Sky Lanterns, also known as Wish Lanterns and Konming Lanterns, can be thought of as a miniature hot-air balloons that can be launched in your back yard for a special event or occasions. The lantern itself is made of lightweight biodegradeable tissue paper on a bamboo frame with a small wax fuel cell suspended in the middle. Just light the wax fuel cell and the lantern fills with hot air, causing
it to rise gently into the night sky. Sky lanterns produce a stunning glow when launched into the night sky, and can travel a great distance before gently making its descent after the fuel cell has burned out. Our colored sky lanterns can be particularly great for use during daylight hours, when their bright color will be visible as they soar off into the distance. Our Premium Sky Lanterns are hand-made to the highest quality standards from fire retardant paper and bamboo, and individually wrapped for protection. All of our sky lanterns are made of flame resistant biodegradable tissue paper with a bamboo ring and come with a pre-attached wax fuel cell, making them the most easy to use and environmentally friendly sky lanterns available today.