Sticky Jam / Липкий Джем

Sticky Jam / Липкий Джем Festivals, events, workshop, booking, promo, pr, artists management and production Live musical performances, visual art. good people. PEACE

Sticky Jam is a gathering of beautiful people in Moscow - magically strange place with strong heritage of Russian spirit being hidden within the happiness of everyone. Being happy = being close to the spirit, where the spin of the positive vibes and gratitude is opening minds that break through the boundaries of evolution. Sticky Jam concentrates energy on purifying infinite dimensions here and no

w through the means of musical visual performances - chant for Peace and Harmony throughout and within)))

With focus on free art and creativity, Sticky Jam provides cosy environment and cool breeze atmosphere for people searching and\or willing to share and spread love, wisdom, smiles here and now creating Sticky foundation Together

We are happy to be a part of industry that turns the Love Light on and lets it shine on you!!!

Среди безграничного живого и неживого потока информации и вибраций - путешествуют мысли, которые иногда посещают головы людей. Однажды, какие то непонятно взявшиеся мысли посетили друзей, которые своими мечтами и фантазиями украшали эти мысли одним весенним солнечным вечером. Намерение творить и изменять мир в сторону света расцветало в сознании и этому намерению необходимо было материализоваться в форме и может быть поэтому такие мысли выбрали этих друзей.......и тогда они еще не понимали, но чувствовали что то волшебное и необъяснимое - как к меду прилипают детские ручонки - также прилипли друзья к мыслям о чудесном - это был момент рождения Липкого Джема.

Мы любим музыку, ею живем - вокруг музыки строятся все наши встречи, поэтому Липкий Джем - это прежде всего музыкальное мероприятие, к которому естественным путем прилипают безграничные творческие потоки. Мы любим танцевать, играть, рисовать, петь, веселиться, учится, созидать...... Совмещая интересы и намерения в одном месте в одно время - создается одно из многочисленных пространств для свободного и пропитанного любовью творчества.

Давайте объединяться! Вместе творить играя!!! positive atmosphere. joyful meeting. sound experiments and a mixture of styles. jam."Indeed, through music we can perform miracles. Music - a divine sound, and it controls the whole sound of the universe. The energy of sound, sound power is much stronger than any other force in the world."

Тропики ВнутриEP "Road Movie" звучит увлекательно! Он создает атмосферу далеких стран и погружает слушателя в тропически...

Тропики Внутри

EP "Road Movie" звучит увлекательно! Он создает атмосферу далеких стран и погружает слушателя в тропический рай. Мультижанровые композиции с электрическим контрабасом, гитарными партиями, укулеле и калимбой создают сочное и разнообразное звучание.

Музыка: Роман Вселенский, Миша Беломорский, Пётр Ольшевский
Вокал: Любовь Руббо
Обложка: Стася Малаховская, Пётр Ольшевский
Лейбл: Sticky Jam | Липкий Джем

"Frumoase" - KorsaKova (2023) Frumoase, что означает красивые на румынском, является прекрасным названием для песни, пос...

"Frumoase" - KorsaKova (2023)

Frumoase, что означает красивые на румынском, является прекрасным названием для песни, посвященной красивым, сильным и огненным женщинам.

Комбинирование нежных текстов о красоте и изящности женщин с тяжелыми гитарными рифами может быть способом передать идею, что женщины могут иметь такие черты, как нежность и красота, а также силу и энергию.

Этот контраст может также служить напоминанием о том, что внешность и эстетика не всегда отражают внутреннюю сущность человека. Через музыку и тексты песни вы можете подчеркнуть многогранный характер женщин и их способность быть сильными и нежными одновременно.

Слушайте релиз Frumoase от Korsakova на всех музыкальных площадках и сервисах!

Лейла Мурадова | 16.10 | Москва | клуб «16тонн»Единственный полноформатный сольный концерт в Москве в полном составе.Лей...

Лейла Мурадова | 16.10 | Москва | клуб «16тонн»

Единственный полноформатный сольный концерт в Москве в полном составе.

Лейла Мурадова - настоящий Этно-Госпел - эмоциональные, глубокие, экспрессивные песни, исцеляющие душу и объединяющие людей. Живой концерт Лейлы - это духовная терапия.

Участница шоу «ГОЛОС» на Первом Канале и «ПЕСНИ» на ТНТ.

Билеты доступны в кассах 16 Тонн или Яндекс Афише.

16.10 | 20:00 | Москва
Место: клуб «16тонн» ул.Пресненский Вал,6
Начало: 20:00

27 Сентября в Москве!Вход свободный. Начало в 20:00Liron Meyuhas (Лирон Мейухас) - мастер перкуссии, певица с удивительн...

27 Сентября в Москве!
Вход свободный. Начало в 20:00

Liron Meyuhas (Лирон Мейухас) - мастер перкуссии, певица с удивительным по силе и богатству интонаций голосом, лидер ансамбля, автор и педагог.

Кочевница с корнями из Иерусалима. Она изучала ритм в Африке, джаз в Италии, и арабский барабан на Синае. Лирон - первая израильская артистка, начавшая играть на ханге. Она выступала в США, Бразилии, Чехии, России и Европе.

Африканские ритмы и гитара, традиционная перкуссия и самая современная электроника. Иврит, английский, португальский и итальянский. Музыка и перфоманс, вовлекающий зрителя в единую историю, возникающую на её удивительных живых шоу - всё это и есть творчество Liron Meyuhas!

Новый релиз на лэйбле Sticky Jam!✨Cингл Нина Коляда - «Как твои дела?✨Нина Коляда — певица и преподаватель по вокалу, по...

Новый релиз на лэйбле Sticky Jam!
✨Cингл Нина Коляда - «Как твои дела?✨

Нина Коляда — певица и преподаватель по вокалу, получившая десятки тысяч просмотров в сети. Она творит в абсолютно некоммерческом для современности жанре традиционной русской песни, делая его актуальным.

"Боже, как твои дела?" - это вопрос к тому, у кого обычно просят, кому направляют свои горести, печали, ищут утешения, избавления от невзгод.

Каково быть на этом месте? В какие моменты своей жизни человек может быть на связи с божественным, чувствовать, что возможность общения открыта?

Песня - размышление об этом. Она наполнит вас теплом и любовью, источник которых всегда так близко🕊️

Новый релиз на лэйбле Sticky Jam!⠀🫶🏻 сингл Aika - «Светла река»⠀«Медитативная песня, позволяющая соединиться со своими ч...

Новый релиз на лэйбле Sticky Jam!

🫶🏻 сингл Aika - «Светла река»

«Медитативная песня, позволяющая соединиться со своими чувствами, прожить их в полной мере и отпустить», - Aika

И это именно то, что всем нам нужно сейчас.
Переходи на удобную стриминговую платформу и погрузись в красоту и глубину сингла «Светла река».

Активная ссылка на сингл в шапке нашего профиля ⤴️

Jam turned

Мы уже знакомили вас с новым проектом TEYA, и вот теперь вышла свет мантра Ганеше в жанре Organic House & Ethno Deep!⠀Эт...

Мы уже знакомили вас с новым проектом TEYA, и вот теперь вышла свет мантра Ганеше в жанре Organic House & Ethno Deep!

Эта мантра обладает силой, которая помогает преодолеть все препятствия, устранить трудности на пути человека, и дарует ему чистоту намерений, мирской и духовный успех, наполняет благополучием и изобилием.

В этот EP вошли: оригинальный трек Teya и четыре ремикса от: Shaman / Andrew Sharther / Eelison / Pös.

Релиз выложен на всех музыкальных платформах!

Jam turned


5 июня состоится концерт-медитация «Голос Любви» (с элементами практик) великолепной Перукуа (Австралия) в Крокус Сити Холл!

Вы отправитесь в безграничное путешествие в свой внутренний мир, растворяясь в любви, благодаря трансцендентному голосу Перукуа. Этим выступлением Перукуа перешагивает рамки традиционных представлений о возможностях человеческого голоса и жанровых ограничений.

Вместе с песнями, специально приготовленными для новой программы в первой половине концерта-медитации вы погрузитесь в мир невероятных визуальных эффектов на гигантском экране Крокус Сити Холл.

Вторая часть выступления это тонкая чувственная по-настоящему женская авторская медитация Перукуа, доступная каждой. Это одновременно и практика и познание своей настоящей природы любви.

У вас получится то, что сейчас важно каждому. Выйти из поля мыслей, суеты, нервозности и вернуться в прямое переживание любви. Наполниться этой живой энергией, вернув себе жажду жизни, радость проживания каж: дого дня, такое едва уловимое чувство счастья.

Первые сюрпризы ждут вас уже в фойе, но конечно самое интересное и чарующее произойдет в зале, который буквально до краев наполнен эликсиром любви. И именно этой любовью, вечером 5 июня мы наполним свой мир и свою жизнь!

Начало события: 17:00

Организатор Sticky Jam

Билеты на официальном сайте:

Для наших подписчиков действуют специальные условия на покупку билетов. Подробности в личных сообщениях!

There are no borders for the music. It gives hope and elevates, supports in difficult times. Our label Sticky Jam has re...

There are no borders for the music. It gives hope and elevates, supports in difficult times. Our label Sticky Jam has released a new album. The «TэЯ» project has revealed up to the world its first three tracks.

As you understand, the release had been planned beforehand and we decided not to cancel or postpone it, as we believe in the infinite ability of music to dissolve fear.

Many things are symbolic in this release.

The name of the project means You are Me.

They dedicate their work to one of the most exciting ideas of our time: synergy, and combine electronic music and music of different peoples, eras, spiritual traditions and different practices.

The second track is a mantra to one of the most famous and revered gods among all the Hindu pantheon, the god of well-being and wisdom - Ganesha. He is called upon before any important business.

❗ So, today the release by TэЯ, «Maslenitsa», is open for listening on all streaming platforms!

Modern rhythms and musical ideas are intertwined with ancient mantras, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, Peruvian and author’s songs. Ethnic instruments adorn such styles as Dubstep, Downtempo, Ethnic House, Ambient, Chillout, World Music.

📌 Link to the album ->

On 21.12.21 the new album by Nina Kolyada, 'My Voice', is released on our StickyJam label!This album opens to us just an...

On 21.12.21 the new album by Nina Kolyada, 'My Voice', is released on our StickyJam label!

This album opens to us just another side of Nina . Different styles, different cultural layers are intertwined in her music. Open and honest expression of feelings makes these songs close to folk music, but in modern interpretation with powerful beautiful sound. “All songs that I write are about the most valuable, deep and common things that everybody has in their life," says Nina.

Her singing plunges a modern urban listener, suffering from daily stress, into a long-forgotten state of peace. Nina’s voice sounds with great love, as if hugging, giving support and inspiration, plunging into the atmosphere of sincerity, beauty, harmony with oneself and the world around.

Nina Kolyada’s project is one of the most interesting young Russian projects in the style of India-folk-rock! We are pleased to take part in its development.

The album 'My Voice' is already available on all music platforms. The album link -> Enjoy the beauty and depth of the new release.

You can hear the band live on January 26 at the Blackout Club in Moscow. It’s gonna be a big concert in support of the album. Tickets here ->

📌 For our subscribers there are special prices for tickets. Write to our direct, and we’ll send you a promotional tip at the discount.

Jam tuned✨

#НароднаяМузыка #Фолк #Индифолк #РусскийИндиФолк #КонцертДекабь

Юмор и музыка, что их объединяет?⠀Эмоции! 🙃 Которые будут заряжать, подпитывать нас, и вызывать желание испытывать их сн...

Юмор и музыка, что их объединяет?

Эмоции! 🙃 Которые будут заряжать, подпитывать нас, и вызывать желание испытывать их снова и снова.

В этом посте мы собрали карикатуры (мемы) на тему музыки, чтобы еще больше погрузиться в мир тонких ассоциаций музыкантов и любителей музыки, а также от души посмеяться — ведь, как известно, смех продлевает жизнь 🤞😌

Немного постиронии и абстрактных юмористических зарисовок в студию! 🤹‍♀️

Meet Andrei Leto's album "Ladoga"!The new release of StickyJam label⠀Andrei Leto is a musician, composer and teacher. Si...

Meet Andrei Leto's album "Ladoga"!
The new release of StickyJam label

Andrei Leto is a musician, composer and teacher. Since 2013 his main activity has been playing pantam (hang / hang drum). Andrey is a participant of many festivals, and an organizer of seminars of various percussion masters. He is the creator of the Pantam Studio project (St. Petersburg), the purpose of which is learning to play the "flying saucers».

The album «Ladoga» is inspired by Petersburg and Karelia. His idea was to bring a new understanding and sense into the acoustic sound of one instrument.
The idea was successful: live sound of the pantam immerses the listener in a state of presence where there is no disconnection and duality. Andrei's music fills with sparkling joy, the desire to create and share inspiration with others.

The diverse album combines romantic motifs, hip-hop rhythms and a duet with the world's first electronic musical instrument - Termenwox performed by Peter Termen.

"By my music, I want to convey hope, because it is inspires us to live. That is why, the whole album is recorded live, at one time, in one emotion and with one mood, as a whole". - Andrei Leto

Listen on all music platforms ->

Музыка - вечна!🙌 ⠀Кто может ответить на вопрос откуда появилась музыка? Какой секрет притяжения заложен в этом направлен...

Музыка - вечна!🙌

Кто может ответить на вопрос откуда появилась музыка? Какой секрет притяжения заложен в этом направлении искусства?

Сложно найти людей полностью равнодушных к музыке. Мы можем бесконечно спорить о стилях, певцах, группах… Эпохи меняются, появляются новые кумиры, направления и даже инструменты, но музыка, как и прежде, трогает сердца людей.

🎵 Для нас - это образ жизни, неизменная составляющая каждого этапа!

Запускаем серию постов, в которых будем делиться музыкой, вдохновляющей команду StickyJam создавать ваши любимые события 💚

JamTuned 🤟

On 11.11 we invite you to plunge into the worlds of the ’’Gde-To Tam’’.There will be a concert presenting the group's ’’...

On 11.11 we invite you to plunge into the worlds of the ’’Gde-To Tam’’.
There will be a concert presenting the group's ’’Wild Album’’ in the Petersburg club ’’Yaschik’’!

✨ You will be immersed in a musical atmosphere combining three elements: a guitar, a shamanic tambourine and ethnically colored vocals. Their music are on the borderline between the blues rock and the powerful savage psychedelics.

The unusual combination of authentic intuitive vocals and unbridled original guitar playing with explosive solos allows you to look at the reality from a different perspective.

☯️ The family tandem ’Gde-To Tam’’ Где-то там is the harmony of the male and female, modern and original, clear and unconscious.

The songs of the project are simple and attractive, and dwell "Somewhere There"...

November 11, 20:00
The club ’’Yaschik’’
Ligovsky Avenue, h.50, c.13

📌 You can buy tickets here ->

Don't miss it!

#ЭтническаяМузыка #БлюзРок #ПсиходеликРок


GAUDI is an international one person bass sound project, unique in the field of electronic music.

His live performances overwhelm one's imagination and hearing, and are remembered for a long time. They are always filled with emotions and non-standard musical decisions.

😳 Gaudi’s style of music cannot be determined. He masterfully combines punk, new wave, dub and reggae, experimental electronics, world music. Its bright sound rocks the dance floors.

As it once rocked our dance floor at the Sticky Jam festival!🕺🏼

Those who have heard Gaudi’s set, do you remember his sound?) We’ll definitely repeat it one day!🙌

🙌 3 октября мы организуем концерт-медитацию легендарной Перукуа (Австралия) в Крокус Сити Холле!⠀В новую программу "Голо...

🙌 3 октября мы организуем концерт-медитацию легендарной Перукуа (Австралия) в Крокус Сити Холле!

В новую программу "Голос и Космос" она включила элементы своих уникальных авторских практик, не имеющих аналогов в мире.

Приобрести билеты ->

💫 На концертах Перукуа всегда непередаваемая атмосфера, в которой каждому открывается возможность вспомнить о своём главном предназначении, погрузиться во внутренний космос, наполняясь изнутри, отдаваясь ощущениям, проживая эмоции и сдаваясь своей истинной природе. Ее энергия и голос обволакивают и будто обнимают — в такие моменты чувствуешь себя "дома".

Перукуа перешагивает за рамки традиционных представлений о возможностях человеческого голоса и жанровых ограничений и отправляет вас в захватывающее путешествие на пути к себе настоящему.

🎁 Для подписчиков нашей страницы действует скидка на билеты! Пишите в личные сообщения группы, чтобы узнать промокод.

Встречаемся 3 октября в 17:00 в Крокус Сити Холле!

📩 Приобрести билеты ->

#Перукуа #Перукуа2021 #Крокусситихолл #Медитация

‘’I was born to sound’’ - LIUBAVA⠀Gentle, deep and angelically touching, her music makes no one indifferent, inspires, f...

‘’I was born to sound’’ - LIUBAVA

Gentle, deep and angelically touching, her music makes no one indifferent, inspires, fills with lightness and beauty.

Liubava has been doing music and singing since childhood. In here sound you can recognize the colors of different cultures and traditions: pop, jazz, folklore, traditional African, Iranian, Greek music...

The work of Liubava is not tied to a certain style. Now she plays the handpan and sings. From the first chords, her music embraces you with love, sets you to harmony.
‘’Handpan is an instrument of my soul, it is a canvas on which I paint my mood, my ideas and thoughts. The vocal is a pure song of the soul’’, says Lyubava.

She opened her school where she teaches handpan and helps everyone to express themselves through music, find their unique sound.

‘’Music immerses us in a moment here and now.
It’s a language where words are sounds and pauses. Through the unique and multifaceted language of music you can tell about everything.
For me, it is a space where you can make jokes, touch pain, explore your abilities…
I like to teach people to speak this language‘’.

We’ve been waiting for a meeting with Peruquois in Moscow and St. Petersburg for so long, and now they’ve passed, leavin...

We’ve been waiting for a meeting with Peruquois in Moscow and St. Petersburg for so long, and now they’ve passed, leaving behind a lot of unforgettable impressions and emotions🙈 We want to repeat such events as often as possible!

We are sure that everyone will feel the aftertaste from it for a long time, because these were not just concerts, but a powerful exchange between us.

💫 The feeling of lightness, freedom, happiness, sincerity filled the halls - that’s what we organize such events for, this is why so many people came to Crocus City Hall and dk Lensoveta, rejoiced, cried, danced...

For our team, it is an opportunity to express our sincere and open attitude towards the world, people and creativity over and over. We are happy to create events that help people to become happier, as they were at Peruquois concerts!🙌

Jam turned✨

Important event in the world hangpan community and music lover.⠀In 2021 Hang Massive are celebrating 10 years!🎉⠀Since 20...

Important event in the world hangpan community and music lover.

In 2021 Hang Massive are celebrating 10 years!🎉

Since 2011 Hang Massive have shaped the global handpan music scene, pioneering a successful electronic act with a magnetizing live show. Their first music release and video 'Once Again' gained wide renown and was watched over 60 million times online!

To honour 10 years of Hang Massive, they’re putting on an epic online concert on June 30th

Live stream directly from beautiful Goa. Over the 1.5 hours, we will perform the best of our music from the last decade as well as fresh new tracks.

Much more than just a concert!
The concert experience includes access to exclusive pre-show content, interviews and behind the scenes footage in the build-up to the show.

Danny and Markus will also be offering many exciting ways for you to join the celebrations over the next few weeks. So stay tuned to their page for all updates.

They’re also offering amazing bundles with merch, handpan raffle plus a VIP Bundle, where they will beam you into their Goa home, hangout together for a chat over a coffee or a maté, and play you a track.

📌 You can tickets at the link ->

Stay tuned ✨

The most important event in the world handpan community in Russia!🎉 ⠀On May 19 the duet from Germany Yatao will perform ...

The most important event in the world handpan community in Russia!🎉

On May 19 the duet from Germany Yatao will perform for the first time in Saint Petersburg.

🎶 Their fluently improvised music sets reflect the colorful sound of the present moment. The concerts of Yatao are much more than just a performance of their music. They create a deep space of unity and concord, healing and joy.

The name of the project came from two words from Sanskrit: «Yat» - the way and «Dao» - the source. For Malte & Aleх handpan is a life-changing tool that gives unlimited freedom and allows you to realize yourself.

“There is so much beauty in this world that wants to be expressed and to be seen. We just have to empty our minds and follow the inspiration“, - Yatao

See you on Wednesday, May 19 in Lendoc

📌 The tickets at the link ->

💥 Hot news - Igor Luzin's new album has been released!⠀"All the best in life is born of love. That’s why we have called ...

💥 Hot news - Igor Luzin's new album has been released!

"All the best in life is born of love. That’s why we have called the second album "The Source".
The Source is the basic state in which total integrity is present, 100%. Being filled with love removes all restrictions, gives the potential for growth, clarity and harmonious development", Igor says.

The album is available on all platforms and at the link ->

On the 14th of MAY at 20:00 there will be an online concert by Igor Lusin called "Victory of Love".

"I would be truly delighted if my improvisation touches your soul and there is a meeting, a dialogue, a connection and transformation" - Igor Luzin

Berlin duo .music Yatao will perform in Moscow and Saint Petersburg in MayYatao concerts are more than musical performan...

Berlin duo .music Yatao will perform in Moscow and Saint Petersburg in May
Yatao concerts are more than musical performances.

They create a beautiful space of unity and concord, forgiveness and awareness of the essence, connection with the true self.

🎶 Malte and Alex perform in the world music style, playing handpans, didgeridoo and various percussion instruments. Their fluently improvised music sets reflect the colorful sound of the present moment.

Ever since Malte and Alex met for the first time in 2014, they have been working together with great passion and dedication to their music, with which they tour all over Europe.

When the world of emotions is freely expressed,
Discordance is merged into harmony,
Melodies are melting into each other as one,
Then you are with us. - Yatao

•On the 14th of May - Moscow, concert hall “Dom”
•On the 19th of May - Saint Petersburg, cultural center “Lendoc”

Special guest of concerts - Liubava Sokolova

You can buy tickets at the link ->

Jam turned ✨

On the 30th of May in Crocus City Hall there will be held Peruquois’ solo concert "Time of the Woman"!✨⠀The voice of Per...

On the 30th of May in Crocus City Hall there will be held Peruquois’ solo concert "Time of the Woman"!✨

The voice of Peruquois opens the opportunity to feel all beauty and power of female nature, and immerse in the sources of female strength and energy, it helps each person to balance female and male principles.

🙏 "My new concert program is an ode to a woman, her true nature, demonstrated beauty, a desire to be loved and to give love". - says Peruquois. - "Let us gather together and celebrate the coming of summer, which is just one step away from us. Let us do it brightly, vibrantly, sensually and beautifully».

•On the 13-16th of May will be held Peruquois’ VIP retreat in Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana.

📌 Link to the purchase of tickets and details are on the official website -> or by telephone: +7 926 277 79 47 (Telegram, WhatsApp) Katerina


The annual international festival BACK TO THE FUTURE BATTLE - the event that gets together dancers in styles: POPPING, A...

The annual international festival BACK TO THE FUTURE BATTLE - the event that gets together dancers in styles: POPPING, ANIMATION, HANDSTYLES and WAVING all over Russia and around the world.

Everyone can show their style, vibe, explore yourself, learn something new and make some friends here.

The participants - the strongest and the brightest dancers in the country - will show their skills, vibe and style!

We are sure, IT WILL BE AMAZING!!💥

This year we did something special. We are bringing wonderful judges from abroad. Blondy (France) and Robozee (Germany). And great judge Dimas(Russia)

Our friends will make the best atmosphere for participants and guests. MC's: Fownk (Rus), Ego(Rus)
Dj's: Ajb(Rus), Jecha(Rus), Vunky lao(Germany)
These guys gonna do their best for incredible atmosphere!

you can buy tickets here->

It’s StickyJam’s birthday!🎉⠀It’s a celebration that combines the birthday of each of our team, all of our artists, spect...

It’s StickyJam’s birthday!🎉

It’s a celebration that combines the birthday of each of our team, all of our artists, spectators, partners.

Sticky Jam is a creative association of people for whom music is more than entertainment, a practice is more than a pumped-up body.

This project is designed to inspire people, to change their lives for the better, and it does the job 100%

«I could not imagine that by 2021 we would have grown into a community, creating and expanding the harmony of musical taste! And not only musical;) To be in StickyJam now is a LiveStyle 🙌», - Ivan Zakharov

«Sticky Jam is a live style that I’ve been supporting for over 15 years. It’s a great joy to see my interest and passion grow into a social project that we develop with our beloved team», - Melis Kant Mandal

Thank you for your collaboration!
Happy birthday StickyJam🎉

💥 Sticky Jam’s partnership circle is expanding!Melis Kant Mandal will co-produce BACK TO THE FUTURE BATTLE, Sticky Jam -...

💥 Sticky Jam’s partnership circle is expanding!

Melis Kant Mandal will co-produce BACK TO THE FUTURE BATTLE, Sticky Jam - the musical partner of the event in 2021.

It’s a very cool international event that brings together hundreds of dancers performing in styles such as popping, robot, waving, tutting, animation. Master classes, battles, performances of famous dancers - it's a real festival!

We’ve become a partner of Back To The Future Battle because we consider dance one of the important elements of self-knowledge. The better a person feels his body, the more interesting and beautiful he is in life.

Our first contact with the culture of dancing was in 2013, we organized a concert of the cult group Beats Antique.

In 2017 we brought to Moscow one of the most popular dancers of the planet - MARQUESE SCOTT That’s how our collaboration with Sasha the Dragon began.

And now we are inviting you to BACK TO THE FUTURE BATTLE!

✨ Feel your body, shift the focus away from your worries and the outside world, slow down, relax, plunge into your depth...

✨ Feel your body, shift the focus away from your worries and the outside world, slow down, relax, plunge into your depth to find the answers…

🧘🏼 We will devote the evening of April 9th to these goals at class Yoga & Handpan meditation with Maria Mandal and Ljubava

«Yantra yoga as a pearl. It came to us in its original form»

The practice is accessible to everyone and is intended for any level of training.

Yantra yoga is an ancient Tibetan yoga of motion and breathing that works with our energy level. You will feel the positive effect of the practice at the first class! It’s a very simple tool that doesn’t involve difficult positions. The purpose of the practice is achieved easily, with joy and pleasure.

Music will allow us to meditate even more deeply. The sound of the hang will give us a deep and easy relaxation.

«Music is a means to binding together life forms of all worlds»

📌 Lesson will be held from 19.30 to 21.30 in a cozy space 5 minutes walk from Chistye Prudy

Book your participation by telephone or What’s App: 89260785738 / 89167176392

In the final track of the hang music album by Liron MeyuhasLiron Meyuhas the guitar unexpectedly turns on, as if waking ...

In the final track of the hang music album by Liron MeyuhasLiron Meyuhas the guitar unexpectedly turns on, as if waking you up from a dream.
The wind blows right into our home calling you to the road, out to the wide open spaces, to the beauty and freedom of expression, where the most important tack is to be yourself.
The hang sounds in unison with the rhythm of the heart. The sound of the trumpet is a reminder of traveling.
I live, I dance with you, my soul

Desert Winds track refers us to a whole layer of music that can be called Desert music - the music of a desert, nomadic people.
People for whom the path has no final destination, and is not a goal, but a way of life.
This music is born in motion and is free of any conditionality.
It combines different cultures, rhythms, melodies, colors, feelings…

📌 The link to the album IN BETWEEN ->


A melodic drum instrument?🤔 A new answer to this question appeared in the 20th century, and of course, hang comes to min...

A melodic drum instrument?🤔

A new answer to this question appeared in the 20th century, and of course, hang comes to mind first.

The instrument was developed by Swiss Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer (PanArt Co) in 2000. They studied the properties of different drum instruments and seemed to put in the hang the whole musical heritage of the planet. This amazing 'flying saucer' has become an inspiration for thousands of people all over the world in just 20 years!

The demand for hangs had so exceeded the PanArt’s capability that dozen instruments similar in shape, but different in scale appeared: Pantam, Halo, Bells, EchoSound Sculpture, Spacedrum, Caisa…
Due to copyright difficulties, the new names such as Handpan and Hangdrum were worked out.

We really love the magic sound of this instrument and collaborate with different musicians: Kabecao, Hang Massive, Liron Meyuhas, Любава, Игорь Лузин, Daniel Waples, Ortal… Each of them reveals for us new faces of the instrument’s sound. And this music always penetrates deep into the heart and takes us beyond the ordinary perception, guiding to light and harmony.

There are quotes of our favorite musicians in the carousel of photos.

Jam turned✨

 ⠀We released the first album by Nina Kolyada Нина Коляда«Bayushki-bayu»The album included Russian traditional lullabies...

We released the first album by Nina Kolyada Нина Коляда«Bayushki-bayu»

The album included Russian traditional lullabies in a very interesting performance. Nina added polyphony to them, which plunges much deeper into the atmosphere of these songs, adds volume and tenderness. They are for adults and children, for learning and for sounding at home.

💽 The album is available on all the platforms.

listen to the album ->

In April, the presentation of Nina Kolyada's next album "My Voice" will take place. A bright drive concert awaits you!
This album became an interesting continuation of Nina's musical history. It includes author's songs about deep contact with yourself, with nature, sincere living of everything that comes in life. Each of these songs can be a gift, support, reboot, therapy.

•On April 7, Moscow, «16 Tons» club
•On April 16, St. Petersburg, «Box» club

buy tickets for concerts ->

Today, we released the album by  Игорь Лузин, «Nachalo»!🔥⠀This is an album of intuitive music which expands the internal...

Today, we released the album by Игорь Лузин, «Nachalo»!🔥

This is an album of intuitive music which expands the internal vision. It will help you to adjust with yourself and the world around you, to start the process of awakening and healing.

«The language of the filled void is transmitted by iridescent images formed into a thought. «Why, Yes!» the creator proclaimed, observing how the thought transformed the image into the pulsating rhythm of Love and Joy of the Dark.

Out of the incomprehensible absolute, manifested through images and thoughts, there appeared a desire to show the birth of sound like the Beginning, the launch of the Time pendulum. Through the rhythm of the Heart - like Yes and No, like male and female. Sound is the Beginning.’

📌 The album is available on all platforms!

We invite you to Igor Luzin's concerts!
Each performance by Igor is unique. There is no ready score, there is only an internal mood and the mood of the audience present, which helps to unlock the potential of the artist and his listeners.

•March 13, St. Petersburg

•March 21, Moscow

buy tickets ->

Jam turned ✨

Today we would like to introduce you to our new associate - Igor Lusin!⠀Igor is an incredibly talented, versatile person...

Today we would like to introduce you to our new associate - Igor Lusin!

Igor is an incredibly talented, versatile person. Around the world, he conducts trainings "Vision of the Soul," at which people find out the purpose of their life and reveal talents, get rid of negative attitudes and fears.

And what about music?
Have you ever thought that blindness happens not only in the eyes, but also in music?

Musical vision is how you live your life in the world of sounds - just listening to whatever is around you or choosing what to listen to? What is your choice based on?

Igor Luzin is a guide who helps people not only at trainings, but also through hang play. His music aligns, charges, heals… He plays from the here and now state. And very soon you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with this unusual intuitive music!

• On March 12, Sticky Jam will release the first release of Igor Luzin

• On March 13 Igor's concert in St. Petersburg

• On March 13 concert in Moscow

📌 Details at the link ->

Jam turned ✨




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