A wee announcement (with a heavy heart) to say that Orange Tree Flower Farm is now closed.
I want to say a huge thank you for all the support in my flower growing venture over the past few years. I have LOVED growing flowers for you, and LOVED getting to know so many other flower lovers.
To the countless lovely locals who have bought my flowers, both regulars and one offs, thank you so much.
To all my talented florists who have bought buckets and buckets of my blooms thank you so much.
To Dale for all the many hours installing irrigation, helping me with any new crazy idea, rotary hoeing beds, lifting and installing giant fridges, putting up with flowers all over the dining room, cooking dinner and running the house while I was out picking flowers in the evenings and all the million other things …
To Judy for all the many many hours spent weeding and helping me in the garden and beyond …
A deep and heartfelt thank you.
My friend Claire from Flora and Foal will be providing locals with beautiful flowers this season. https://instagram.com/flora.and.foal?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Claire has been a huge help in taking on a lot of my plants and tubers and I can’t thank her enough too. So when you need flowers this season in Bream Bay, she will be your go to. Claire is a flower genius and I know how hard she works so it softens the blow for me somewhat knowing that she is there carrying on the hard work and beauty of growing local flowers.
Have a great spring and summer everyone.