Într-o lume mereu în mișcare, iubirea autentică nu se grăbește. Ea crește încet, în momente simple, în priviri tăcute, în gesturi care nu au nevoie de cuvinte. Este despre a te conecta cu ceea ce e adevărat și pur, despre a trăi din inimă și a nu te pierde în așteptări sau idealuri false.
Iubirea autentică înflorește simplu. E în floarea din vază, în zborul unui vânt ușor, în liniștea unei dimineți care nu cere nimic.
Iubirea autentică este un mod de a trăi. În adevăr, în sinceritate, în libertatea de a fi și de a iubi fără condiții. Zi de zi. #floricluj #florariecluj #valentineday
Creativity is vital. It’s the way we heal each other. In singing our song, in telling our story. #daretobedifferent
5 ❤️
This is so much more than just a fresh look—it's a reflection of our journey, our family, and everyone who has been part of our floral story. Our shop has been more than a place of business—it’s been our home, a part of our family, and a place where love and beauty come together for something truly unique.These past five years have been a journey of growth and self-discovery. We’ve faced moments of doubt, learned to see the beauty in our own growth, and realized what makes us different. We are not the same as we were when we started, and yet, we are more us than ever. This new look represents every piece of that journey—the triumphs, the trials, and the love that held it all together.It’s a celebration of who we’ve become. We are stronger now and ready to share our hearts in every moment we get to be a part of your story. Thank you for walking this path with us, for letting us bring beauty into your lives, and for believing in the power of a unique story. Here’s to new beginnings, and a love that continues to bloom. Together, for many years to come. Your flowers tell your story. As I’m telling you mine. #daretobedifferent. Don’t worry. We’re making it one step at a time, until everything is ready. 🎉P.S: for those of you asking, the cat is perfectly fine. It’s still there, look closer 😉
Kids, one more icecream to go until you’re back to school! 🎉
meraki (n.) to put something of yourself into your work. Soul. Creativity. Love.
- FESTIVITATI 2024 - Se apropie perioada aglomerata a festivitatilor. Noi va recomandam plasarea comenzilor in avans, cu timp de asteptare 0 la ridicare. Scrie-ne un mesaj in privat pentru a primi formularul de comanda! ** fiecare buchet comandat pentru festivitate vine insotit de un waterpack pentru plus de rezistenta ** Abia asteptam sa va fim alaturi!
So let’s celebrate what makes us different. With family, friends & friends we still have to meet. 🫶🏻
Just like her soul. A garden full of blessings.