Where did the Elevate Project come from?
It was developed from these four amazing people; Cosmo Calman (visionary and creator of OPIA), James Cleary (art director, builder and writer/director) Glen Colechin (sculptor, artist and inspirational BRIWI - British Kiwi) and Rachael Stone (artist, painter and vibrant in every way). After working as the art department on the short film OPIA they created the OG Elevate Project.
Creative Director of Dream Big and Producer of OPIA, Daniel Betty, pulled together the concept for the Elevate Project and maintained the relationships to ensure this mentor based large scale mural project lives on and creates murals that will pop up all over the region bringing vibrant, bold, colourful art to our community.
Here is an insight into the beautiful mural hanging in Albert Square, Hastings, Hawke's Bay, NZ.
The Elevate Project is a large scale mural based programme based in Te Matau-a-Maui (Hawke's Bay) and provides the opportunity for artists to upscale their…