StreetMusic Festival Satu Mare

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  • StreetMusic Festival Satu Mare

StreetMusic Festival Satu Mare StreetMusic is more than a festival: a tourist attraction, a strong element in the tourist portfolio of our beloved city and county.

✨ It's time for a 🎺🎶   throwback!🤩Which was your favourite artist? 🧐

✨ It's time for a 🎺🎶 throwback!🤩
Which was your favourite artist? 🧐

✨ Streets and squares of Satu Mare, where the magic happens! 🤩   ✨ Străzile din Satu Mare, unde se întâmplă magia! 🤩✨Sza...

✨ Streets and squares of Satu Mare, where the magic happens! 🤩

✨ Străzile din Satu Mare, unde se întâmplă magia! 🤩

✨Szatmárnémeti utcái és terei, ahol a varázslat is jelen van! 🤩

🎺🎶 Street music and street art, dancing 💃🕺 and a lot of happiness. ✨ We had wonderful moments that we will never forget....

🎺🎶 Street music and street art, dancing 💃🕺 and a lot of happiness. ✨ We had wonderful moments that we will never forget. 🤩

🎺🎶 Muzică și artă stradală, dans 💃🕺 și multă veselie. Am avut parte de ✨ clipe minunate pe care nu le voi uita. 🤩

🎺🎶 Utcazene és művészet, tánc 💃🕺 és rengeteg vidám tekintet. ✨ Emlékezetes pillanatokkal gazgadodtunk, amelyeket, jól elraktározunk magunkban! 🤩

✨ We are grateful to our decoration partner, BRELA INT SRL, who filled the event space of Coposu boardwalk with colourfu...

✨ We are grateful to our decoration partner, BRELA INT SRL, who filled the event space of Coposu boardwalk with colourful outdoor furniture. 🥰

✨ Vă mulțumim partenerului nostru de decorațiune, Brela INT, care a umplut platoul de evenimente de pe Pasajul Coposu cu mobiliere colorate. 🥰

✨ Hálásak vagyunk dekorációs partnerünknek, a Brela INT-nek, hiszen nekik köszönhetően színes fotelekkel telt meg a Coposu sétány rendezvénytere. 🥰

🤩 Wonderful atmosphere on the third day of Street Music Festival!✨❣  We fill the city center with great music and good v...

🤩 Wonderful atmosphere on the third day of Street Music Festival!✨❣ We fill the city center with great music and good vibes! 🎺

🤩 Atmosferă minunată în a treia zi la Street Music Festival! ✨❣ Umplem centrul orașului cu muzică și voie bună! 🎺

🤩 Fantasztikus a hangulat az Utcazene Fesztivál harmadik napján is! ✨❣ Zenével és jókedvvel telt meg a városközpont! 🎺

🔥 Tonight at 23:30 we invite you to a special The Fire Ninja performance in front of Hotel Dacia/Pannonia! 🤩

🔥 Tonight at 23:30 we invite you to a special The Fire Ninja performance in front of Hotel Dacia/Pannonia! 🤩

🎷🥁 Sunteți pregătiți pentru a treia zi de 🤩 Street Muzic Festival? 👇 Iată programul de azi! 🎶🎷🥁  Készen álltok az utolsó...

🎷🥁 Sunteți pregătiți pentru a treia zi de 🤩 Street Muzic Festival? 👇 Iată programul de azi! 🎶

🎷🥁 Készen álltok az utolsó napra? 🤩 Reméljük még maradt egy kis energiátok. 👇 Itt az Utcazene Fesztivál mai programja! 🎶

🎉  The city is buzzing with life on the second day of the 🎷🎶😍 Street Music Festival! ✨🎊🎉 Orașul plin de viață în a doua ...

🎉 The city is buzzing with life on the second day of the 🎷🎶😍 Street Music Festival! ✨🎊

🎉 Orașul plin de viață în a doua zi de 🎷🎶😍 Street Music Festival! ✨🎊

🎉 Pezseg az élet a városban az 🎷🎶😍 Utcazene Fesztivál második napján! ✨🎊

‼️ Stimați vizitatori, din cauza condițiilor meteorologice 🥵🌡performanțele de la ora 19 nu vor avea loc. Vă recomandăm s...

‼️ Stimați vizitatori, din cauza condițiilor meteorologice 🥵🌡performanțele de la ora 19 nu vor avea loc. Vă recomandăm să vă 💧 hidratați, să luați măsurile necesare în caz de caniculă, iar seara vă așteptăm la Street Music Festival! 🎶🎺

‼️ Kedves látogatóink! A kánikula miatt 🥵🌡 a 19 órától kezdődő előadásainkat nem tarjuk meg. Javasoljuk, hogy megfelelően 💧 hidratáljatok és tegyétek meg forróság elleni szükséges óvintézkedéseket! Este pedig várunk benneteket az Utcazene Fesztiválra! 🎶🎺

The 10th edition of 🎷🎶 Street Music Festival Satu Mare has started! 🤩 3 days, 22 artists from 12 countries with over 100...

The 10th edition of 🎷🎶 Street Music Festival Satu Mare has started! 🤩 3 days, 22 artists from 12 countries with over 100 performances. We are going to fill the streets and squares of Satu Mare with music, art, and entertainment! 🥰

Am început cea de-a 10-a ediție 🎷🎶 Street Music Festival Satu Mare! 🤩 3 zile, 22 artiști din 12 țări cu peste 100 de spectacole. Vă așteptăm cu mic, cu mare! 🥰

Elstartolt a 🎷🎶 Szatmári Utcazene Fesztivál 10-ik kiadása! 🤩 3 nap, 12 ország 22 fellépője több mint 100 előadással várja az érdeklődőket. Zenével és szórakozással töltjük meg a város utcáit és tereit! 🥰

💧 It is important to stay hydrated throughout the festival! 💦 Water helps regulate body temperature on hot days! 🥵💧 Rămâ...

💧 It is important to stay hydrated throughout the festival! 💦 Water helps regulate body temperature on hot days! 🥵

💧 Rămâi hidratat pe toată perioada festivalului! 💦 Apa ajută la reglarea temperaturii corpului în zilele caniculare! 🥵

💧 Fontos, hogy a fesztivál ideje alatt is megfelelően hidratáljatok! 💦 A forróság idején a bevitt víz segít szabályozni a test hőmérsékletét! 🥵

🇬🇧 We are happy 🥁 to announce the full program of the 🎷🪕🎺 Street Music Festival! ✨ See you at 19:00🇷🇴 Suntem bucuroși 🥁 ...

🇬🇧 We are happy 🥁 to announce the full program of the 🎷🪕🎺 Street Music Festival! ✨ See you at 19:00

🇷🇴 Suntem bucuroși 🥁 să anunțăm programul complet al 🎷🪕🎺 Street Music Festival din acest an! ✨ Ne vedem de la ora 19:00

🇭🇺 Közhírré tétetik! 🥁 Itt az idei 🎷🪕🎺 Szatmárnémeti Utcazene Fesztivál teljes programja. ✨ Talțlkozunk este 19 órától!

🤝 Primăria Municipiului Satu Mare | Centrul Cultural "G.M. Zamfirescu" | Szatmári Fiatalokért Kulturális Egyesület

🗺️ A guide to the colorful world of Street Music Festival!  🎉❤️🗺️ Ghidul celui mai colorat festival al verii: Street Mus...

🗺️ A guide to the colorful world of Street Music Festival! 🎉❤️

🗺️ Ghidul celui mai colorat festival al verii: Street Music Festival! ❤️🎉

🗺️ Útikalauz az Utcazene Fesztivál varázslatos birodalmához! ❤️🎉

🇬🇧 Meet the artists of this year's StreetMusic Festival. ✨ 16 exciting performers from 12 different countries will fasci...

🇬🇧 Meet the artists of this year's StreetMusic Festival. ✨ 16 exciting performers from 12 different countries will fascinate the audience with over 100 performances. 🤩

🇷🇴 Faceți cunoștință cu artiștii ediției curente a StreetMusic Festival Satu Mare. ✨ 16 artiști renumiți la nivel mondial sosesc din 12 țări cu peste 100 de spectacole uimitoare. 🤩

🇭🇺 Ismerjétek meg az idei Utcazene Fesztivál előadóit. ✨ 12 különböző országból érkező 16 izgalmas, nemzetközileg elismert fellépő, akik több mint 100 fantasztikus előadással kápráztatja el a közönséget. 🤩

🤩 The charm of music embraces the city! ✨Street Music Festival Satu Mare | 2024 🔜12-14 JULY🤩 Magia muzicii cuprinde oraș...

🤩 The charm of music embraces the city! ✨
Street Music Festival Satu Mare | 2024 🔜12-14 JULY

🤩 Magia muzicii cuprinde orașul! ✨
Festivalul Muzicii de Stradă 🔜12-14 Iulie

🤩 A zene varázsa körbelengi a várost! ✨
Július 12-14. 🔜 Utcazene Fesztivál

🇬🇧 Street Music Festival is the most colorful event also from the perspective of the variety of artistic productions. 🎺🎶...

🇬🇧 Street Music Festival is the most colorful event also from the perspective of the variety of artistic productions. 🎺🎶🎷 Along with musicians and street artists, great DJs will provide the atmosphere at the Art Museum! 🔊 Dubase and K-Lu on Friday, Shorty and Innerstorm on Saturday and New Disorder and Funky Hour Disco Power on Sunday.✨

🇷🇴 Street Music Festival este evenimentul cu cea mai multă culoare în privința varietatii producțiilor artistice pe care le oferă. 🎺🎶🎷 Alături de muzicienii de excepție și artiștii stradali extrem de talentați, atmosfera va fi asigurată de cei mai buni DJ în curtea Muzeului de Artă! 🔊 Vineri Dubase și K-Lu, sâmbătă Shorty și Innerstorm, iar duminica New Disorder și Funky Hour Disco Power. ✨

🇭🇺 Az Utcazene Fesztivál a legszínesebb rendezvény a változatos és egyedi műfajok tekintetében is. 🎺🎶🎷 A legkülönfélébb utcazenészek és művészek mellett nagyszerű DJ-k biztosítják a remek hangulatot a Vécsey-házban a fesztivál mindhárom napján. 🔊 Pénteken Dubase és K-Lu, szombaton Shorty és Innerstorm, vasárnap pedig New Disorder és Funky Hour Disco Power. ✨

🍸 Drinks by Youthopia Sociallounge

🤝 DRÄXLMAIER Satu Mare este partenerul evenimentului de la prima ediție. Suntem foarte mândri ca Street Music Festival s...

🤝 DRÄXLMAIER Satu Mare este partenerul evenimentului de la prima ediție. Suntem foarte mândri ca Street Music Festival se bucură de sprijinul unui partener de încredere precum DRÄXLMAIER Satu Mare, care și în acest an este Sponsorul Principal al festivalului. Împreună dăm culoare orașului! ✨🤩 Mulțumim!

🤝 A DRÄXLMAIER Szatmárnémeti már a kezdetektől a rendezvényünk partnertnere. Nagyon büszkék vagyunk, hogy az Utcazene Fesztivál olyan megbízható partner támogatását élvezi, mint a DRÄXLMAIER Szatmárnémeti, akik idén is főtámogatóként csatlakoztak a fesztiválhoz. Együtt tesszük színesebbé a várost! ✨🤩 Köszönjük!

✨ Street music on the pedestrial bridge. 🤩 Thank you Firenzo for the amazing performance! 🎶🎸✨ Muzică stradală pe pasarel...

✨ Street music on the pedestrial bridge. 🤩 Thank you Firenzo for the amazing performance! 🎶🎸

✨ Muzică stradală pe pasarela pietonală. 🤩 Mulțumim Firenzo pentru performanța uimitoare! 🎶🎸

✨ Utcazene a gyalogos hídon. 🤩 Köszönjük Firenzo a csodálatos előadást! 🎶🎸

🤩 Hey guys! You missed Firenzo's production yesterday? Don't worry! 🎶🎸 See you today between 20:00-22:00 on the pedestri...

🤩 Hey guys! You missed Firenzo's production yesterday? Don't worry! 🎶🎸 See you today between 20:00-22:00 on the pedestrian bridge! ❣️

🤩 Ați ratat producția de ieri a lui Firenzo? 🎶🎸 Ne vedem astăzi între orele 20:00-22:00 pe pasarela pietonală! ❣️

🤩 Lemaradtatok Firenzo tegnapi előadásáról? Ne aggódjatok! 🎶🎸 Találkozunk ma 20:00-22:00 között a gyalogos hídon! ❣️

✨ Surprise show in the historical city center! 🥰 The luckiest citizens had a surprise tonight! 🎸🎶 Together with Firenzo,...

✨ Surprise show in the historical city center! 🥰 The luckiest citizens had a surprise tonight! 🎸🎶 Together with Firenzo, from Chile we promoted Street Music Festival Satu Mare | 2024! 🎊

✨ Spectacol surpriză în Centrul Vechi! 🥰 Cei mai norocoși sătmăreni au avut parte de o surpriză în această seară! 🎸🎶 Împreună cu Firenzo am promovat Street Music Festival Satu Mare | 2024. 🎊

✨ Meglepetés előadás a régi főtéren! 🥰 Firenzo koncertjével hangolódtunk a közelgő Utcazene Fesztiválra. 🎸🎶 Jővő hétvégén zenével töltjük meg Szatmárnémetit! 🎊

✨2017✨👉 Here are some of the standout moments that made 2017 special! 🔥

👉 Here are some of the standout moments that made 2017 special! 🔥

🎤🌟 2016 was incredible! The streets were filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing music. ⬇️ Here's a look back at s...

🎤🌟 2016 was incredible! The streets were filled with excitement, laughter, and amazing music.
⬇️ Here's a look back at some of the most memorable moments! 🤩

🎸🥁 Our second year in 2015! 🤩 Check out some highlights from that unforgettable year.

🎸🥁 Our second year in 2015! 🤩 Check out some highlights from that unforgettable year.

🎶✨ The beginning of an incredible journey! The first ever Street Music Festival in 2014.

🎶✨ The beginning of an incredible journey! The first ever Street Music Festival in 2014.

🎉It's happening again! The 10th edition of the Street Music Festival is on its way! 🎶🥳 Can you believe it's been 10 year...

🎉It's happening again! The 10th edition of the Street Music Festival is on its way! 🎶🥳 Can you believe it's been 10 years already?
Time flies when the streets are filled with amazing performers from all over the world.
👉 Who's ready for another wonderful musical experience, fun, and unforgettable memories?🎵🤩

We are thankful 🙏 for our Sponsors and Partners, with whose support we were able to jointly organize this festival for t...

We are thankful 🙏 for our Sponsors and Partners, with whose support we were able to jointly organize this festival for the city 🧡

Incredibil, dar a trecut deja o săptămână de la startul 🎺🪗🎷 Street Music Festival 2023! Deși străzile sătmărene sunt mai...

Incredibil, dar a trecut deja o săptămână de la startul 🎺🪗🎷 Street Music Festival 2023! Deși străzile sătmărene sunt mai liniștite acum, noi readucem ✨ atmosfera celor mai frumoase momente de la festival! 🥰🎉 Care a fost momentul tău favorit? ❣️

El sem hisszük, hogy eltelt egy hét a 🎺🪗🎷 Street Music Festival kezdete óta! Szatmárnémeti utcái most csendesebbek, de mi visszahozzuk az fesztivál ✨ hangulatát a legjobb pillanatok felvételeivel. 🥰🎉 Neked melyik volt a kedvenc pillanatod? ❣️



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