Academics are warning that AI could alter the world the way we know it now. Can you imagine an Artificial Intelligence robotic Lawyer representing you before a judge in court? It’s knowledge of case law will be limitless and 99.99% accurate.
With Artificial Intelligence Robotic Attorneys, we really may not need humans going to law school, the profession may become obsolete.
What about an Artificial Intelligence robotic medical doctor? Do you know it’s ability to diagnose illness and prescribe medication will be more accurate than human medical doctors?
In the future we may not need humans as lawyers or medical doctors.
I just watched an Artificial Intelligence robotic medical doctor attending to a patient on Fox News this morning.
Just imagine programmed artificial intelligence army sent to Sambisa to confront Boko haram. Technology may be the solution to the world's problems.
Sometimes it is scary to think of how the world will be another fifty years.