A Fly Free Shows lamenta informar que o concerto de Groundation, previsto para o próximo dia 9 de Abril de 2022, se encontra cancelado, sem nova data em vista.
Os portadores de bilhete podem solicitar o reembolso do mesmo no respetivo local de compra, no prazo máximo de 60 dias úteis a contar a partir de dia 09 de fevereiro de 2022.
Abaixo podem ler o comunicado da banda:
It’s with great regret that we have to announce you that Groundation’s european tour, scheduled in March and April, is postponed. Several shows in some countries are canceled and the situation is still not favourable to a tour on this scale:
The rules of entry in the european countries are different and they may change depending on the sanitary situation. Some countries could impose a quarantine or others measures to enter in, and it can’t be anticipated.
The shows with people standing are still forbidden in certain countries, or could be forbidden between now and March depending on the sanitary situation.
The band is traveling in a tourbus, it means that the musicians and technicians would live very closed, which could quickly become a cluster (so a lot of shows canceled) if one person catchs COVID.