...and just like that our season has ended! We had our last day at the HB Farmers Hawke's Bay Farmers' Market 31st March , Easter Sunday and it was a sell out. Has anyone had issues with Dahlias producing greenery but no flowers? A few of our customers have reported this happening to their plants and they are from around the country not only in the HB.
Low points.
I had an extreme hater this season! I'll not give this person much of my energy because he didn't give me the time to rectify his gripe which was genuine he just went off on a rant and humiliated me publicly! I will always, always try to manage any wrongs that I have done in a kind and usually generous way but you do have to tell me there was a problem :)
The garden beds had received a hammering during the cyclone. We are on a high water table so any nutrients in the soil was washed out. It has been a task keeping the plants feed during the season. As we close out of the 2024 season the soil is looking very pale and washed out. Lucky I have a gigantic compost heap that was started straight after the cyclone that is destined for the Dahlia beds! It is rich black soil and the plants are going to love feeding off it.
Ending on a highpoint we have met some wonderful people in our back yard and at the market this year!
We opened our paddock to visitors this year. Hello Ewe's sheep gelato cart came and supported the effort and sold their yummy sheep milk gelato to our customers. The range of people that have filtered through have been diverse but the common theme was people sharing time together among the beautiful flowers (and weeds!) The last groups of visitors also took away walnuts.
We have enjoyed all of our visitors and customers and want to say thank you for the support that we've received this year and the well wishing. You have no idea how much it has meant.
Thank you, Natalie and Zolton.