Rock music is a genre which has been rooted in the late 1940's and 1950,s, but gradually in 1960's it developed its own genre called "Rock & Roll", especially in the United Kingdom and the United States. The genre "Rock" drew heavily on a number of other genres such as folk, blues and jazz influences included the sources of classical music and others. Now the genre "Rock" mainly consists of guitar
s and drums playing together is a time 2 / 4 or 4 / 4. Today's Rock music are very variable, where it could be heavy metals, a type of rock that consists of words and music with strong percussion often faster. Or it could be quieter, it would be more consistent with the "Lite Rock / Easy Listening" category. Over time, only the sections of rock are increasingly complex. If you call them hair bands, glam rock, or just good old rock, it's undeniable that energy came from rock bands because the devil is ready to return, alive and crank! With lineup including some favourite songs from the rock era mixed with some more obscure artists and tracks, is a safe choice for those who is or was a fan of excavation of rockers.