King's Daughters Conference 2022

King's Daughters Conference 2022 This is the Official Page for the King's Daughter Conference which will be hosted by the RSKMC Church.

We dare to call God, Abba, Father only because Jesus Christ has shared His sonship with us by His grace. He has allowed ...

We dare to call God, Abba, Father only because Jesus Christ has shared His sonship with us by His grace. He has allowed us to share His vision and experience of God from the vantage point of beloved daughters (and sons) of the King.

"So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. - Romans 8:15-16 (NLT)



You are His!

-Melinda Cone


“Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be afraid. I am with you always until the end of time.” — God


We’re just a couple days into the new year, which means resolutions are in full swing. Best-selling author Lisa McInnes-Smith has 10 refreshing tips for us as we begin a new year:

1. Take Care of Yourself
Only we know when we need to rest, go for a walk, talk with a friend or just have some space to be alone. And only we can arrange to make this happen.

2. Rest and Revive
People who take regular rest breaks to refresh and revive their passion and their energy are the most effective people.

3. Encourage Yourself
The most important words you will ever hear in your whole life are not the words you hear from other people, but rather the words you hear from yourself. Everyone needs encouragement and being able to encourage yourself is a wonderful discipline and a daily gift of kindness to your well being.

4. Be Kind
Kindness is a gift we can give to every person we interact with on a daily basis. Kindness is a choice. It comes from a heart of love and compassion.

5. Hold Onto Hope
No matter what’s happening in your life, there is always hope. Hope is the possibility of a new day, a new outcome, a new love or a new anything!

6. Be Thankful
The key to happiness is not things or circumstances, not even the people that love us. The key to happiness is gratefulness.

7. Have Faith
We gravitate in the direction of our dominant thoughts. What we think about most is what typically comes about. Choose faith – it’s always the best outcome.

8. Just Imagine
Sit quietly and allow your mind to describe in great detail how you see your future in all its splendor. Have fun!

9. Take Off Those Limitations
The only thing that limits our achievements is the thought that we can’t do it… Have a little more faith in yourself and a lot more faith in what God can do through you.

10. Make Your Labels Lovely
Most people have grown up with a nickname or a not so nice label placed on them by others. I challenge you to choose your own labels, and make them positive and uplifting.


The “new year, new you” never happens overnight at the stroke of twelve. But it can happen brick by brick as we trust God to rebuild our ruins. - Hannah Brencher


"I am the daughter of a King, who is not moved by the world. For my God is with me and goes before me. I do not fear because I am His" - 'Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine. Your are precious and honored in my sight because I love you.' - Isaiah 41:10


"But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." —Hebrews 5:14 ESV

📱Insights from the course in the MessengerX app, and the "Good or God?" book. Messenger Store is having a 50% off sale right now; grab my "Good or God?" book by heading to



You’re going to experience acceleration and breakthrough in the second half of 2022.

Where there’s been muzzle and trouble, now you shall see double! The last 18 months have been intense for many to say the least, but the LORD has raised up a standard FOR you! There’s a backlog of provision for the vision and many of you are going to see reprieve and retrieve where there’s been a tight squeeze!


Your heart is postured to the truth, HE has come through! You’re going to see the outworking of his power all around you! In your personal life, in your ministry, in all that you’ve been called to do. Faith works!

You have not burst! It’s time to wine and dine! It’s time to experience breakthrough upon breakthrough! This is your time and YOU are next in line! All you’ve processed and pressed through, JEHOVAH- NISSI (The Lord our banner) has been with you! In the mud and in the muck, he’s carried you! In the prolonged pain he’s comforted you. In the dark night, he’s shielded you. FAITHFUL AND TRUE, with you!

NOW is your time, NOW is the hour! You shall experience breakthrough power! In the dark you’ve been exposed, you’ve demonstrated integrity and faithfulness amid injustice! Favour has won! Your dependance on God has shone through! Faithful and true, you’ve come through bringing others with you! Many shall turn on their heels and run to the Son and come! Hearts won! Hearts undone, MANY shall come!

Beautiful bruised feet, you shall now experience healing! Where you’ve danced on injustice with bloodied and brusied feet, the fatigue and muscle tension on your feet shall be healed. Bloodied and bruised, God is giving you new shoes! You’re going to see refreshing rain and a release from the journey’s pain. “What a beautiful sight to behold, the precious feet of the messenger coming over the mountains to announce Good News.” (Romans 10:15). We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed!

In the latter part of 2022 you shall experience renewal! You’re going to be energised, revived and you shall thrive! There’s a setting up in this period of time, for the increase to come! DO NOT FEAR! God is here! Do not hold back or lead out with caution or delay, or a sense of fear of what’s next this day?

This is your time, this is your hour. It’s green for go and the LORD has sent his angels to protect you! You’re protected as you harvest the fields. You are surrounded as you lead out with His voice! He adds increase! You are seen, you are heard and his presence sustains you all the way! The enemy can’t touch you! 4444, The lion, the lamb, the ox and the man! You shall see the ram! You’re going to experience acceleration and breakthrough upon breakthrough in the second half of 2022.

Isaiah 52:1-3 TPT

“Wake up! Open your eyes! Beautiful Zion, put on your majestic strength! Jerusalem, the sacred city, put on your glory garments! Never again will the unclean enter your gates! Arise and shake off your dust! Sit enthroned Jerusalem! Break off your shackles of bo***ge from your neck, you captive daughter of Zion! For this is what Yahweh has to say; “You were sold for nothing; now you will be redeemed without any payment.”

Footnotes- We shake off (overcome) the ‘dust’ of our old life and rise up in our new life, enthroned with Jesus Christ.

Veronica McDonald


Such wisdom this morning to all husband's and wives. God bless you.


Believers Workshops on today from 8am - 1pm


Girl Empowerment Program today at 8am

KINGS DAUGHTERS SPEAKERS. We're about to go on air FM100 to reflect on repentance as we face into a significant day tomo...

We're about to go on air FM100 to reflect on repentance as we face into a significant day tomorrow.

See you tonight at RSKMC for the conference.

Sina Betty Misina, Evg Julie Yamis & Imelda Griffin.




TUE AUG 23rd 2022, Port Moresby: REV. SIONE Kami Memorial Church (RSKMC) will host its annual “King’s Daughters Conference 2022” (KDC22) this week, aimed at informing, equipping and inspiring women through the Word of God and testimony so that they live purposeful and victorious lives.

The conference will be held from 6:00pm to 8.30pm nightly from Thursday August 25th to Saturday August 27th, with one morning session planned for a “Girl Empowerment Program” for school-aged girls (13 year-olds to 18 year-olds) on Friday August 26th from 9am to 1pm and “Equipping the Believer” workshops for the adult participants on Saturday August 27th from 9am to 1pm.

Lead Pastor Rev. Nathan Manga said the conference’s theme is “I Know Who I Am” based on Psalms 139:14 and is expected to be an enlightening, enriching and empowering program for believers who are seeking God to know their value and discover their purpose, so as to live victorious and purposeful lives.”

Speakers include retired United Church of Papua New Guinea clergy Sina Betty Misina who will speak on the topic; "I Know My Purpose", PNG Inter-denomination Women Empowerment Movement (PNGIWEM) founder Evangelist Julie Yamis who will speak on the topic: “I Know My Position” and RSKMC Worship Commissioner and KDC founder Imelda Griffin, who will speak on the topic: "I Know My Place".

A highlight of the program are panel discussions which will be held each night on topics including "Know Your Calling, Achieve Your Destiny", "Know Your Power, Govern Your Territory” and "Know Your Heritage, Extend Your Dominion".

Conference fees are; K100 workers | K50 Non-workers & Students (13 years and over), with registration closing on Thursday August 25th, 2022.

Please go to the link to download the registration form or email [email protected] for more information.


Caption: Participants captured at last year’s King’s Daughters Conference. – Photos: RSKMC Media & Communications Ministry

For more information, or interview opportunities, please contact RSKMC Administrator Vagi Gareitz on 325 5448/3401197 or email: [email protected] or [email protected] | Media & Communications Ministry on 76271203/76063225 email: [email protected] or [email protected]

About King’s Daughters Conference

About Rev. Sione Kami Memorial Church (RSKMC)
RSKMC is a local congregation of the United Church in Papua New Guinea with a membership of about 3,000. As a Purpose-Drive Church, RSKMC has a Governing Council with a chairman and five commissions (Fellowship, Discipleship, Worship, Ministry and Missions & Evangelism) representatives under which more than 25 ministry groups operate. The Pastoral Team is led by Lead Pastor Rev. Nathan and Marama Rachel Manga and Associate Pastor Rev. Riley and Marama Joan Nim. RSKMC’s major training initiatives include Fresh Start Classes, Christian Life Seminars, Evangelism Ministry, Church Planting and Cell Ministry training. Missions is also priority for RSKMC with a missionary from the church living and serving in Tanzania, Africa; with three others, who are all graduates from the World Harvest Institute in Suva, Fiji all awaiting deployment to mission fields abroad. The King’s Daughters Conference is a key discipleship and evangelism event endorsed by the RSKMC Women’s Ministry and supported by RSKMC ministries.


Register Now | K100 workers | K50 workers & students
[email protected]

5 DAYS TO GO! | DON'T MISS IT! REGISTER NOW! King's Daughters Conference 2022August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022Theme: "I Kno...


King's Daughters Conference 2022

August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022

Theme: "I Know Who I Am" - Psalms 139:14
6pm Nightly PLUS Friday and Saturday morning sessions (8am-1pm) for Believers Workshops and EVE Magazine 's EVEolve Girl Empowerment Program

K100 workers | K50 non-workers & students.
*Group discounts apply. Inquire upon registration.

Email: [email protected]

Registration closes Wednesday 24th 2022.

Registration Form:

Pictured are scenes from last year's event. Photos: RSKMC Media Team

DON'T MISS IT! REGISTER NOW! King's Daughters Conference 2022 August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022Theme: "I Know Who I Am" - P...


King's Daughters Conference 2022

August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022

Theme: "I Know Who I Am" - Psalms 139:14

6pm Nightly PLUS Friday and Saturday morning sessions (8am-1pm) for Believers Workshops and Magazine's EVEolve Girl Empowerment Program

K100 workers | K50 non-workers & students.

*Group discounts apply. Inquire upon registration.
Email: [email protected]

Registration closes Sunday 21st August 2022.

Registration Form:

KDC22 / I Know Who I am

KDC22 / I Know Who I am

You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb.

I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it!

How thoroughly you know me, Lord! You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place, carefully, skillfully shaping me from nothing to something.

You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book.
[Psalms 139:13‭-‬16 TPT]


*I Know Who I Am*

The King's Daughters Conference is a gathering of women; believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Poised and ready to be informed, equipped, and inspired through the Word of God and testimony to live every day victoriously.

The conference will be hosted by Reverend Sione Kami Memorial Church, 5mile Port Moresby on Thursday 25th, Friday 26th & Saturday 27th August 2022 from 6:00pm - 8.30pm nightly. Day sessions will be held on Friday and Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm.

Conference fees are; K100 workers | K50 Non-workers & Students.

*Registrations close Sunday 21st, August 2022*

To register, email [email protected] or download the registration form online.

Registration Form:

DON'T MISS IT! REGISTER NOW! King's Daughters Conference 2022 August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022Theme: "I Know Who I Am" - P...


King's Daughters Conference 2022

August 25th, 26th & 27th, 2022

Theme: "I Know Who I Am" - Psalms 139:14

6pm Nightly PLUS Friday and Saturday morning sessions (8am-1pm) for Believers Workshops and EVE Magazine 's EVEolve Girl Empowerment Program

K100 workers | K50 non-workers & students.

*Group discounts apply. Inquire upon registration.

Email: [email protected]

Registration closes Sunday 21st August 2022.

Registration Form:


One Month to go until KDC22

!!!REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN!!!Email: registration Registration Form:**20% discount for grou...

Email: registration

Registration Form:

**20% discount for groups of 5 people.**

Theme: "I know who I am"
Psalm 139:14

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Don't miss this timely and important discussion as we face into the results of the national general elections and the va...

Don't miss this timely and important discussion as we face into the results of the national general elections and the value women play in nation building.

Purchase your tickets/table early! See poster for details.


Thursday 25th August

Join Her Excellency Lady Emeline Tufi Dadae and her panel of guests to discuss the topic "Transforming a nation through women leaders."

HE Lady Dadae will be the guest speaker, sharing her thoughts on the value, women bring to nation building. As we phase into the outcome of the National General Elections and formation of a new government, it is important to discuss and understand the position of our country, our future and the role women leaders play in moving forward.
We are a self-proclaimed Christian nation, and so matters of national importance MUST be given a spiritual and biblical context. This is a view that needs to be represented more openly in private-public-church partnerships, and EVE PNG is proud to bring this event to you.

Don't miss it! Email [email protected] for reservations and details.




Sec: 35 Lot: 64, Gabaka Street, Gordons, NCD
Port Moresby





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