Freedom Fighters Norway -Page-

Freedom Fighters Norway -Page- Norwegian/International AntiPass page from STVGR.Citizens from all nations are welcome.Our posts are info and news from Norway and from around the world.

We stand united vaccinated unvaccinated against this health pass. We defend our FREEDOM WORLDWIDE .


can't win against the people....

Either he understands it, or the country will go up in flames, including its mercenaries.

Someone throw him out of the building before it's too late


Helseministeren i Italia, Orazio Schillaci, har erklært at regjeringa i Italia ikke lenger vil innføre obligatorisk vaksinering: «Vi må sikre retten til helse samtidig som vi må ha respekt for pers…


Children’s Health Defense Europe har sendt ut en hasteappell til helsemyndigheter i alle land og spesielt EU og Italia. I appellen heter det blant annet: Mangelen på åpenhet fra nasjonale og EU-myn…


"The mortality rate from COVID is now ten times higher than that of the original strain of the virus," the Australian authorities report.

People began to wonder why this happens if 95% of the population is vaccinated with double vaccines or more!



Av Margrethe Salvesen. Selvfølgelig måtte det komme en ny global helsekriseerklæring fra WHO. Hvis man først har funnet verdens beste forretningsidé, så slipper man ikke den så lett. Dessuten treng…

🚨 The WHO Expert Panel voted to declare an emergency for monkeypox. 9 votes contrary to 6 in favor The head of WHO overr...

🚨 The WHO Expert Panel voted to declare an emergency for monkeypox. 9 votes contrary to 6 in favor

The head of WHO overruled the panel and decided to declare the emergency anyway.
How do we call this ?

Marvel Studios has announced the title for the next Captain America movie New World Order is due in theaters May 3, 2024

Marvel Studios has announced the title for the next Captain America movie
New World Order is due in theaters May 3, 2024

🆘 ⚠️ 🆘 ⤵️ ⤵️ Here the update graphic of  mortalities in the 29 European countries. Year 2020-2021-2022 until today June ...

🆘 ⚠️ 🆘 ⤵️ ⤵️
Here the update graphic of mortalities in the 29 European countries. Year 2020-2021-2022 until today June 9th 2022.

In the first graph the age group 0-14 years and second graph 15-44 years
❌ The graph of the 0-14 age
group, is catastrophic.
EuroMOMO is a European mortality monitoring activity, aiming to detect and
measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats.
Official national mortality statistics areprovided weekly from the 29 European
countries or subnational regions in the EuroMOMO collaborative network, supported by the European Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
and the World Health Organization
(WHO), and hosted by Statens Serum
Institut, Denmark.


Kraftig advarsel om utbredt hjertesykdom. – Vi står oppe i en atrieflimmer-epidemi nå, sier Maja-Lisa Løchen til Nettavisen. Hun er forsker, hjertespesialist og overlege ved hjertemedisinsk avdelin…


WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW : Under the guise of "monkeypox" (used as a smokescreen), they will try to hide the adverse effects of the serum and will do all the things I have been writing about for the past 18 months: THEY WILL BLOCK BLOOD DONATIONS, THEY WILL RECONSTRUCT COLLATERAL EFFECTS TO VAIOL, THEY WILL CREATE AN "AEREAOUS AND ASYMPTOMATIC VARIANT" OF THE SAME SO THAT THE THOUSANDS OF DEATHS FROM ADVERSE EFFECTS WILL BE BLAME ON VAIOL AND NOT ON VACCIN. They have no other solution, no other solution exists for them. This "asymptomatic airborne variant" will cause ICTUS - INFARcts - MYOCARDIES - TUMORS, and with the power of the media they will succeed in making people believe that it is so. The judiciary is SILENT, no autopsies are done on vaccine deaths, and it will all start with BLOCKING BLOOD DONATIONS. Hoping as always that I am a crazy visionary I wish you a good day.


From what I hear around about this monkey pox thing , I don't like it at all. It’s happening all in conjunction with the WHO's decision to go to health command in all countries so to take health sovereignty away from nations, in the event of a pandemic .
🇵🇪Peru already declared the state of emergency with no case of monkey pox yet
🇸🇪Sweden already started to talk about restrictions
🇬🇧meanwhile In the UK, From the Gov site
they just wrote this :
“However, the virus does not usually spread easily between people and the risk to the UK population remains low. Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that does
not spread easily between people. It is
usually a mild self-limiting illness and most
people recover within a few weeks. However,
severe illness can occur in some people”.
🇳🇴 What will Norway do ???

There are almost certain rumours, that the “great reset” will officially begin in full effect and in secret, without announcements, on June 24 2022 . From that date on, expect everything, pandemics, food shortage, wars and even U.F.O ( inquire about the blue bean project ) .
These must be nipped in the bud , by hook or crook . If you haven't figured it out yet , these people want to exterminate us .
Stock up on food and water , those who can, train.
I hope I am wrong , but what lies ahead is not funny .

Was COVID just a global dress rehearsal for the real outbreak due in 2022 ?

“The simple response is to NOT COMPLY. They can't enforce law that no one follows. The Original mandates were never law and they were never constitutional in the first place...”

Share this and let’s stay united. Help each other.


World Economic Forum, milliardærenes internasjonale, jobber intenst med å avskaffe det menneskelige samfunnet slik vi kjenner det og erstatte det med noe helt annet. Visjonene deres er så ekstreme …





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