Flori la Domiciliu

Flori la Domiciliu Let the flowers speak for you and you certainly won’t regret it! Lasă florile să vorbească pe Trimite flori in Romania prin magazinul nostru online!

Buchetele noastre din flori proaspete îi vor impresiona cu siguranță pe cei dragi ție! Send anywhere in Romania the perfect floral presents! Our type cast offers you the most stylish bouquets and floral arrangements for your favorites.




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Impatimita de flori, plante, gradini si culori -Livrari de flori de oriunde in lume acasa in Romania

Floriacasa.com a inceput de la o idee destul de simpla care implica niste prieteni de-ai mei din strainatate ce aveau nevoie de niste livrari de flori si cadouri in Romania. Pentru ca eu vorbesc vreo cateva limbi straine, prietenii mei m-au recomandat unor prieteni straini, care aveau si ei nevoie de niste livrari de buchete sau cosuri cadou in Romania sau ceva asemator. Si m-am gandit ca din asa ceva as putea face o afacere. O florarie online pentru diaspora si pentru strainii cu prieteni, rude sau parteneri de business in Romania. Asa am facut acest magazin online cu cosuri cadou si flori cu 4 versiuni de limba - engleza, franceza, italiana si romana, pentru diaspora romana de pretutideni si prietenii acesteia. Pentru aceia dintre voi care au nevoie de livrari de buchete, cosuri cu flori sau cosuri cadou, trandafiri, torturi, bomboane de ciocolata sau plante la ghiveci, s-ar putea sa gasiti aici ceea ce doriti.

Pe langa astea, va spun de pe acum ca o sa va mai impartasesc informatii, curiozitati, tendinte, culorile sezonului, evenimente si tot ce mai gasesc interesant despre flori, gradini, plante, natura sau trucuri de reciclare. Iubesc plantele si toate minunile si beneficiile pe care le aduc in viata noastra. Am incredere in lumina, apa, culori si oxigen, stiu ca ele aduc bucurie, liniste si relaxare. Si, din cand in cand, am incredere in putin dulce.

Floriacasa.com started from a simple idea that involved some of my friends from abroad who needed some flowers and gifts in Romania. Because I speak a few foreign languages, my friends recommended me to their foreign friends, who also needed some gifts of bouquets or gift baskets in Romania or something like that. And I thought that I could do a business out of this. An online florist for diaspora and for foreigners with friends, relatives or business partners in Romania. So I made this online shop with gift baskets and flowers with 4 language versions - English, French, Italian and Romanian, for the Romanian diaspora around the world and friends. For those of you who need bouquets, flower baskets or gift baskets, roses, cakes, chocolate candy or potted plants, you might find here what you want.

Besides this, I’m telling you now that I will share with you informations, curiosities, trends, seasonal colors, events and everything else I find interesting about flowers, gardens, plants, nature or recycling tricks. I love plants and all the wonders and benefits they bring to our lives. I have faith in light, water, colors and oxygen, I know that they bring joy, peace and relaxation. And, from time to time, I have faith in a little something sweet.

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