But you can have control over your own spaces. If the conventional media system breakdown in the middle of a production, your audience who already knows your spaces can easily switch over without bad feelings and those who don't can swiftly be redirected without hassle.

In 2023, consider having a personalized digital space for your ministry tech.

Dante is a digital audio networking system that helps you to transmit and receive audio signal in real-time across diffe...

Dante is a digital audio networking system that helps you to transmit and receive audio signal in real-time across different devices.
In worship and church tech, leveraging with the Dante network allow you to automate activities. With Dante you can cue stage light transmission, automate lyrics in projection screens, engage tracks without delay,... with Dante, you can turn your PC to a digital audio mixer.

In the weeks ahead, consider using Dante if you want an improved media production.

If you are into church tech production, in 2023 consider using DAW for your broadcast mix.If your budget can carry it, W...

If you are into church tech production, in 2023 consider using DAW for your broadcast mix.
If your budget can carry it, Waves eMotion will be ground breaking for front of house mixing.

Attached picture is a post production broadcast mixing.

We invite you to this free training. Register at

We invite you to this free training. Register at


Friday 23rd April 2021 Power Service


Birthday wishes

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We are just a call near you

Call us on 07068833966

Call us on 07068833966

Call us on 07068833966 for your video projects

Call us on 07068833966 for your video projects


A video advert we produce for a Netherlands establishment.
Speak to us about your video projects.

Call us on +2347068833966 for your next video project.

Call us on +2347068833966 for your next video project.

Call us on: +2347068833966 for your video projects

Call us on: +2347068833966 for your video projects






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