Świa.Dom Dane kontaktowe, mapa i wskazówki, formularz kontaktowy, godziny otwarcia, usługi, oceny, zdjęcia, filmy i ogłoszenia od Świa.Dom, Planowanie imprez, Witoszyn, Kazimierz Dolny gmina.

Miejsce spotkań w Naturze. Wody Dźwięku Natury i Zwierząt Żywiołów Lokalnych Działań [ENG below]
W Witoszynie nieopodal Kazimierza Dolnego powstaje ŚwiaDOM - miejsce spotkań z bratnimi i siostrzanymi Duszami, a przede wszystkim ze samym sobą na łonie natury. To tutaj otoczony wąwozami, brzozam

i, łosiami i ciszą w towarzystwie ognia, a w przyszłości Świątyni Dźwięku i Wody odnajdziesz swoje centrum i uziemienie.

ŚwiaDom MISJA:
-Stworzenie Stowarzyszenia/Fundacji działającej na rzecz ochrony natury i zwierząt
-Ochrona Wody, promowanie ekologicznych produktów, które nie zanieczyszczają wody, w szczególności na Festiwalach oraz Dużych aglomeracjach typu Hotele itp.
-Edukacja o Prawach Naturalnych Człowieka
-Permakultura i Stworzenie samowystarczającej EkoOsady
-Organizowanie Dużych i Małych Wydarzeń/Festiwali/Spotkań, z których część dochodów przeznaczana będzie na kupowanie ziemi, lasów, parków, które objęte zostaną ochroną
-Edukacja młodych generacji o życiu w zgodzie z naturą,
-Wspieranie rozwoju indywidualnych talentów i sztuki
-Manufaktura produktów prozdrowotnych np. Kiszonki, Priobiotyki, Kombucha,
-Przywrócenie pamięci, wiedzy i mądrości o żywiołach: ogniu, wodzie, ziemi, powietrzu
-Wspieranie lokalnych społeczności , dzieci i młodzieży

Jeśli, któraś z Misji z Tobą lub Wiesz z kim zarezonuje to ZAPRASZAMY do współpracy:
-Miłośników Natury i Zwierząt
-Dobre Duszyczki


In Witoszyn, near Kazimierz Dolny, ŚwiaDom is being created - a place for Soulmeetings with othrers and above all, with oneself in the bosom of nature. Here, surrounded by gorges, birches, elks and silence, accompanied by fire, and in the future
a the Sound and Water Temple you will find your center and grounding. The MISSION:
-Creating an Association/Foundation for the protection of nature and animals
-Water Protection, promoting ecological products that do not pollute water, especially at Festivals and large agglomerations such as hotels, etc.
-Education about Human Natural Rights
-Permaculture and Creation of a Self-Sustaining EcoVillage
-Organizing Large and Small Events/Festivals/Meetings, part of the fundings will be used to purchase land, forests, parks that will be protected
-Educating young generations about living in harmony with nature,
-Supporting the development of individual talents and art
-Manufactory of health-promoting products, e.g. Pickles, Probiotics, Kombucha,
-Herbal medicine
-Restoration of memory, knowledge and wisdom about the elements: fire, water, earth, air
-Supporting local communities, children and youth

If any of the Missions resonate with you or you know who, we invite to cooperate all:
-Nature and Animal Lovers
-Good Souls

LINE UP 🔥Join Us and and support the initiation of the Water Temple in  💦


Join Us and and support the initiation of the Water Temple in 💦

Więcej informacji oProjekcie, Bilety na ŚwiaDom ~~ WATER & CACAO Ceremony ~~ Zrzutka na Świątynie Wody ~~ Water Temple C...

Więcej informacji o
Projekcie, Bilety na ŚwiaDom ~~ WATER & CACAO Ceremony ~~ Zrzutka na Świątynie Wody ~~ Water Temple Crowdfunding ~~ i pyszne kakao znajdziecie tutaj:

Witaj ! W Witoszynie nieopodal Kazimierza Dolnego powstaje ŚwiaDom - miejsce spotkań z bratnimi i siostrzanymi Duszami, a przede wszystkim ze samym sobą na łonie natury. To tutaj otoczony wąwozami, brzozami, łosiami i ciszą w towarzystwie ognia, a w przyszłości Świątyni Dźwięku i Wody o...

.Venus Priestess | Dakini | MuseAlaia is transformational guide and temple artist who’s biggest passion is to open porta...

.Venus Priestess | Dakini | Muse

Alaia is transformational guide and temple artist who’s biggest passion is to open portals of joyful awakening to ecstatic nature of our life force energy.

Combaining ancient and futuristic wisdom, honouring the ancestral and cosmic roots of our existence, she dwells in inspirations from shamanism and ta**ra as well as own life gnosis & creativity to serve Life & evolution of human consciousness.

She opens herself for being a truth channel of the Divine Feminine & voice of the Womb to bring back the Sacred in all aspects of life.

At the moment Sacred Sexuality as the Union of the Feminine and Masculine is her main area of interest.

Alaia will contribute to the vision of Water Temple in ŚwiaDom by co-guiding the Water Ceremony, offering Temple Arts & Movement Meditation practice as well as opening the Sacred Portal of the Water Temple with psychomagic ritual & dance prayerformance together with Julja.

Join Us and support the initiation of the Water Temple in .Dom 💦

More Info, Tickets & Crowdfunding:

Yoanna Ewa Symbiosis    Local Artist |  She draws plants and ecosystems, illustrates dreams and visions, she also writes...

Yoanna Ewa Symbiosis Local Artist | She draws plants and ecosystems, illustrates dreams and visions, she also writes.
Nature has taught her a lot - its forms and flows; she has always been fascinated by symbolism and ornaments. She was a vagabond for a few years, and for a few years she lived in central Australia in the Arrente and Warumungu Lands, working with Aboriginal artists and making illustrations of fauna and flora for local national parks and museums. For 10 years she created the Symbiosis Project - a traveling exhibition of illustrated stories. Currently, it is taking root near Kazimierz Dolny, continuing to discover and deepen its relationship with the surrounding world. And she shares what comes to her in her works and stories.

At the Event She will beautify the space with her Artworks - connected to WATER and take Us on a Journey with one of her Storytelling.
Join Us and support the initiation of the Water Temple in .Dom 💦

Tickets & Crowdfunding:

Morning Yoga will be guided by Ewelina, and it will be a""Vinyasa Joga with Ujjayi breathing" practice :)Take your yoga ...

Morning Yoga will be guided by Ewelina, and it will be a
""Vinyasa Joga with Ujjayi breathing" practice :)

Take your yoga mat with you :)


More about Ewelina:
"The beginning of my journey was a Vipassana meditation retreat in 2018.
Thanks to this, I began to focus on subtle sensations in the body and develop mindfulness in how I breathe, what I do and how I say.
Over time, I became fascinated with the practice of Yoga. This was the next step and the beginning of a priceless journey and learning. This time through conscious movement.
At the beginning of 2022, I completed the VINYASA AND ASHTANGA YOGA RYT 200 Yoga Alliance teacher course, which had an indescribable impact on deepening my passion.

I have completed three editions of the online platform for teachers "Olala Yoga & Pilates School".
I completed a training based on Art Therapy for trainers and teachers as part of the "True Essence - Erasmus + " project at Organic Metta Farm in Slovenia.

During classes, I really like to introduce breathing techniques and relaxation elements. I try to provide as much knowledge as possible that will allow practitioners to get to know their body better and understand what causes certain tensions or pain.
Through contact with the body, I also fell in love with fire dancing, which, like Yoga, has the power of cleansing.
The yogic state gives life to my life not only spiritually, emotionally, but also physically. My mission is to show that it is possible to look at yourself in a new way and at the reflecting outside world."

Marta Alicja Kacprzak  Will take Us for a truely Healing Walk and show All Plant Medicine that Grows around ŚwiaDom so m...

Marta Alicja Kacprzak Will take Us for a truely Healing Walk and show All Plant Medicine that Grows around ŚwiaDom so most prob
Nature has been a close friend to me for as long as I can remember. Love and respect for plants and animals allowed me to learn about the sensitivity of nature and its uniqueness.
This passion has stayed with me to this day.
I am happy to talk about herbs and their history, properties and uses, focusing on practical and universal ways of using them on a daily basis.
As an engineer Herbalist, Journeyman Naturopathy and beekeeper, I take a holistic approach to the use of herbs in our lives, often combining them with bee products to create coherent recipes with a wide range of effects.
Founder of KluboZielarnia Kalejdoskop in Lublin

Over the past years, Denis SoHum .sonic.alchemy  has combined his passion for music with holistic sound therapy, becomin...

Over the past years, Denis SoHum .sonic.alchemy has combined his passion for music with holistic sound therapy, becoming an alchemist of healing frequencies.
His mission is to use the power of sound to bring balance to the world and harmonize distorted vibrations through sonic offerings.

As a Father, DJ, Live Act or in his work as a Sound Therapist, SoHum's path is driven by pure Love and full devotion to his life mission.

In his Musical Offerings, SoHum combines traditional instruments with modern technology to create a deep transformative sonic experience.
Through production and performance of these musical journeys ,SoHum aims to share his vision of balance and healing with the world.

"Sound is the base of all creation, so it's all there is!
A transformational vehicle of transcendence... to get closer to the divine and melt in time and space.
It's medicine... caretaker... it keeps us safe.. lifts us up!
It serves as an emotional amplifier and grounds us when we are in need.


Karo Kołodziejczyk    Artist | Humanist | Dancer and Traveler. A Child of the World, although born in Warsaw - for as lo...

Karo Kołodziejczyk Artist | Humanist | Dancer and Traveler.
A Child of the World, although born in Warsaw - for as long as she can remember, she has had a great love for colors and music.

She will fill the space with her original creations, which were born over the last 2 years thanks to her travels - both physical ones around the world map and inside oneself.

During the event, you will be able to encounter psychedelic images of power:

- Transformational portraits of Guides,
- Power Animals - which are portals of sorts
- Abstract and large-format colorful symbols.

The images she creates are created completely intuitively and out of flow.
They can take you to other dimensions and completely hypnotize you.

Originally created as a digital painting, then printed on beautiful, high-quality cotton canvas and some of them additionally painted with acrylics and UV markers.

Join Us and support the initiation of the Water Temple in ŚwiaDom 💦

More Info, Tickets & Donations in BIO ✨

 Intuitive Space Holder | Creator | Life Artist.For years on a Galactic Journey with the Mayan Cosmology, on Her Mission...

Intuitive Space Holder | Creator | Life Artist.
For years on a Galactic Journey with the Mayan Cosmology, on Her Mission to remind Human Beings about Natural Time Cycles and Fractals, encouraging to follow any other Calendar based on Cosmology rather than based on ideology, because TIME is ART!

She have a big experience in facilitating Cacao Ceremonies, Woman Circles, Dragon Dreaming and Grounding Temples on Festivals/Events.

She loves Traveling around the World in search of local Wild Herbs & Natural Medicine & Creating Magic Moments & Spaces through Feng Shui, Music, Dance, Painting✨

Julja will create Magic Moments at ŚwiaDom by guiding the Water&Cacao Ceremony, Sound Journeys, Dragon Dreaming & Decorations.

Join Us and support the initiation of the Water Temple in ŚwiaDom 💦

More Info, Tickets & Donations in BIO ✨

.agora Multiinstrumentalist | Soundhealer | Spaceholder. Inspiration of his music is mostly from Australia and other dif...

.agora Multiinstrumentalist | Soundhealer | Spaceholder.
Inspiration of his music is mostly from Australia and other diffrent worldwide native tribe and culture musi . The music is mostly based on improvisation and intuitive Energy Flow chaneled out of the space and the energy around him .

He will Take You on a Magical Sound Healing Journey during the Event and guide the Water Ceremony. Agamu is the Guardian od the ŚwiaDom Land and Water Guardian all over the World. Rising Awareness about the Water&Nature Protection&Care became his Souls Mission.

Now You can support His Big Dream about building first a Water Temple and later on a Music Temple at ŚwiaDom.

Join Us and support big dreams and big changes for the best of all beings becoming true💦

More Info, Tickets & Donations in BIO ✨

✨ZAPRASZAMY✨na Ceremonię Wody i Kakao orazdo wsparcia powstania Świątyni Wody

na Ceremonię Wody i Kakao oraz
do wsparcia powstania Świątyni Wody

Witaj ! W Witoszynie nieopodal Kazimierza Dolnego powstaje ŚwiaDOM - miejsce spotkań z bratnimi i siostrzanymi Duszami, a przede wszystkim ze samym sobą na łonie natury. To tutaj otoczony wąwozami, brzozami, łosiami i ciszą w towarzystwie ognia, a w przyszłości Świątyni Dźwięku i Wody o...


Kazimierz Dolny Gmina

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