First Person View at Lisbon Irish Session
Last Night's Fun playing "The Wise Maid" 🎶🍀
Now every Monday at 21:00 😉🍀🎶
At O'Gilins IrishPub - First Irish Pub in Lisbon
Session Under Quarantine - 12th Week
12th week of our Lisbon Irish Session under quarantine 🍀🎶
Every fortnight, Monday at 21:30 :)
Jigs: I Buried My Wife and Danced on Her Grave / The Cliffs of Moher / The Battering Ram
Miguel Girão - Guitar
Kate Sedas - Tin Whistle
Pedro Martinho - Fiddle
Anders Perander - Mandolin
César Pimentel - Concertina
Marco Silva - Cittern (& video/audio editing)
Session Under Quarantine - 10th Week
10th week of Lisbon Irish Session under quarantine 🍀🎶
Every fortnight, Monday at 21:30 ;)
Hornpipes: The Boys of Bluehill / Harvest Home
César Pimentel - Concertina & Low Whistle
Antonio Muriel - Fiddle
Pedro Martinho - Fiddle
Marco Silva - Cittern (& video/audio editing)
Miguel Girão - Guitar
Session Under Quarantine - 8th Week
We're back!! 🍀🎶
Still under quarantine, but back to our weekly videos that is.. after skipping just last week for maintenance :P
As always, at our session schedule: Mondays at 21:30 ;)
Reels: The Ships are Sailing / Sally Gardens / Gravel Walks
Marco Silva - Octave Mandolin (& video/audio editing)
Kate Sedas - Tin Whistle & Irish Flute
Miguel Girão - Guitar
Pedro Martinho - Fiddle
Raquel Costa - Fiddle
Joaquim de Brito aka Shaka - Bodhrán & Spoons
César Pimentel - Low Whistle, Concertina & Tin Whistle
Session Under Quarantine - 6th Week
Already the sixth week of Lisbon Irish Session under quarantine!! 🍀🎶
Keeping the schedule: Mondays at 21:30 ;)
Slides: Kings of Kerry / Merrily Kissed the Quaker / Eileen O'Riordan's
Marco Silva - Octave Mandolin (& video/audio editing)
César Pimentel - Low Whistle & Tin Whistle
André Pinto - Cajon
Kate Sedas - Irish Flute
Miguel Girão - Guitar
Bernie KilBride - Fiddle
Pedro Martinho - Fiddle & Bandolesa
Video Chain Reaction
Thanks to Bruno Pimentel for taking our #quarantunes meta-videos, balancing the instrument volumes and adding some video dynamics ;)
Marco Silva - Octave Mandolin
Pedro Martinho - Fiddle
César Pimentel - Low Whistle & Concertina
Joaquim de Brito - Bodhrán & Spoons
Irish Dancing at our Session
Spontaneous Irish Dancing at our Trad session, by Constança Moniz Galvão 🎶💃🍀