made with love

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made with love Wedding & Event Planning by Ana Cunha | Crafting unforgettable destination & cultural weddings | We love what we do, we do what we love!

A made with love é uma empresa de Organização de todo o tipo de Eventos, que se especializou na área dos Casamentos, com Wedding Planner certificada. Desenhamos propostas personalizadas, feitas à medida, realizamos sonhos, ajudamos a escrever páginas felizes, criamos memórias e momentos inesquecíveis!

As the moonlit sky blanketed the world below, Francisca & João celebrated their union in a setting that seemed plucked s...

As the moonlit sky blanketed the world below, Francisca & João celebrated their union in a setting that seemed plucked straight from a fairy tale. In the heart of this magical soirée, a table set for two stood as a testament to their love, adorned with elegance and grace, capturing the essence of a romance that blossoms in the warmth of shared light.
Surrounded by the soft glow of candle lights, their table became an island of intimacy and warmth. Above, a ceiling woven with fairy lights cast a gentle shimmer, mirroring a star-studded sky, while a natural floral suspension floated like a cloud of dreams, adding an ethereal touch to the scene. This delicate balance of light and flora created a cocoon of enchantment, inviting Francisca & João to lose themselves in the moment, in the beauty of their shared journey.
But the magic didn’t end there. The space around them unfolded in layers of meticulously curated decorations, each telling a story of love, friendship, and the coming together of families. Guests moved through this dreamlike setting, their laughter and joy adding to the atmosphere of celebration, creating memories that would be cherished for a lifetime.
In capturing this moment, we not only preserve the visual splendor of Francisca & João's special day but also the profound emotions that filled the air. It was a night where love was the truest guest of honor, witnessed by the closest of kin and dearest friends, all gathered under the canopy of a love that promises forever.

At Made with Love Events, we are privileged to share in these moments, to help craft and capture the scenes that speak of love’s timeless tale.
As we look back on this enchanting evening, we're reminded of the power of love to transform spaces, to infuse the ordinary with magic, and to bring people together in celebration of life's most precious moments. Congratulations, Francisca & João, on your union, and thank you for letting us be a part of your fairy tale. May your lives together continue to be as magical as your wedding night, filled with love, light, and endless joy.

Pequenos detalhes que cativam e momentos que perduram!Pormenores de uma das mesas dos convidados, do Casamento da Franci...

Pequenos detalhes que cativam e momentos que perduram!
Pormenores de uma das mesas dos convidados, do Casamento da Francisca e João - esta mesa romântica é um convite à elegância e ao charme, onde cada pormenor é cuidadosamente selecionado para criar uma atmosfera única. Das flores nobres e frescas à suavidade da luz das velas personalizadas, cada elemento é feito com amor e dedicação!

Estamos emocionados por partilhar um momento verdadeiramente especial que aconteceu no dia 10 de junho de 2023, na deslu...

Estamos emocionados por partilhar um momento verdadeiramente especial que aconteceu no dia 10 de junho de 2023, na deslumbrante . O casamento dos queridos e simpáticos noivos Francisca e João foi um verdadeiro conto de fadas, e a Made With Love teve a honra de fazer parte deste dia memorável.

Desde o início, trabalhamos incansavelmente para garantir que cada detalhe refletisse a personalidade e o amor único deste casal encantador. Desde o planeamento meticuloso até a coordenação, passando pela decoração, styling e design, tudo foi feito com um toque de delicadeza, romance, elegância e classe.

A Casa de Sezim proporcionou o cenário perfeito para esta ocasião especial, adicionando ainda mais magia e beleza a cada momento. As flores deslumbrantes da , os detalhes cuidadosamente escolhidos, desde o estacionário, em que contamos com a talentosa e querida Joana da , à atmosfera encantadora, criaram um ambiente verdadeiramente mágico que deixou todos os presentes maravilhados.

Além disso, as sobremesas deliciosas e o protocolo foram a cereja no topo do bolo deste casamento inesquecível. Cada elemento foi pensado com amor e dedicação, resultando num dia que os noivos, as suas famílias e amigos jamais esquecerão.

Tão gratificante fazer parte deste dia especial e testemunhar o amor e a felicidade que transbordavam em cada momento!
Obrigada pela confiança e carinho

6/6 Patrícia and João, the enchanting bride and groom, created a celebration that etched itself into the memories of all...


Patrícia and João, the enchanting bride and groom, created a celebration that etched itself into the memories of all who witnessed their happiest day. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of warmth, the couple’s love illuminated the gathering, sparking an emotional chord that resonated throughout the venue.

Their tender glances and affectionate gestures made everyone present feel the depth of their connection. The air was thick with the palpable love between Patrícia and João, and as they exchanged vows, laughter, and promises, the guests couldn’t help but be swept away by the emotional tide of the moment.

The dance floor became a stage for the couple’s joyous energy. Patrícia, with her graceful moves, and João, with his perpetual smile, led the way into a night of revelry. The music echoed the beats of their hearts, and the celebration unfolded with an infectious enthusiasm that spread like wildfire among the attendees.

As the night progressed, emotions ran high. Tears of joy mingled with laughter, creating an atmosphere of pure celebration. Patrícia and João, surrounded by family and friends, reveled in the shared happiness, making every moment count. The party continued into the wee hours, a testament to the couple’s zest for life and love.

The dance floor witnessed not only the rhythmic steps of Patrícia and João but also the collective heartbeat of a community united in celebration. In the embrace of love, laughter, and shared memories, the couple, with beaming smiles and hearts full of gratitude, danced their way into a night that would forever be etched in the annals of their love story.

Patrícia, the radiant bride, graced the celebration with a tender look that mirrored the happiness in her heart. Her eye...

Patrícia, the radiant bride, graced the celebration with a tender look that mirrored the happiness in her heart. Her eyes sparkled with joy and astonishment as she beheld the profound love of groom João. His infectious joy, mirrored in his perpetual smile, filled her with a warmth that transcended words.

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, Patrícia moved with an ethereal grace that captivated all who beheld her. The delicate lace of her gown whispered luxury, draping her in an aura of timeless elegance. Every step she took seemed like a dance, a manifestation of the love that surrounded her on this momentous day.

As João’s eyes met hers on the dance floor, Patrícia felt a surge of emotions. His love enveloped her like a tender embrace, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a blissful dance of hearts.

The guests, too, contributed to the tapestry of love that enveloped Patrícia. Their cheers and well-wishes echoed the collective joy and support that surrounded the newlyweds. In the midst of this celebration, Patrícia became a living embodiment of love, her beauty and grace a reflection of the profound connection shared with João.

The air was filled not only with the sweet notes of the music but also with an undeniable sense of lust for life. Patrícia reveled in the luxury of the moment, indulging in the splendor of love, companionship, and the enchanting celebration that marked the beginning of her journey with João. In this dance of love and life, Patrícia’s happiness radiated like a beacon, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to witness the union of two souls so deeply in love.

4/6João, the groom with a perpetual smile that radiates infectious joy, is a beacon of happiness on the wedding day. His...


João, the groom with a perpetual smile that radiates infectious joy, is a beacon of happiness on the wedding day. His unwavering positivity is a testament to a spirit that dances through life with unbridled enthusiasm. As the music fills the air, João takes to the dance floor with a carefree abandon, moving to the rhythm like no one’s watching.

His joyful movements surprise and delight everyone in attendance. With each twirl and spin, he creates an atmosphere of celebration, inviting others to join in the merriment. João’s dance is not just a series of steps; it’s a reflection of the exuberance that defines his approach to life.

Amidst the laughter and cheers, it becomes evident that João’s heart is brimming with love for Patrícia. His eyes sparkle with admiration and affection as he gazes at his bride. In every step and every gesture, he expresses the depth of his commitment and the sheer joy of sharing this special day with the love of his life.

João’s constant smile becomes even more pronounced when he’s in the presence of Patrícia. Their love is a melody that plays in harmony with every beat of the music, creating a symphony of happiness that envelops the entire celebration. Together, they dance not just with their feet but with their hearts, savoring the beautiful rhythm of a love that promises to last a lifetime. In João’s infectious joy, one can glimpse the pure and genuine happiness that comes from finding a soulmate in Patrícia.

3/6As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky, the bride and groom found themselves...


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky, the bride and groom found themselves immersed in a moment of quiet reflection. With hands entwined, they stood on the threshold of a new chapter, bathed in the soft hues of the sunset, a canvas painted with the promise of forever.

In the gentle embrace of the fading daylight, they exchanged glances that spoke volumes, eyes reflecting the depth of their shared journey. With a world of love in their hearts, they chose this intimate moment to make private vows, whispered delicately into each other’s ears. The soft rustle of the breeze carried their promises, creating an invisible thread that bound their souls even tighter.

Holding each other close, amidst the backdrop of the setting sun, their words became an intimate symphony, a melody that only the two of them could hear. The bride’s gown shimmered in the fading light, a reflection of the radiance that their love exuded. The groom, with a tender smile, listened to the vows that resonated with the quiet strength of their connection.

As the sun completed its descent, casting a final burst of colors across the sky, the couple reveled in the sacredness of the moment. In the hushed whispers of love and commitment, they sealed their private vows with a shared promise to navigate the journey ahead hand in hand, their hearts beating in unison as they embarked on the beautiful adventure of marriage.

2/6In the ethereal world of bridal elegance, the grace of a Jesus Peiro wedding dress transforms a bride into a vision o...


In the ethereal world of bridal elegance, the grace of a Jesus Peiro wedding dress transforms a bride into a vision of timeless beauty. Patrícia, adorned in the exquisite silk creation, becomes a living embodiment of sophistication and grace. The fabric flows like a gentle cascade, embracing her silhouette with a whisper of luxury that captivates onlookers.

The intricate design of the dress, a masterpiece by Jesus Peiro, accentuates Patrícia’s natural beauty. Every stitch, every detail, contributes to the overall allure, creating an ensemble that radiates an understated yet undeniable elegance. The silk, with its inherent sheen, lends an air of opulence to the entire ensemble as it gracefully drapes around her, following the contours of her figure in a dance of sheer refinement.

As Patrícia glides down the aisle, the silk responds to her every movement, creating an enchanting symphony of beauty and grace. The dress, with its timeless design and meticulous craftsmanship, becomes a canvas for her inner radiance to shine through, amplifying the already breathtaking aura of the bride.

In this moment, the beauty of all elements converges—the meticulous artistry of Jesus Peiro’s creation, the flowing silk that mirrors the gentle rhythm of love, and the innate elegance of Patrícia herself. Together, they weave a tapestry of beauty that transcends the ordinary, capturing the essence of a wedding day where every detail contributes to the magical celebration of love.

1/6 Patrícia & JoãoThe exchange of wedding vows marks the beginning of a journey filled with love, trust, and unwavering...

1/6 Patrícia & João

The exchange of wedding vows marks the beginning of a journey filled with love, trust, and unwavering commitment. The tangible symbol of this profound promise is often embodied in the circular grace of wedding rings. These small, yet powerful, bands of metal encapsulate the essence of unity and a shared destiny.

As the couple exchanges rings, their hands become a canvas for the manifestation of a profound connection. The gentle touch, the interlocking of fingers, and the shared anticipation signify a pledge to navigate life’s journey hand in hand. It is not just a symbolic gesture, but a tangible representation of the promise to stand together through the highs and lows, supporting each other with a love that knows no bounds.

The approach of giving hands, one adorned with the ring that binds, signifies the acceptance of a shared responsibility and a commitment to weather the storms of life as a united front. The gleaming metal on the finger becomes a constant reminder of the vows spoken and the love pledged—a silent witness to the journey embarked upon.

In this shared cumplicity, the wedding ring transcends its material form, evolving into a cherished emblem of love and fidelity. It is a testament to the enduring strength of the couple’s connection and a daily affirmation of the promises made on that special day. Beyond being mere jewelry, these rings become a source of comfort, a touchstone that echoes the enduring commitment and the profound love that binds two souls together in the beautiful dance of matrimony.

No momento mágico do corte do bolo, os noivos parecem ter saído diretamente de um conto de fadas, imersos numa atmosfera...

No momento mágico do corte do bolo, os noivos parecem ter saído diretamente de um conto de fadas, imersos numa atmosfera romântica e acolhedora que envolve todo o ambiente. Uma cena encantadora e cheia de emoção!

Ao posarem de forma natural e descontraída, os noivos irradiam felicidade, simbolizando a união das suas vidas. Os olhares cúmplices revelam a profundidade do amor que partilham, enquanto sorrisos genuínos iluminam os seus rostos. Cada gesto é carregado de significado, transformando este momento num retrato de pura harmonia e ligação.

O ambiente é um convite ao romance, com velas suavemente a iluminar o espaço, criando uma atmosfera íntima e calorosa. A luz dança sobre os rostos dos noivos, realçando a beleza do momento e destacando cada detalhe. O cenário, repleto de pormenores florais, adiciona uma pitada de encanto, com flores delicadas e frescas que enquadram o momento especial.

A aura de magia é intensificada pelo aroma suave das flores e pela luz suave das velas, criando um ambiente que envolve todos os presentes. Cada detalhe cuidadosamente escolhido contribui para a atmosfera romântica, transformando o momento do corte do bolo numa cena de conto de fadas, onde o amor é celebrado na sua forma mais pura e sublime.

Neste instante, o tempo parece congelar, permitindo que os noivos desfrutem plenamente da magia que os envolve. Os convidados testemunham não apenas um gesto simbólico, mas uma representação tangível do compromisso e da felicidade que permeiam esta jornada conjunta. O momento do corte do bolo transcende a tradição, tornando-se um capítulo eternizado na história única e extraordinária dos noivos.

The dark green wedding cake stands as a unique masterpiece, defying the traditional white expectation. The skilled cake ...

The dark green wedding cake stands as a unique masterpiece, defying the traditional white expectation. The skilled cake designer has woven intricate textures, a personalized monogram, and meticulous details seamlessly, creating a confectionery marvel. Every element harmonizes with the venue, moodboard, and overall aesthetics, elevating the wedding experience to a visually enchanting level.
The cake table, adorned with flickering candles, exudes a romantic ambiance that complements the enchanting allure of the dark green masterpiece. Design flowers delicately intertwine with the surroundings, adding a final touch of sophistication to this aesthetically cohesive wedding setting.

Capturing the sweetest tradition: the moment the newlyweds cut the cake, sharing the first piece and toasting to a lifet...

Capturing the sweetest tradition: the moment the newlyweds cut the cake, sharing the first piece and toasting to a lifetime of epic moments with their cherished guests.

Embracing the charm of love in every detail! Our intimate wedding table setting at Adega dos Toneis,  is a symphony of e...

Embracing the charm of love in every detail!
Our intimate wedding table setting at Adega dos Toneis, is a symphony of elegance and class. Each element whispers love, creating a timeless celebration.

A Night to RememberIndulging in the finer details of a perfect table setting at the enchanting Adega dos Tonéis in Monve...

A Night to Remember

Indulging in the finer details of a perfect table setting at the enchanting Adega dos Tonéis in Monverde Hotel. From golden and delicate accents to the most classy choices, this wedding dinner is a true masterpiece.

The floral art design that adorns the table is nothing short of magical, a reflection of the love and dedication that has gone into every aspect of this evening.

Here's to celebrating love and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

O Casamento intimista que organizamos no  , na Adega dos Tonéis, foi verdadeiramente encantador. O cenário rústico e aco...

O Casamento intimista que organizamos no , na Adega dos Tonéis, foi verdadeiramente encantador. O cenário rústico e acolhedor deste espaço proporcionou o cenário perfeito para a celebração. Optamos por mesas de madeira corrida que se encaixaram harmoniosamente com o ambiente.

Cada detalhe foi escolhido com cuidado e meticulosidade, desde o table setting até a decoração. Cada peça foi selecionada para garantir que o resultado final fosse charmoso e elegante, mantendo a autenticidade rústica do local. Os abajours a lembrar os anos 20, os castiçais, velas com tubos de vidro, a luminosidade certa, tudo foi pensado e criado para proporcionar um ambiente cosy, elegante, com classe e cheio de amor em cada detalhe. A mistura destes elementos criou uma atmosfera maravilhosa que cativou os corações de todos os presentes, tornando esse casamento uma experiência verdadeiramente memorável.

Daniela .rissato ,the bride of unparalleled grace and charm, exudes a profound sense of refinement and savoir-faire. Her...

Daniela .rissato ,the bride of unparalleled grace and charm, exudes a profound sense of refinement and savoir-faire. Her impeccable taste resonates in every detail, from the choice of her gown, adorned with a beautiful bow and a veil that evokes pure emotion. As she poses for photographs, her elegance shines through, a testament to her understanding of this art.

In the story of love and happiness that Daniela and her groom, Bruno, share, she plays an integral role. Together, they embark on this special day, weaving a tale of commitment and adoration that will be cherished for a lifetime. The delicate and graceful presence of Daniela epitomizes the essence of a bride, capturing the hearts of all who witness this remarkable union.

Helping with the wedding dress is just one way that a mother can show her love and support for her daughter on her speci...

Helping with the wedding dress is just one way that a mother can show her love and support for her daughter on her special day.

An incredible and joyful cheers moment with the beautiful bride and her bridesmaids during the wedding day preparations!...

An incredible and joyful cheers moment with the beautiful bride and her bridesmaids during the wedding day preparations!

"To the bride and groom, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Here's to a lifetime of happiness and making unforgettable memories. Cheers!"
Wedding preparations: Bride: Make Up artist: Hair Stylist: .hairstylist Planning, styling, coordination and protocol: Photo:

É uma enorme honra fazer parte de momentos tão especiais, acompanhar os preparativos do dia do Casamento das nossas Noiv...

É uma enorme honra fazer parte de momentos tão especiais, acompanhar os preparativos do dia do Casamento das nossas Noivas, e Noivos também.

Desde o hair styling, à make up, os acessórios, o vestido, o calçado, tudo é pensado ao pormenor. O bem-estar dos nossos Noivos é fundamental, e garantimos que nada falte, nada falhe, num dia único e que não se repete. Entregamos os boutonnieres e bouquet frescos, preparados com muito amor e finalizados com fita de seda natural, de acordo com a palete de cores do evento.

Planeamento, styling, coordenação e protocolo:
Make up artist:
Hair stylist: .hairstylist

Glamour, elegância e sofisticação, elementos que caracterizaram o Casamento da Alexa & Christopher, na Torre Bella. Uma ...

Glamour, elegância e sofisticação, elementos que caracterizaram o Casamento da Alexa & Christopher, na Torre Bella.

Uma atmosfera onde todos os convidados se sentiram especiais e celebrados.

Venue e decoração:
Planning, styling, design e protocolo:
Música: .pt
Saxofonista: .tdg

The Perfect LightAlexa & Christopher | American & Greek rootes at a Destination Sunset Wedding in Torre Bella, Vila Nova...

The Perfect Light

Alexa & Christopher | American & Greek rootes at a Destination Sunset Wedding in Torre Bella, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Sunset weddings truly are a magical experience, with the warm and golden light creating a breathtaking ambiance that sets the stage for a memorable event. The unique and romantic atmosphere of a sunset wedding can add an extra layer of beauty and emotion to your special day.

The warm and soft light of a sunset provides the perfect backdrop for stunning photography, as the colors in the sky create a beautiful contrast against the wedding attire and decor. As the sun sets, the sky transitions through a range of warm colors, creating a stunning natural spectacle that is sure to leave a lasting impression on you and your guests.

In addition to the beauty of the setting, a sunset wedding can also create a relaxed and fun atmosphere that encourages guests to socialize and let their hair down. With the party starting just as the sun sets, the transition from the formal ceremony to the more casual reception is seamless and enjoyable.

And let's not forget about the delicious drinks and food that can be served during a sunset wedding! From signature cocktails to light bites and hors d'oeuvres, the options are endless when it comes to creating the perfect menu for your special day.

Overall, a sunset wedding is a truly beautiful and unforgettable experience that can create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you're planning a small and intimate ceremony or a larger celebration, the beauty and romance of a sunset wedding is sure to captivate you and your guests.

Wedding Planning, Styling, Protocol and Coordination:
Bridal Bouquet:
Bridal Hair Styling: .hairstylist
Bridal Make Up Artist:

Alexa & Christopher Wedding Glamorous details We love soft and luxurius velvet fabric guestbooks with silk ribbon, that ...

Alexa & Christopher Wedding Glamorous details

We love soft and luxurius velvet fabric guestbooks with silk ribbon, that adds an elegant and sophisticated touch to the wedding reception.

These guestbooks often come in a variety of colors to match the wedding theme or color scheme, and they may feature ornate details such as embossed or foil-stamped designs. Guests can sign their names and leave messages of congratulations and well-wishes for the happy couple, creating a cherished keepsake that can be treasured for years to come.

The Bride and Groom chose for wedding favors delicate port wine bottles prepared with love by

Wedding Planning, Design, Styling, coordination and protocol
Bridal Bouquet
Statyonary and Favors

Seating placeholders are a great way to add a personal touch to your wedding or event, while also helping guests feel co...

Seating placeholders are a great way to add a personal touch to your wedding or event, while also helping guests feel comfortable and welcome. With a little creativity, you can create beautiful and functional seating placeholders that your guests will love.

Seating placeholders are a great way to let your guests know where they should sit at your wedding reception. They can also add a personal touch to your table decor.



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O que fazemos, fazemos com Amor!

A made with love é uma empresa de Organização de todo o tipo de Eventos, que se especializou na área dos Casamentos, com Wedding Planner certificada.

Desenhamos propostas personalizadas, feitas à medida, realizamos sonhos, ajudamos a escrever páginas felizes, criamos memórias e momentos inesquecíveis!

Serviços que dispomos para tornar o vosso dia ainda mais especial e mágico:

|Estacionário| - Convites, lembranças, guest & vows book, sinalética, welcome board, seating chart, marcadores e indicadores de lugar, design, caligrafia & lettering artist.