Firstly, we would like to start by acknowledging the many messages of support and questions regarding The Selwyn Fete in early March - we really appreciate it!
We want you to be the first to know that following the Government's announcement to move into the Red Traffic Light system, we are devastated to advise the CANCELATION of this event.
Initially we felt that with some time on our hands, waiting to see what happened over the first month of this outbreak might allow us the opportunity to return to Orange in time for our event.
It has become apparent that this is not likely to be the case as we begin to see cases grow rapidly.
The events industry as a whole is suffering greatly, and this announcement will only add to the pain for stallholders and suppliers involved in this event.
Ticketholders will receive an email from us in the next 48hrs with instructions on how to access their refund.
Due to an extremely congested events calendar in the later half of this year, there is currently no date planned for 2023. Once we have this in place we will be in touch.
Thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding during these challenging and uncertain times.