Rockstadt Extreme Fest

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Rockstadt Extreme Fest Eastern Europe's most loved rock festival, established in 2013 in the heart of Transylvania Apart from the ones we are announcing today, that is. Intrigued?

Rockstadt Extreme Festival: Unleashing a Decade of Rock in Transylvania

Our history
Since its inception a decade ago, Rockstadt Extreme Festival has emerged as Eastern Europe's most loved rock festival, established in 2013 in the heart of Transylvania, a gathering ground for rock enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. Now celebrating its 9th edition, this revered festival has cemented its pla

ce as Eastern Europe's premier rock event. While the festival experienced a brief hiatus in 2020 and 2022 due to the global pandemic, it returns in full force from 2nd to 6th August 2023, promising an unforgettable experience guarded by the majestic Rasnov Fortress, nestled near Brasov in the enchanting lands of Transylvania, Romania. Our cultural mission and association

At the heart of Rockstadt Extreme Festival's success lies the unwavering commitment and passion of the REF Cultural Association. With a fervent dedication to promoting cultural and artistic endeavors, the association has nurtured a diverse family of venues, brands, and events, creating a vibrant rock-based community that has become an integral part of Romania's cultural landscape. From the iconic Rockstadt Club, a haven for live events and renowned bands, to the pulsating Kruhnen Musik Halle, where dance and party enthusiasts converge, the Rockstadt family breathes life into the rock music world.

31 JUL - 4 AUG 2024 Rockstadt Extreme Festival

We’re coming to you with NINE NEW NAMES in the lineup, but there’s over 40 names left to announce. Math doesn't add up? Well, that's because we are extending the lineup to a little over 100 bands. But without any further ado, please welcome:


There are still a lot of surprises left to be announced. One of them is that OPETH will perform a special fan-picked setlist - details on this will follow soon. Over the course of the next weeks, we will have several announcements prepared, including lineup updates of course, you should expect new acts very soon. Then take note, the current presale price of 850 lei (about €170) is available only until December 10th. A big lineup update will then follow in mid-December, along with the new price tier. ZERO TAXES and NO COMMISSION on your purchase. If you haven’t checked out our revamped website, now's the perfect time to learn about the new bands too. Secure your tickets at this unbeatable price NOW, and let’s celebrate together from 31 JUL - 4 AUG 2024 at Râșnov Fortress for Rockstadt Extreme Fest ’24. The 10th ANNIVERSARY is set to be monumental. Get ready! Our lineup so far - with dozens of names still to be announced in the following weeks:


For further information on the festival, please visit:

Mai avem un as în mânecă: Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Barzi, pregătiți-vă pentru un festival extrem de minunat cu Gardienii ...

Mai avem un as în mânecă: Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Barzi, pregătiți-vă pentru un festival extrem de minunat cu Gardienii voștri preferați! 💪🏻


We have another ace up our sleeve: the Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Bards, get ready for an extremely awesome festival with your favorite Guardians! 💪🏻

Here we go! Today we present our (almost) full lineup, daily tickets and daily splits! Lots of new names added on the bi...

Here we go! Today we present our (almost) full lineup, daily tickets and daily splits! Lots of new names added on the bill.

To celebrate, we are giving away two full double passes for Rockstadt Extreme Fest! All you need to do is tag your squad below and help us share this amazing poster!

Tickets available on

Artwork by CLACK


By popular demand, a limited number of daily tickets will go up on sale tomorrow, along with a massive lineup update.

Tune in tomorrow, 10 am CET. Full lineup (well, we might have a couple of extra surprises left), daily splits + tickets.

COMBICHRIST revin in Romania, la Quantic in Bucuresti si /FORM Space in Cluj-Napoca, de aceasta data cu un adevarat rega...

COMBICHRIST revin in Romania, la Quantic in Bucuresti si /FORM Space in Cluj-Napoca, de aceasta data cu un adevarat regal dedicat muzicii darkwave, alaturi de EXTIZE, CRIMSON VEIL si ESOTERIK.

COMBICHRIST nu este deloc un nume strain publicului roman. Acest grup americano-norvegian a devenit, pe parcursul anilor, unul din cele mai influente si cunoscute nume ale scenei aggrotech-industrial metal, continuand sa sfideze si sa evolueze.

In 2024, Combichrist au lansat al zecelea album de studio, CMBCRST, consolidand gama muzicala dinamica si devotamentul de a sparge orice bariere compozitionale.

Intocmai acest devotament neconditionat a transformat Combichrist in una din cele mai influente nume ale scenei muzicii industrial.

Invitat special al acestui eveniment va fi EXTIZE. In umbra abisului muzicii electronice, a aparut un fenomen unic, o fuziune bizara intre muzica electronica, darkwave si a unui umor aparte. EXTIZE sunt ca un OZN ce vegheaza asupra scenei gothic electronic. Calatoria muzicala EXTIZE este cu adevarat asemenea unui ollercoaster. Cel mai nou album, MonStars, este un tribute adus filmelor horror cult din perioada anilor 80-2000, cu un fundal sonor pe masura.

Biletele vor fi disponibile incepand de luni, 3 februarie.

Un eveniment prezentat de Rockstadt Extreme Fest.

BORN OF OSIRIS si INGESTED ajung in Romania in cadrul unui turneu cu adevarat distrugator, ce va opri pe 19 mai la Cluj ...

BORN OF OSIRIS si INGESTED ajung in Romania in cadrul unui turneu cu adevarat distrugator, ce va opri pe 19 mai la Cluj Napoca, in /FORM Space si 20 mai la Bucuresti, in Quantic.

Recunoscuti drept una din primele formatii deathcore existente, BORN OF OSIRIS au luat nastere la mijlocul anilor 2000, iar pe parcurs si-au definit stilul catre o muzica mai brutala insa totodata tehnica, un mix intre sonoritati death metal si metalcore, incorporand chiar si sonoritati 'aproape' psihedelice de clapa, inspirate din muzica Judas Priest, Helloween sau Meshuggah.

In ciuda stilului abordat, Born Of Osiris au cunoscut succesul comercial, cu numeroase albume clasate in topurile de specialitate de pe intreg mapamondul, patru discuri bucurandu-se de pozitii inalte in topul american Billboard.

Cel mai recent album, Angel or Alien, a fost lansat in 2021 via legendara casa de discuri Sumerian Records. Toate ingredientele clasice sunt prezente pe acest album: voci inumane, compozitii tehnice de pe alta planeta, si totodata piese cu adevarat epice. Insa exista si o evolutie cu totul organica, o evolutie muzicala progresiva ce duce acest grup din Chicago intr-o noua etapa.

Invitati speciali, INGESTED! Nu multe trupe death metal de top pot inregistra si lansa un album pe an, urmat de un turneu extins pe intreg mapamondul. De la lansarea celui de-al cincilea album, Where Only God May Thread, trupa a cunoscut o explozie creativa, manifestata prin lansarea unui album aproape in fiecare an.

Noul album, The Tide Of Death-and Fractured Dreams, nu este doar la fel de inovativ si brutal ca si precedentul disc, insa arata o formative dispusa sa isi extinda limita creativa, totodata fara a sacrifica ferocitatea ce a transformat INGESTED in una din cele mai brutale, distructive si impresionante formatii de technical death metal.


Biletele vor fi puse in vanzare vineri, 31 ianuarie.

Un eveniment prezentat de Rockstadt Extreme Fest.

It's coming...

It's coming...

Saptamana viitoare ne revedem cu Eluveitie la FORM Space in Cluj Napoca si Quantic in Bucuresti.Nu au ramas multe bilete...

Saptamana viitoare ne revedem cu Eluveitie la FORM Space in Cluj Napoca si Quantic in Bucuresti.

Nu au ramas multe bilete disponibile, iar pentru a evita 'surprize', recomandam sa va achizitionati biletul in avans. Biletele sunt disponibile exclusiv pe site-ul nostru.

Linkurile evenimentelor le gasiti in sectiunea de comentarii.

It's time for the weekly trip down memory lane. Enter 2015, a year that had quite a big impact to our festival history.I...

It's time for the weekly trip down memory lane. Enter 2015, a year that had quite a big impact to our festival history.

It's the year where we took a decisive step regarding the festival's concept and what we wanted to accomplish with it. The year where we decided to better explain and show what the word Extreme really means to us. It's about the extreme attitude, the outcasts, the out of the box thinking, the need to unite all communities in this wonderful music genre, an alternative to your cliche everyday choices, a way to show how wonderful this music and the fans really are, regardless on what subgenre you call it.

We decided to expand our artistic direction. Enter Biohazard (still one of our favourite shows ever), Moonspell with very unique set (performing Wolfheart in full) Ne Obliviscaris, Be'lakor, MONUMENTS and Combichrist, probably the most controversial decision at that time. It actually sparked a whole debate online that went completely sideways when they went on stage. First two songs, everybody was standing still, not fully understanding what's going on. Third song onwards, it was like The Prodigy was on stage.

We took great pride in inviting so many amazing bands to play for the first time in Romania or even Eastern Europe.

And if you look at the running orders, Jinjer was scheduled very early in the day, they likely performed the second band on stage. In 2024, they co-headlined Rockstadt Extreme Fest. Talk about hard work and commitment!

We also marked the occasion with the very first Drum Stage, a 4 day event centering on Romania's most talented drummers, something that no one dared to try.

Oh, and we also had a football field where the guys in Be'lakor casually defeated all festival players.

What's your favourite moment from Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2015?

Orange Goblin to perform for the first and (likely) last time in Romania! As Orange Goblin approach their 30th anniversa...

Orange Goblin to perform for the first and (likely) last time in Romania!

As Orange Goblin approach their 30th anniversary, the band have announced that 2025 will mark their final year of activity—for now. The legendary UK heavy metal band, renowned for their uncompromising DIY ethos and electrifying live performances, shared this emotional decision with their fans, expressing gratitude for the support that has fuelled their extraordinary three-decade career.

In a heartfelt statement, Orange Goblin reflected on their journey:

As Orange Goblin enters its 30th year of existence, we have made the collective decision that 2025 will be our last. Maybe not forever and who knows what could be possible further down the line. It’s been a wild 30 years and we have had some incredible experiences and are left with magical memories. For that we are all truly grateful. We started the band with no real preconception of what it eventually became, we started as bored teenagers with a mutual love of Heavy Metal, Classic Rock and Punk Rock. We feel very fortunate that we have been able to travel all over the world, numerous times, and have made a network of friends all around the globe. We are proud of everything we have accomplished together, we’ve always maintained a DIY ethic and done things our own way and on our terms.

We have never compromised to fit into any specific scene and we feel we leave a very strong legacy of 10 studio albums, each one a milestone that marks exactly where we were at each point of our journey. Of this, we are fiercely proud. It's not been an easy decision for any of us, we have all given 30 years of our lives to this incredible band, but we feel that now is the right time for us to focus our attention on our families and other interests outside the band. We will of course be honouring all the shows and festivals we currently have planned for 2025, as well as a few other things that we have in the pipeline, but these could be your last chance to catch Orange Goblin live, wherever you are, for a while!

We would like to express our gratitude to every single person that has made this possible for us, there are too many to name personally, but especially to our wives and children that have supported us no matter what, our former band mates, Martyn and Pete, the current and former road crew that have kept the show on the road for so long, despite us never making things easy for them. But last and by no means least, we thank you, the Orange Goblin fans that have been the bedrock of everything for us. Nothing we have done would've been possible without the fans that have bought the albums, the merchandise, the show tickets and ALWAYS showed us and made us feel just how appreciated we are. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts............Orange Fu**in' Goblin Baby! End of transmission.

Catch this amazing act and many more at this year's Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Get your passes now, prices may go up soon! Tickets and payment plans available at

THE KOVENANT was formed by Nagash and Blackheart way back in 1993, as a sideproject from Troll.Originally called Covenan...

THE KOVENANT was formed by Nagash and Blackheart way back in 1993, as a sideproject from Troll.

Originally called Covenant, the band changed the spelling to THE KOVENANT in 1999. The first album, “In Times Before The Light”, was released in 1997. The breakthrough came with “Nexus Polaris” in 1998, and the band now included new members in Hellhammer (Mayhem, Arcturus), Astennu (ex-Dimmu Borgir), Sverd (Arcturus and Sarah Jezebel Deva (ex-Cradle Of Filth).

“Nexus Polaris” was hailed as an instant classic when it comes to symphonic black metal, and remains a milestone from that era. The album won the Norwegian Grammy for best metal album.

For the third album, “Animatronic”, released in 1999, the band´s lineup changed again, with Nagash, Blackheart and Hellhammer moving forward. Musically, the band developed into a more industrial sound, yet with a dark edge. Also this album won the Norwegian Grammy for best metal album.

A fourth studioalbum, “SETI”, was released in 2003, and the band toured Europe and USA with new members Küth (drums) and Brat (Apoptygma Berzerk).

The band reunited for an exclusive performance at Norway´s Inferno Metal Festival in 2010.

Come 2024, the band has decided to get together again to perform material from “Nexus Polaris” and of course Rockstadt Extreme Fest is one of the few selected dates.

Catch these amazing act and many more at this year's Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Get your passes now, prices may go up soon! Tickets and payment plans available at

Since everyone enjoyed our little trip back to memory lane, let's make it a tradition. Enter 2014, the second year of Ro...

Since everyone enjoyed our little trip back to memory lane, let's make it a tradition. Enter 2014, the second year of Rockstadt Extreme Fest where for some reason we thought we had enough experience to turn this festival, from a 3-day event into a 4-day event. Also adding a second stage. Lineup x 2 of course.

It's the year when we literally chased almost every band and agent to try to convince them that Romania is actually a safe place to do this kind of festival and you also won't get financially ripped due to some previous shady local promoters. And it was a challenge!

Fun fact: Of course nobody had any idea that this kind of event required a certain amount of manpower. So everyone ended up becoming a small army. For example, the guy who was and still is in charge of artist booking, at that time he was also taking care of backstage and stage management, shuttle schedules, hotels, meet and greets, even PR and promo. Same for the other people in the team. We were 10 people tops. One guy doing 10 jobs at the same time. Fun times!

At one point someone left some random music in the tent and due to a sudden rainstorm, that tent got packed with an improvised Bon Jovi - Livin On A Prayer karaoke session.

Obituary and Behemoth took alot of convincing back in the day, but it was all worth it. It still was a small event. They are now one of our festival favourites, performing numerous times, Nergal also stating that Rockstadt Extreme Fest is one of his favourite European festivals. And as you can see, this year he's coming back with Me And That Man.

What's your favourite memory of 2014?

If Nasa discover a new form of metal element under the surface of Mars they would have to call it ORANSSI PAZUZU, a band...

If Nasa discover a new form of metal element under the surface of Mars they would have to call it ORANSSI PAZUZU, a band that’s uncharted and pushing the boundaries of what heavy, extreme music should sound like. From their first spaced out underground Black Metal album Muukalainen Puhuu (2009), to second album Kosmonument (2011), their first album to get wider distribution, to their then-next record Valonielu (2013), which saw them delve deeper and weirder into Psychedelic Black Metal, setting the stage for Värähtelijä (2016), arguably their breakthrough record, ORANSSI PAZUZU have been impossible to pigeon-hole and a feast for those who dig deep, heavy and strange.

Four years in the making, ORANSSI PAZUZU spew forth their latest mutational meisterwerk, Muuntautuja (or Shapeshifter in English) released on October 11th,, 2024 via Nuclear Blast Records. A boa constrictor of slithering, warping, interdimensional cosmic horror, Muuntautuja is in a world of its own, seeping through the speakers like irradiated sand. Ever transmuting, unsettling chords that raise the hairs on the back of your head and then pummel it with nauseating rhythms that both transport and destroy you. Muuntautuja is like an encounter with a maleficent being, well and truly unhinged, that’s out to mess with your brain. Where delays distort in a dust cloud, riffs are white noise discharge and time signatures interweave, to create the genre that ORANSSI PAZUZU inhabits alone. A convulsing mass on collision course, the air-borne sonic viral load of Muuntautuja is undeniably infectious, and bound to turn heads.

Catch these amazing act and many more at this year's Rockstadt Extreme Fest! Get your passes now, prices may go up soon! Tickets and payment plans available at

While we wait to announce at least 30 new names for this year's edition, we thought it would be cool to take a trip down...

While we wait to announce at least 30 new names for this year's edition, we thought it would be cool to take a trip down memory lane to the very first edition of Rockstadt Extreme Fest, in 2013. Who was there?

Fun fact: The whole area of the festival, including the camping site, was covered by what is now the Main Stage area. And even back then, the space you know now was considerably smaller. It was a very DIY event, with 1200 people attending. Today, that number is at least ten times bigger.

Another fun fact with the lineup is that one month before the event we didin't even know Gojira will play our festival. We did send an offer half a year before but we totally forgot about it. The confirmation from their part literally came just a couple of weeks before Rockstadt. Good times!

And having a festival in the mountainside, at the end of august wasn't the best of ideas. It was freezing cold!

Lineup's ready, daily running order ready, all that's left are finishing touches on the brand new artwork for this year'...

Lineup's ready, daily running order ready, all that's left are finishing touches on the brand new artwork for this year's edition.

Until then, back to some recap. Emerging at the tail end of the '90s with their breakthrough debut, 1998's cult classic Wisconsin Death Trip, STATIC X rocketed to stardom in the heavy music world, their image boosted by frontman Wayne Static's distinctive hair and vocal delivery.

While maintaining momentum into the 2000s with additional efforts like Machine and Shadow Zone, Static's passing in 2014 effectively halted the group in their tracks. However, at the turn of the decade, the original lineup made a big comeback with the help of previously recorded Static vocals and compositions, issuing Project Regeneration, Vol. 1 in 2020 and its sequel Vol. 2 in 2024.

Starting from a slew of unreleased demos, the group went into the studio, once again with Ulrich Wild, where they stripped Wayne's vocals from the demos and composed entirely new tunes around them. The resultant album, Project Regeneration, was released in two volumes, with Vol. 1 arriving in the summer of 2020. To support the release, the band embarked on tour with a new, masked frontman named Xer0 (the identity of whom most fans have already figured out). Lead single "Hollow" crashed the U.S. Dance/Electronic chart, peaking in the Top 15. With a well-received tour under their belts and an extended stint with Sevendust carrying them into 2024, they returned to work on the sequel Vol. 2 in January.

Get your passes now, prices may go up soon! Tickets and payment plans available at

MASTER revine in Romania pentru doua concerte la Bucuresti si Cluj Napoca, alaturi de KING PARROT!MASTER a luat nastere ...

MASTER revine in Romania pentru doua concerte la Bucuresti si Cluj Napoca, alaturi de KING PARROT!

MASTER a luat nastere in 1983, in Chicago si este una din primele formatii de pe mapamond ce a adoptat, imbratisat si primit eticheta de pioniera a muzicii death metal. Emblema sa, Paul Speckman a ramas membru activ pana in ziua de azi. La Bucuresti, MASTER vor promova cel mai nou album, Saints Dispelled, lansat in 2024 via Hammerheart Records.

In retrospectiva, importanta MASTER pentru scena metal inernationala a fost deseori subapreciata. De-a lungul anilor, insa, contributia si inovatia adusa acestui gen musical le-a oferit un loc printre mai marii genului, Obituary, Atheist, Morbid Angel, sau Death.

Master au avut un rol esential in crearea muzicii death metal si chiar grindcore. Trupe precum Obituary, Exhumed, Na**lm Death, Repulsion sau Benediction deseori au citat Master ca o influenta directa asupra muzicii lor.

Invitatii speciali sunt KING PARROT, una din trupele de suflet ale lui Phil Anselmo, emblematica voce Pantera. Cunoscuti in special pentru haosul creat intr-un scenariu live, King Parrot sunt puternic influentati de sonoritatile thrash, grind, hardcore si punk ai anilor 80/90, conturandu-si insa propriul sound contemporan.

King Parrot sunt recunoscuti drept una din cele mai emblematice trupe australiene ale genului.

Biletele vor fi puse in vanzare pe 17 ianuarie. Un eveniment prezentat de Rockstadt Extreme Fest.



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Every year early August, Rasnov becomes the rock capital of Romania. In 2019, Rockstadt Extreme Fest will have its 7th edition on the same Grounds of Transylvania.