In ziua de azi, inundata de non-cultura, exista numerosi oameni insetati de spectacole interesante care iti pun "mintea la contributie", de umor de calitate si de muzica buna. Pentru voi, promovam evenimentele unde aveti posibilitatea de a va bucura de toate aceste lucruri, sa cunoasteti oameni cu care impartasiti aceleasi pasiuni si de ce nu, sa aratati lumii talentul vostru. Concret, evenimentel
e culturale pe care noi le promovam se extind de la teatru de cafenea, la concerte si festivaluri de muzica buna, pana la stand-up comedy si open mic, toate acestea fiind organizate in medii foarte prietenoase in care se incurajeaza sentimentul de confort si unitate intre participanti si artisti. Obiectivele Slug Events sunt incurajarea bunului gust, re-deschiderea apetitului de cultura in societatea de astazi precum si promovarea de noi talente din domeniul cultural-artistic. Slug Events, in the most simplest definition, is an organisation that supports and promotes cultural events. Nowadays we are beeing flooded by inculture but there are still people out there thirsty for shows that put your mind at work, filled with good quality humour and good music. For you people out there, we are promoting the events where you have the posibility to enjoy all these things, meet people that share the same passions and, why not, even show the world your talents. More accurate, the cultural events we are promoting are in the fields of theatre cafe's, concerts and festivals with good quality bands, stand up comedy and open microphone, all these taking place in friendly enviroments in wich we encourage the sentiment of comfort and unity between the artists and the participants. The objectives of Slug Events are encouraging good taste, re-opening the appetite for culture in today society and promoting new talents from the cultural-arthistic field.