EarthDance Den Haag

EarthDance Den Haag workshops,concerts,deejays, Earthdance, the Global Dance Festival for Peace has grown to become the world's largest simultaneous music and dance event.

Founded in 1997, with 22 cities and 18 countries participating, Earthdance events have occurred in over 450 cities in over 75 countries, with locations ranging from the club-lands of New York to the rainforests of Brazil. Every year, in alignment with the International Day of Peace, over 250,000 people unite in dance with hundreds of thousands more joining online in support of global peace and hum

anitarian aims. The defining moment of each Earthdance event is a synchronized link-up, (4pm Pacific Standard Time) when every event around the world plays a specially produced song called "The Prayer for Peace" at exactly the same time. Earthdance has been described by the music industry as the "Dance Aid" for the new millennium. The aim of the event is to bring together global communities to create a synchronized global festival and dance event to help fund humanitarian causes and develop an environment of peace throughout the global community. For more info about the international Earthdance event please visit:


F. A. S. T-Surf Dorp
The Hague


Zaterdag 12:00 - 04:00
Zondag 00:00 - 23:30


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