Hey Fast Lovers... that's a WRAP for 2024!!!
Thank you so much for allowing us to help you CONNECT x
We've had an amazing year with you all and we cant wait to see you again next year!
If you'd like to join in the fun and find connections - whether it's for friendship or love - HIT US UP!!!
We can be contacted anytime on Facebook, Instagram or by email at [email protected]
MERRY CHRISTMAS from myself and the FLT Squad ❤️
#fastlovetaranaki #singles #taranaki #humanconnection #friendship #love #FREEregistration #merrychristmas2024 #thatsawrap #seeyounextyear2025
HERE IT IS Fast Lovers... our Halloween Hoedown promo radio spot from this morning!😬😁🤠
Thanks again Ken & Anna AND More FM Taranaki 93.2.. your support means a lot!
If you haven't gotten your tickets to the Halloween Hoedown yet.. you know what to do!! You do NOT wanna miss out!
For more details & ticket purchasing info go here > https://forms.gle/kfLWD7QReurKdoix5
-- Ticket numbers are limited --
-- At this stage there will be NO DOOR SALES on the night --
Email us on [email protected] ANYTIME x
#HalloweenHoedown #fastlovetaranaki #comeasyouare #GetYourTicketsNow #ontheair #radiospot #promotion #kenandanna #morefmtaranakibreakfast North Taranaki Line Dancing
**Speed Dating 25/05/24**
Last Saturday night was EPIC!!
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone that attended our Speed Dating event!!!
It was LOUD - the room packed with 48 singles.. LOUD with the sound of banter, connection, laughter and people dating each other REALLY FAST!!!
Thank you to The Eliot Bar & Eatery who let us use their amazing and beautiful space. Thank you to the wonderful staff who kept us all fed and watered - the service and food was spectacular!!
Thanks as always to my beautiful FLT Squad.. you guys helped to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable.. and helped smooth over any logistical issues we had without even blinking an eye.. amazeballs!!
It wouldn't have been the success that it was without you ###x big loves ###x
Again.. thanks to all of you speed daters.. thanks for stepping out of your comfort zones and taking it OLD SCHOOL with us and giving this a go!! Hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as I did!!
Until the next event Fast Lovers...
Take care and stay cool x
A x
1. Think of some good conversation starters and keep them handy (we will provide some too in case you run out of originals)
2. Have a practice date with a friend – this is always great fun!!
3. Dress To Impress.
4. Show Up Early And with a plan to Stay Late.
5. Try to relax and be yourself!!
6. Keep Things Light and have fun!
7. Strike a good balance between speaking and listening to your dates.
8. Don't Be Afraid To Tease A Bit 😉
9. If you feel a slight connection – make sure you indicate this on your scorecard – you never know what the other person is feeling and you have nothing to lose!!
10. Don't Rush Off. Stick around after the speed dating has concluded - finish those conversations that were cut short!
11. Remember To Follow Up On Your Matches (these will be emailed to you in the following days).
SPEED DATING 25/05/24 UPDATE - It has been brought to my attention the need to communicate what's going on - especially to those of you that had registered your interest to attend our Speed Dating event on 25/05/24 PRIOR to tickets being SOLD OUT as at 10PM yesterday (you have all been emailed too).
As per previous emails and communications, we needed to find more men to fill the spots so we could accommodate more of you ladies.
As always.. men seem to be a little slower on the uptake - so we have to work a bit harder to get 'em to attend these sorts of things 🤣
Meanwhile, all you ladies are super keen and we have a backlog of ladies that want to attend - just quietly building up.
So... as we have caught EACH man - we invite the next lady on the list - It really is first in - first served - done this way to ensure a 50/50 male to female ratio, therefore a more successful and enjoyable dating experience for ticket holders.
As of yesterday around 10pm, we received payment for the final ticket and have now reached capacity.
If you had registered your interest to attend our Speed Dating event on 25/05/24, but have not yet been invited - you are now currently on the back-ups list. If you complete form here NOW > https://forms.gle/9ikh9McK1VFnCTqe8 you will be put on the back-ups list.
If anyone cancels and we need a spot filled at the last minute, we will work our way down the list until we find someone that is still keen to come.. even if it is at super short notice!! And this does happen on occasion.. for many different reasons.. so you just never know!!
Hopefully all this makes sense.
And don't worry!! If we don't get you to this Speed Dating event, get in quicker next time and hopefully we'll get you to the next one x
Arianna & the FLT Squad x
Fast Love Taranaki
We are completely SOLD OUT - please complete this form if you wish to be added to the back-ups list >> We will contact you if a spot becomes available.
Form link >> https://forms.gle/SKnhMnJKfzvqGvcR8