Arriving at yesterday’s absolutely stunning venue. We crossed our fingers and toes for sunshine and we got it! What an amazing day!
The silly season is here and Sadie is celebrating at her first Christmas event for the year.
What a perfect day for a party!
So long and farewell Ms Sadie Swoon as you leave our family and join your new family! You’ve been an amazing third child but it’s time for you to leave home and spread your wings and fly high! We love you!
Thank you to everyone who invited Sadie to join your special event and bring us along. I can hand on heart say I have LOVED every single event with Sadie! You’re all such special people and I’ve loved sharing our gal with you and getting to know you on the planning journey. We are so grateful for all these wonderful experiences and helping you to celebrate so god damn well!
So we say goodbye to Sadie but send her off and into safe hands. Handmaid is still open for business just without Sadie Swoon by our side. Can’t wait to follow along and see where and what you get up to Sadie! ❤️
Our gal and third child (although older than us!) is for sale.
I put off sharing her sale for a bit and she was on the market and then off again - and now back on again! As some know, but many don’t as I didn’t tell most clients and I haven’t posted much over the past couple of years, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a year of crappy surgery, chemo and radiation. Last year I was out of active treatment (although I have years of pills, monthly implants, blood tests and infusions still!) and getting back into life (although forever a different life) and finding my way forward after the diagnosis.
Now my hair is grown back, my scars have softened and energy returned but I have decided that Sadie sadly needs to find a new home as I don’t have the extra in the tank to give her and her wonderful clients all she needs.
Soooooo….she’s looking for a new Mum/Dad to continue her legacy in the event’s industry in Wellington (or further a field). I’ll be honest, it’s a tough market at the moment so if you or anyone you knows is after a gorgeous business that can run part-time or as side hustle or go full time, let me know! We’ve dropped her price to meet the market as the sooner a new owner gets her, the more likely we can pass on the people on her waiting list for the next season! And the right person could get a return on investment very quickly.
Holler, send smoke signals or send carrier pigeons for more info! (Or DM or email [email protected] !)
Love abound Swoonies! ❤️❤️❤️