Si hablamos español también! Mándanos un mensaje a comprar una de las rosas que tenemos para tu baile!
Hello friends and family,
My girlfriend and I started making corsages and boutonnières since we know a couple of high schools in Colorado Springs and Pueblo having homecoming around the corner! We made some demos if you’d like to purchase one then you can have an idea of what the product will look like! We make them with any ribbon combination you would like! Some of the colors pictured below are just some colors that many people go with (based off what we seen). We can take custom orders if we don’t have the ribbon below or even the color of flower 🌸
Singles: (one boutonnière or corsage with ribbon color of your choice)
Sets: (both boutonnière and corsage with ribbon color of your choice)
Please share! 💗
We appreciate it if you do!