Backyard Blooms is a small flower farm on the Porangahau coast in Central Hawke's Bay, New Zealand where I grow a range of beautiful, seasonal flowers which are available to buy either at Nola Café, Waipawa or by contacting me directly. After my youngest children both started school in 2016 I found I had some extra time on my hands, so I challenged myself to grow enough flowers to fill my home and
those of family and friends. I soon discovered that my garden was ideal for growing flowers with our long, hot summers and mild, mostly frost-free winters. At that time some good friends opened 'Nola' Café in Waipawa and thought that it would be the ideal place to sell my flowers, so here we are! I try and grow my flowers as naturally as possible. I gather seaweed from my local beach to use as mulch and make liquid feed and I also make nettle and compost "teas" to feed both foliage and flowers. While I am not organic I do limit the amount of herbicides and pesticides I use. Therefore when you bury your nose in a bunch of my flowers you can be safe in the knowledge that the only thing that's touched those flowers before you are the bees and butterflies in my garden.