The GreenScript

The GreenScript Scriptwriting, Media Productions, Event Assistance


Learning a heap these last few months...

Next month will be 1 year into this line of's been a challenge and there have been some very very trying days..days where I don't feel up to it.. Getting business done is a ball game of its own thats for sure...

And Writers bloc sets in....some things don't go as expected...

But then I see and get inspired by everyday stuff...and i guess that keeps me going...

Here's to you and your endeavour in whatever it might entail, don't give up! Stop, listen and see why it is you're doing what you're'll find it there! The reason to keep moving ✌🏽

Stay true, stay in the moment....tell it like it is!


Been a while!

Excited that some work will be gracing the airwaves and networks soon 🙏🏽

Go on and Tell it like it is!

Rugby League in the 90s and a Shout out to a Kumul Legend!The Year was 1992. Grade 6 and I was the smallest in class...b...

Rugby League in the 90s and a Shout out to a Kumul Legend!

The Year was 1992. Grade 6 and I was the smallest in class...but I had the biggest............
collection of footy cards going around at June Valley Primary. Canberra and Penrith had squared off in the deciders of 90 and 91 with Penrith winning their first Premiership in 91...(i did post about that some time back) and how I almost became a Panther Fan because of the old man getting me a jersey and my fave player of all time...who is now Blues Coach Brad Freddy Fittler.
For those who aren’t old enough to know, his nickname came about because of a selector calling him Fred instead of Brad....and so the name stuck...anyways..
Rugby League Week was the Bomb in the 90s and NO, there was no 1-12 or 13+ in those days..only betting done was in November when the Melbourne Cup would swing by and the old man would become somewhat of a comical tipster...writing down the horses names and slotting them into some poem or tale..yeah, that’s where that came from lol..Lets Elope won it in 91 and Kingston Rule in 90. Kingston Rule had some following in our house and in PNG I think because of UB40’s Kingston Town...yeah remember it all like yesterday but this isn’t about horses or betting.
Back to Rugby League week and I would collect those magazines as religiously as I did footy cards. Was a bonus when I could pick up the Big League Magazines but RLW was king. The Pull out Posters always adorned the walls of the boys room...or would be laid out in our cupboards like wallpaper before Mum would place our clothes..folded and placed neatly..our exercise books covered immaculately ensuring the players face was on the front - center aligned like how you would centre the title on a word document...Math was Freddy, Written Sentences was Sterlo (English was the best and easiest), Health was Clyde, Science was Cement Gillespie, Community Life was the Blues Team photo...there was a sense of sadness or regret that we didn’t have enough subjects for the rest of the legends to be showcased so I would go to school and offer the best of the rest to my Blues Crew..Darius, Jootz, Nine, Kenny, Andrae and Joel..(who has since turned maroon...and the turncoat then married my cousin! Ateiss Hahaha)
The Blues would win 3 in a row starting in 1992 and at the helm of the Bluefest was the man, the maestro, the mastermind behind Penriths success today – Phil Gould. The Raiders from 89 thru to 92 and even to the mid 90s were a machine...they would trounce teams on their day with little to no effort at all. Whistle would blow and so would the tops of champagne bottles. The phrase ‘Champagne Rugby League’ is sometimes overused and abused these days but the Green Machine provided it all in truckloads because they did have the most exciting team going around. From Belcher through to Stuart in the backs..rep players! Daley, Chicka Fergusson who would then be preceded by Nadruku, Nagas..ofcourse captain inspiration Big Mal...and then up front they had Brad Clyde – Workhorse of a lock who was always first to take a hitup and first man on the scene when Stuart would kick downtown. Ofcourse that’s where Lazarus started his fine career and there would be a host of firebrand props that would follow him in the likes of Lomax, Pongia and there was Todd..Kiwi hard heads! My fave Canberra forward in those days was Dean Lance. Like the TinMan in the Wizard of Oz....nothing flustered him, didn’t get many reps but boy could he hit!

Now to the crux of this trip down Memory Lane and to another Phil would make headlines in PNG that year..
Kumul 120 - Philip Boge! The man from the Big Village - Hanuabada who has sadly passed on.
He had the instincts and smarts of a half but had the pace of a winger. He could find a gap, accelerate through it and then look for support. Either that or he was the man in support. Was no slouch in defence either. He could hit and drive...and the highlight of 1992 was when he stopped a flying Michael Hancock in Townsville..
When the Kumuls met a full strength Kangaroos team...and by Full-Strength I mean the cream of the ARL..or was it still the NSWRL? Google says NSWRL..ARL started in 95..
All the stars from the teams I’ve named (The Dragons deserve a mention because they did well in those years & Dad was a Dragon tragic) were pushing for world cup spots that year and for the record, the Broncs would go on to win the comp of 92 and then back it up again in 93..both against the Dragons...needdless to say, the kangaroos team had a swag of Broncos stars with Alfie calling the shots on that July night in Townsville...the Broncs wingmen were Michael Hancock and Willie Carne and they were superb finishers! Carne played Fullback that night while Mickey Hancock hung out on his preferred wing. Barnstorming was always a word used when he got the ball and stopping him was no mean feat...
Our Boy Phil on that night had a great game...couple of breaks, try assists...and to top it off, the tackle of the year!
The Kumuls would lose graciously...i think the lowest margin in history 36-14..again against a top notch Kangaroo team..Philip Boge was the talk of the town and I can only imagine if a performance like that was replicated today...He’d be scouted no doubt and would star in the NRL!
Every time he caught that ball or collected a grubber and returned it, I would always get excited and yell for him to step and sprint....the Kumuls from that night were the best imo. Late Aquila Emil at halfback, Tuksy Karu at 6, Bire, Ngaffin, Uradok, Joseph....Daroa Ben-Moide and of course the HB Hawk..Philip Boge.

Rest in Peace and thanks for the memories, Kaka!!


This was written for Gaye Kapi Gimana upon request..

EULOGY of the Late Mr. KWAIPO GIMANA 1964-2021

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary or RPNGC operates under the Motto:
“Securing a safer Community”
NO truer words can be said or describe this Great man who lies before us. He lived up to this motto having served not just the RPNGC with distinction for the past 35 years, but also his family, his community and all who he held near and dear...he looked out for us his entire life.

Good Morning Dear Friends, Superiors and Colleagues of the late Inspector Mr. Kwaipo Gimana.
(Repeat greeting/welcome in language for family who are present..go on to state that for the benefit of his colleagues who are present, you will present in English)

I stand here deeply saddened yet so honored and privileged to tell you the life story of my uncle whom I always called Small Daddy or Small Papa!
Kwaipo Gimana was born on the 21st of August 1964 in Kalo Village. He was the youngest of 4 children born to Gimana Kila and Manu Gewa...

The eldest is my Dad Mr. Kapi Gimana followed by Aunty Renagi, then there was Aunty Winnie whom we have lost and the last being my small papa Kwaipo......

Growing up in Kalo in the pre-independence days, Small Papa was no different to his peers of that era. They were ever inquisitive, always asked a heap of questions but as always were grounded by their parents and elders and would often be seen and heard every Sunday at church. Virtues of humility, respect, honesty and orderliness were instilled in that generation and for small papa, they would remain with him for the rest of his days.

In 1973 at 8 and half years of age, he attended Kalo primary school.
He successfully completed standard 6 in 1978 and in the following year 1979, he attended what was known then as Kwikila High Kwikila Secondary.
Small Papa Completed Grade 10 in 1982 obtaining his Year 10 High School Certificate.
Unbeknownst to some, Uncle had all this time maintained a very steady relationship with a young lass in the village whom years later he would so often refer to as his “Village sweetheart”!
The following year 1983, uncle followed his heart and married his sweetheart Aunty Numa Rupu. That union has stood for 38 years!
.After much thought in terms of the welfare of his young family, Small Papa decided to take the plunge and enlist with the RPNGC. As fate would have it, he was accepted and in 1986 he underwent training for a period of 6 months.
Little did he know then that the RPNGC would be part of him for the rest of his life!
.Straight after completing training, he was posted to Goroka. This would be the first time for him away from home and the familiarity of Port Moresby or Kalo. The posting had a positive impact on his life and how he viewed situations or circumstances. He got to learn that friends and strangers alike could become family for life. Incidentally, it was in Goroka where his popular nickname “Gigi”was coined.
I can only guess that it was derived from our proud Gimana name and heritage but I stand to be corrected should anyone wish to share the story that led to his nickname.
......In 2016 he would leave Bomana after 2 and a half decades armed with renewed vigor and a wealth of knowledge in regard to policing and the RPNGC. Added to this was practical knowledge that of course only experience can teach. The Squad inspections before graduations were highlights no doubt as he got to witness the fruits of his handy-work graduate. What some took for granted, he treasured!
Saying goodbye to Bomana would’ve been bittersweet given the period of time small papa had spent there but being the ultimate professional that he was, I guess he also wanted a change of scenery and new set of challenges.
That would present itself in 2016 when he was offered the position of Station Commander at Kwikila. As I mentioned, he took this on with renewed vigor and now in hindsight, I guess it was a homecoming of sorts. Back to his high school days, back to familiar sights, back to lifelong friends who had become family and of course, back to the village which isn’t too far away.

Being the humble man that he was, he had a sense of purpose and that feeling of accomplishment always swept him when another class from yet another year graduated.
Saying goodbye to Bomana would’ve been bittersweet given the period of time small papa had spent there but being the ultimate professional that he was, I guess he also wanted a change of scenery and new set of challenges.
That would present itself in 2016 when he was offered the position of Station Commander at Kwikila.
...Kwaipo Gimana like many a proud Kalo man also had a competitive spirit, a warrior like demeanor when things were not done right or situations were turned on their heads. The ferocity of his actions and words scared the daylights out of many but by his own admission, it was because things were not done by the book.
For him, it was by the book or not at all regardless of whether he was in his uniform or sitting at home
..Uncle is survived by his wife, 4 Children, 3 Daughter in-laws, 1 son in-law and 12 grandchildren.
Inspector, Bubu, Uncle, Dad, Brother....for me, my dear small Papa....

We salute you and love you.. till that golden morning, soar high! You have run your race and run it well.

Emau! Rest in Love

Shout out to a brother:Happy Birthday up there Jabz Mero!Went down the Magi yesterday...first trip for 2 of 3 members of...

Shout out to a brother:

Happy Birthday up there Jabz Mero!

Went down the Magi yesterday...first trip for 2 of 3 members of my Family you never got to meet - Aries and Greenfoot ☺️
The other being Aidan of course 😪 you would hit it off with this boy I'm certain.. if you were here...
.It was a little sad and I dropped a few tears because Legend FM and FM100 kept playing all the hits that always remind me of you....I know you would have quite a bit to say if you were around and saw the photos and the videos I took.....or maybe you would have come along... or rephrase...I would've slipped you an invite and we'd be in your ute going to Gaire talking all things Rugby league to your DJ Days and of course the latest family happenings... knowing your knack for adventure, a coldy and it being your birthday today, it would definitely be awesome.. but alas, these images are conjured from the heart...
Ah Bro...i still miss you!
.and I don't ever think this feeling will go away. Your love for your brothers especially was something else..and when it came to me and my family, it was always loud and filled with liners....some very harsh (choice 🤦🏽‍♂️😂) words designed for ears to think you were having a go at me...but really it was yours and our way of showing affection...calling me an idiot was really saying 'you the man!'

I love and miss you Big bro...Happy Birthday!!


**Writing, Speaking and Relationships**

Going through some bags in search of a particular document this morning and i read a copy of a tribute that I penned 9 years ago....
It stopped me in my tracks..took me down memory lane and duly evoked some tears...

The people that become your family have an effect on your life and your outlook on life depending on how you so choose to co-exist with them.

Yes! I'm referring to inlaws. It can just as easily be the same for total strangers who become so close..who enter your life and never really leave. Later on, you might not see or talk to them on a daily basis but you have that affinity that never dies...even in death.....friends that become family as they sure many of us have experienced this sad aspect of life.. of losing a close friend..the pain and anguish is no different to losing a blood family member...but as I said, the loving memories never fade.

Now this particular tribute was for my Mother Inlaw and delivered by Mimz. I recalled the ease at which I wrote it....and I remember quite vividly that I had tears when putting it together back in 2012. It had almost everything...laughs, tears and the moments before she passed away...note: I said 'almost' because you can never fully pay tribute to someone in 5minutes..
I don't believe anyone can..

Anyway, I didn't mention in the tribute that cancer was responsible for her demise because that wasn't how I wanted people to remember her....neither did I want Mimz to get stuck on this when delivering it..
9 years on, old girl Sabz is still alive in Mimz and her Siblings, Bubus and Great Grand Bubus...or Aba abas as they say down the hiritano highway...her love and gift of giving not lost on her family..

Upon reflection, thanks to a PNG Power enforced break from work, this morning brought home for me a few pointers...
The power of writing and the ease of it all lies in you being involved entirely with someone or something...same goes for Public've got to have a connection or make that connection before even starting....the results are plain to see.

Sometimes we hear tributes, speeches or addresses that never really take off because we just can't feel that connection....thats because there was a problem with the actual physical connection...same goes for public addresses....on the flip side you could turn up for a strangers funeral or wedding and get emotional just as easily.....the reason? The link or the connection.....having a passion for the things or people that you serve will always give you the results that you desire.

Yeah... so love like there's no like your life depends on those relationships and connections if you want to get better as a person and when expressing yourself.....and don't forget to read, read, read..

Rest Easy Sabati Margaret Mary Aoae...

We love you..


Back to work today..
Hit us up for your writing needs.


We'll tell it like it is 💚🙏🏾👍🏽


Merry Christmas one and all!

May your day be filled with happiness and thanksgiving remembering the reason for the season.

Give thanks in all circumstances.

God bless one and all,
The GreenScript

"The GreenScript outside of its aspirations to link up and collaborate with mainstream media and established media agenc...

"The GreenScript outside of its aspirations to link up and collaborate with mainstream media and established media agencies; stands to Tell it like it is.

To tell the stories of unsung heroes but also to seek and share a different perspective and in doing so, share the positives in situations that seem negative... to endeavor to bring support to the underprivileged and less fortunate. "

Kopikulu Kila

Kindly share to your networks 🙏🏾👍🏽💚

Kindly share to your networks



Kaka Michaels..

Here's a blast from the Lareva past special..


Share & Network




HI All!!
It’s been a little over 2 weeks since I posted about The GreenScript and today we finally get to launch the page here on FB! ✌️
Here’s a long winded welcome to the page.

I Hope that by the end of this novel, you get an insight into the purposes behind this page but more importantly, have a laugh and feel the urge to share...not this post but the page..

There was a bit of work that had to be done since that post in terms of getting some (or any) kind of semblance of a scriptwriting service we are 😊

Just from the outset want to say thanks to you all who have been the first lot I have invited to the page. You all hit the post with encouragement and reactions when I dropped it on FB 2 weeks ago.
Tanikiu rarina akina as they say down the Hiritano Highway! Some of you have PM’d and whatsapped already with encouragement. Thanks ya! Please, as I mentioned and asked yesterday at the bottom of that post, share and invite your network.

There's a few brothers in particular who have reached out and assisted in really getting The GreenScript off the ground. only 3 feet high but we're on our way :)

In no particular order, Just a big cheerio and Tanikiu KamuKamu to the man. Oua P*e! My Man as I call him.thanks to bro Lawrence Lahari aka Kamuna for reaching out with a few gigs to kick start, 3 brothers that always stand in support not just for me but all the cuzzies regardless. The Aluvula Boys. Alex, Kills and my sparring partner J.. Alex being the recognized Scribe of the family with daily updates and advise, Bluey for the class touch on a recent gig. Class human, inspiration always! J, Facebook says it all..’gutpla taim na taim nogud’....another brother - Ben Vagi for bringing me up to date with Tech and Software..😊
SonnyBro Wesley for some ideas on the fly.. Last but not least, Big Bro Aix...who has always told me ....”Stop wasting your time and write a book” Obrigado..

So yeah, back to the business of introducing The GreenScript! The Name..Why Green? Why write? Why...everything? like the Hidoms ask, Why like this?
The GreenScript has been an idea that has floated around in my almost hairless head now...for 3 years! 3 years of thinking hard has its effects you know! Climate Change and things..

Over these 3 years, there's been a heap of name changes along the way but I’ve settled on The GreenScript.. Green because it represents new beginnings or freshness, life and prosperity. Basically, I associate the color with happiness and positivity.

So 3 years worth of thoughts have all come to this.
Time to get up and use the others and get help in return.

We basically script events, tributes, eulogies, presentations from a different perspective..depending on the occasion, as I said, we’ll script it to suit...down the line, we’ll get on to voice overs and other media centric jobs. Can also do documents like Business Profiles, Proposals..tidy up your CV 👍

For the script part of the name, my scripts or posts (as you’ve seen) are almost always jammed with humor because I do believe that we need to take time out to smile, laugh and smell the yeah, if there’s anything you’ve learnt thus have read this that im losing hair but im at peace 😊

Writing has always been a hobby and my getaway when things get a little boring, challenging or sad...Same goes when I’m super excited like when the Blues beat the Maroons! 😜
I never thought much of it (because I just blabber on) when it came to writing. Not that I claim to be a Ludlum or anything special but I suppose its just something that comes effortlessly...along with the fact that i can tell a story.
Truth be known, my first ever foray into writing (outside of essays at school) was when I wrote a tribute to my Dad when he passed away in 2005. The feedback after that was overwhelming. But to get a good mark from a former Prime Minister who was in attendance that day was really pleasing yet humbling. The Late Sir Mekere Morauta after the service shook my hand and thanked me for a “Well presented” tribute.
He is one of many that I have always admired when it comes to all things writing and presenting.
Since then, I’ve done many a tribute, eulogy, written guides for MCing and quite a few speeches..also collaborated with some established media people and journos..

But the comments by late Sir Mek. That’s the kind of feedback that The GreenScript hopes you get when you present our scripts.
.If you get a chance, checkout the Telecrap here on FB..another page where some fellow league mad brothers and myself would post random (stupidly hilarious) opinions of the NRL and various games. We’ve slowed down for a season & a half but theres still plenty of belpen lo laugh articles still there for your reading pleasure.

My articles have the signature ”.....” as above....if it comes across as annoying, I apologize but here’s the story behind it..

I learnt this very early on when my Dad took me to the studios at NBC to record radio school amazing time, recording there and reading scripts and trying so hard to capture a character...
I was 9 or 10 at the time and I kept asking Dad why there were so many full stops in a row on the scripts? They broke every rule I had learnt about punctuation at the time?!.... He said the full stops meant I had to stop (as if to think) mid-sentence before continuing on with the script. So if my posts are annoying with the continuous full stops, its because I'm thinking..

Anyway, it was raining when I started this and now the sun is out again so I guess nature is telling me to give it a rest for now.

Please share to your networks, whatsapp is online, the email address checks out and we’re ready when you are..
Thanks again one and all..and thanks as well on behalf of my lil family..

Welcome to The GreenScript....Lets “Tell it like it is!”



Section 73, Lot 45 Henao Drive, Gordon
Port Moresby





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