7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture

7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture will be, in May 2022, the mo


7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture - Closing Video 2022


Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Enologia e Viticultura - ANEEV


7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture - OPENING VIDEO 2022

Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Enologia e Viticultura - ANEEV

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro



Our programme is now available on our website!
We look forward to receiving the latest registrations and see you next week!

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the Master Class opening

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the Master Class opening

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the round table!

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the round table!

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the technical session.

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture announces the technical session.

The 7th International Congress on Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture“Extreme viticulture: from cultural landscape to e...

The 7th International Congress on Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture
“Extreme viticulture: from cultural landscape to economic and environmental sustainability”
12, 13, 14th May 2022
(Save the date)
The date registration opens March 1st
Please visit the program already available in the congress site!
Reserve the dates and check for updates! We count on your presence!
VII international congress Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture
Quinta de Prados, 5000-801 Vila Real (Portugal)
E-mail [email protected]

7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture organization.

7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture organization.

O  7º  Congresso  Internacional  em  Viticultura  de  Montanha  e  Encostas Ingremes,  sobre  o  tema  “Viticultura  nos...

O 7º Congresso Internacional em Viticultura de Montanha e Encostas Ingremes, sobre o tema “Viticultura nos limites: da paisagem cultural à sustentabilidade económica e ambiental” terá lugar nos dias 12, 13 e 14 de Maio de 2022, e será uma importante oportunidade de disseminação e de atualização das inovações cientificas e técnicas do sector vitícola e da enologia para as regiões de montanhas. Uma iniciativa do CERVIM - Centro de Investigação, Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Promoção da Viticultura de Montanha, com o patrocínio da OIV - Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho, e organizada pela Universidade de Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro (UTAD), em parceria com a Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Enologia e Viticultura (ANEEV), a Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense (ADVID) e a Faculdade Ciências da UP, o Congresso contará com uma extensa programação científica, sessões e visitas técnicas, exposição fotográfica, mesas redondas e uma interessante programação Social. O vinho do Porto, produzido na região demarcada do Douro, reconhecida como a mais antiga região demarcada do mundo e Património Mundial da UNESCO, dão-lhe as mais calorosas boas-vindas.

Link do congresso na bio

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture will be, in May 2022, the most important opportu...

The 7th International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slopes Viticulture will be, in May 2022, the most important opportunity to disseminate and update scientific and technical innovations of viticulture and oenology from Mountain regions.

An initiative of the CERVIM - Center for Research, Environmental Sustainability and Advancement of Mountain Viticulture, on the patronage of the OIV - International Organization of Vine and Wine, and organized by the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), the Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense (ADVID) and Faculdade Ciências da UP, the Congress will include an extensive Scientific program, Sessions and technical visits, Photographic exhibition, Roundtables and an interesting Social program.

Port wine, produced in the world's oldest wine demarcated and controlled region, and the Alto Douro wine region, an UNESCO World Heritage site, give you the warmest welcome!




Quinta De Prados
Vila Real


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