Finally we can dream again of the most beautiful international and sporting event for Land Rover drivers! Early birds get a EUR 100 discount for the 4th edition in 2022. Register now!
The time is now!
Your 4D-Challenge Team is starting up for The Next Level.
If you love sporting and Land Rover driving, this is your event to join.
Applying starts on September 1st.
Use the link in our bio to learn more about the 4D-Challenge.
#4dchallenge #4dc2022 #lrch #lrch4dc #mountainbiking #canoeing #kayak #running #loadrunning #runbikerun #navigation #landrover #landroverdriving #useyourskills #sportingevent #sportevent #g4challenge #cameltrophy #trial #trailrunning #teammates #landroverdrivingskills #landroverclubevent
@originalgabbag @vanmossellandrover @vanmossel_jlr_apeldoorn @landroverexperiencenederland @kleinoisterwijk
LRCH 4D Challenge | The Recce part 2
LRCH 4D Challenge 2020, The Next Level: Recce part 2!
The countdown for the 4th edition has started. To create opportunities that participants must let go to the extreme, the organization is on the move!
The Recce has started...
If you think the LRCH 4D Challenge is just a 4 day game, you are wrong. It's all about skills, strategy and endurance. The recce has started! We are looking for the most beautiful and challenging tracks for our participants. So, for example, if you think kayaking isn't your thing right now? Remember that there are still a few months to go before we start the 2020 4D Challenge .....
The Next Level in 60 seconds
Dear Land Rover friends,
Looking for a demanding contest, looking for your next level, willing to push bounderies?
See what we have in mind for you in 2020!
LRCH 4D-Challenge 2020
It's coming again! The 4th edition of the LRCH 4D Challenge will be held from May 20th - 23rd 2020.
This outstanding outdoor event contents running, kayaking, navigate by handheld GPS, mountainbiking and a lot of Land Rover driving.
One team, two persons (m/m, f/f, f/m) and your own Land Rover.
Challenge yourself to The Next Level, have an experience of a lifetime and get the trophy!!
See for yourself and apply now!
Oproep voor vroege vogels! Schrijf in voor 1 juli 2019 en profiteer van een aantrekkelijke korting. Informeer bij onze stand op de 4x4vakantiebeurs of bezoek onze website:
Dag 4: opkomst voor de laatste 4x4 proef.
Organisatie 4D Challenge controleert zelf alle routes! Kijk nu mee en geniet.
4D Challenge 2016 achter de schermen
Mooie korte film over de organisatie van de 4D Challenge 2016