Fiind o companie full service, colaboram cu cei mai buni specialisti in fotografie, make-up, hair styling, catering, sonorizare, lumini ambientale, agentii de turism, cluburi sportive, etc. Nu oferim doar partea organizatorica, ci si consultanta. Evenimente private, corporate, competitii sportive, nunti…ne adaptam la orice tip de eveniment, un eveniment nou este o provocare pentru echipa noastra.
Pentru ca totul sa iasa asa cm ne dorim, suntem prezenti la fiecare eveniment al nostru pana la plecarea ultimului invitat. Garantia serviciilor noastre este data tocmai de implicarea totala si pasiunea cu care realizam fiecare detaliu. Orice client multumit reprezinta un succes pentru noi. All your concerns from the moment you contacted us, become ours. Our team offers a creative vision and optimized expertise in order to create successful events. The devotion towards our events is wha tmakes us successful. We create events that fits perfectly your personality. Whether is an international congress, a concert, a meeting or just a simple dinner, our professional team will manage all the details in order to fulfill your needs. Open Events is a one-stop-shop to manage your next distinctive, buzz-generating corporate event. We are fully equipped to produce a range of events from conception to completion, including grand openings, product launches, holiday parties, benefits, incentive events, meetings, social events and galas. Your event should be the same.