Musical Gemstones in the Diamond District/Muzikale Edelstenen

Musical Gemstones in the Diamond District/Muzikale Edelstenen A new concertseries in the Diamond District of Amsterdam


Your Chinese New Year’s blessing as a Musical Gemstone! 💎

今天就是大年三十,我在这里祝🌟大家✨💘✨2024年🌟,新的一年里🎵✨✨🌵 一帆风順⛵🎏✨✨💐 二龙腾飞✈🚀✨✨🌷 三羊开泰🌅🎆✨✨🍀 四季平安🌈🎑✨✨🌺 五福临门😄💪✨✨🌻 六六大順🎉🎯✨✨🌹 七星高照🙏🎇✨✨💐 八方来财🏧💰✨✨🌷 九九同心💏🎎✨✨☀ 十全十美🙌🈵✨✨🌸 百事亨通👏🎰✨✨🌺 千事吉祥🉐☀✨✨🍀 万事如意🎐👍✨✨好運連連🧧🎇平安幸福🍎💯🏮龍年吉祥🐲🌹💥💥✨️🍀🌿🌟🌸⛵️🎁🎆🎇🏮


Mini-podcast over Schubert

31 januari is de geboortedag van de legendarische componist Franz Schubert. Hij is al bijna 200 jaar overleden, maar wordt nooit vergeten dankzij de enorme invloed die hij heeft gehad op klassieke muziek.

Velen kennen zijn muziek, maar niet de verhalen die erachter schuilen. Om die reden lanceren wij volgende week onze eigen mini-podcast: vijf afleveringen van ongeveer tien minuten waarin je kennis maakt met de man achter de muziek.

Volg Dutch String Collective op Spotify:
en krijg als eerste bericht wanneer de afleveringen verschijnen!

Beeld: vermoedelijk schilderij van een jonge Franz Schubert.


Today is Blue Monday, but at CvA, we're brightening things up with the magic of music! Music has the power to uplift and inspire us, even on the darkest days. Not a CvA student, but want to experience the magic? Let yourself be carried away by the beautiful melodies and harmonies passionately performed by our students. There are lots of concerts and masterclasses this week that are open to the public. Eurosonic Noorderslag, Score Collective and the concerts and masterclasses by Busch Trio, Alexander Kerr and Nancy Zeltsman are just a few examples of this.

Go to for the full schedule.


Happy New Year! Get ready for a thrilling array of events this January! All the events we have listed on our website are available for public attendance. Explore our website to find out about the events we are hosting in January. We would be thrilled to welcome you to join us!


De lessen van Don Juan; scheikundige en schrijver André Klukhuhn over sjamanisme, New Age en Kant

Antropoloog Carlos Castaneda publiceerde zijn wonderlijke ontmoetingen met de Mexicaans-Indiaanse tovenaar Don Juan Matus. Wat maakte zijn werk wereldwijd zo succesvol? Hoe kunnen we volgens hem de ‘niet gewone werkelijkheid’ beheersen? Wie zijn onze natuurlijke vijanden en wat zijn anorganische bondgenoten? André Klukhuhn beschouwt deze andere wijze van zien vanuit zijn reis naar de Yaqui.

Luister deze nieuwe Radio Lila uitzending nu via:


Help de zaak op te lossen


L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amsterdam presenta, sabato 2 dicembre 2023 alle ore 20.30 presso lo Splendor di Amsterdam, lo Spettacolo jazz del duo italiano Javier Girotto e Vince Abbracciante
Il sassofonista Javier Girotto e l’astro nascente della fisarmonica Vince Abbracciante allieteranno il pubblico creando un connubio tra il jazz e le tradizioni del Sud del mondo, per finire in un vigoroso abbraccio, simile ad un tango impetuoso e inaspettato.
Il sassofonista Javier Girotto, nato in Argentina ma star del jazz italiano dagli anni Novanta e il talento della fisarmonica Vince Abbracciante hanno la sensibilità e il talento per portare questo esercizio di stile al suo massimo grado di compimento estetico e di poesia sentimentale. I due artisti propongono musiche originali, un affascinante ponte tra il Sud Italia e il Sud America con brani neoclassici, libera improvvisazione, brani malinconici e raffinatezza espressiva che si rivolge sia all’anima che al pensiero introspettivo.

The Italian Cultural Institute of Amsterdam presents, on Saturday 2 December 2023 at 8.30 pm at the SPLENDOR in Amsterdam, the jazz show of the Italian duo composed of Javier Girotto and Vince Abbracciante.
The saxophonist Javier Girotto and the rising star of the accordion Vince Abbracciante will cheer the audience by creating a union between jazz and the traditions of the South of the world, ending in a vigorous embrace, similar to an impetuous and unexpected tango.
The saxophonist Javier Girotto, born in Argentina but a star of Italian jazz since the nineties, and the talented accordionist Vince Abbracciante have the sensitivity and talent to bring this exercise in style to its maximum degree of aesthetic fulfillment and sentimental poetry. The two artists offer original music, a fascinating bridge between Southern Italy and South America with neoclassical songs, free improvisation, melancholic songs and expressive refinement that addresses both the soul and introspective thought.


We maakten een prachtige tocht door het herfstbos. De zon brak door en we vonden Sponszwam, Kastanjeboleet, Paarse Schijnridder en Russula. We snuffelden aan de Stinkzwam, bespraken de Berkenzwam, keken door de Porceleinzwam en proefden van de Nevelzwam - allemaal eetbaar als het moet. Ons Wildplukrestaurant was vooral blij met de Sponszwam. Met de fazant een prachtige combinatie. Dat zei Carluccio al. foto: nadjezda schokker



Our local “Musical Gemstone in the Diamond district”, a previously hidden musical talent, an accordeonist, plays in my street on my birthday 🥳!

He has a pram and walks a dog, manages to contribute in his own very special way to his community, push that child and walk his dog! All at the same time!

I vote 🗳️for him as Amsterdammer of the Year!


with Miles Davis!


Our beloved Carla Bos plays Enya, “Time after Time”

Dear Friends, in Feb. 2024 we hope to hold another fundraiser for the AOKiN children’s fund.

Dear Friends, in Feb. 2024 we hope to hold another fundraiser for the AOKiN children’s fund.

Nada · Song · 2016


We're thrilled to invite you to our Open Day at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam on November 18th. It's a great opportunity to acquaint yourself with our Jazz and Classical departments. Throughout the day, you'll have the opportunity to engage with our dedicated faculty, interact with current students, and gain valuable insights into our educational offerings.

To ensure you're among the first to receive updates and information about the Open Day, be sure to register via the link:

Reserve your tickets now for next Saturday night! Click the link, fill in and send. Payment of €15 per ticket comes late...

Reserve your tickets now for next Saturday night! Click the link, fill in and send. Payment of €15 per ticket comes later!

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Looking for a great way to spend your Saturday afternoon? We’d like to invite you to another instalment of our monthly concert series from the Sweelinck Academie. This month’s event takes place this Saturday, 14 October from 4pm to 5pm in the Sweelinck Zaal in the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. As always, the talented young musicians from the Sweelinck Academie will grace the stage, performing works from a variety of composers.

It’s a great opportunity to support the future stars of the classical music world.


Pianist Nada's three-disc collection is the one that sets the seal on her place in the pantheon of great Brahms interpreters By Colin Clarke, Fanfare




18:00 - 22:00


Wees de eerste die het weet en laat ons u een e-mail sturen wanneer Musical Gemstones in the Diamond District/Muzikale Edelstenen nieuws en promoties plaatst. Uw e-mailadres wordt niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt en u kunt zich op elk gewenst moment afmelden.



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