Rabbit Agency.ru

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Rabbit Agency.ru Our UK team has long standing contacts in clubs and festivals in UK.

Our Russian team are event producers and bookers for the biggest clubs and festivals in Russia and the CIS and have a roster of the very best artists from the electronic and live scene.


Первый блин комом. История этого микса:
Собрались на писать микс. Встали за деки сразу как пришли, пишем пишем, понимаем что косяк на косяке, ниче не клеится, неуклюже как с**с без смазки…плюнули, решили пойти выпить, покурить, в итоге проболтали час про все наше женское наболевшее, вернулись за деки и охуели от себя, потому что почувствовали как настроились друг на друга и записали именно то что хотели - грязный такой подпольный микс для 🤍💀🖤

Ссылка в шапке


"Fog" (Russian: Туман) performed and recorded by Lisokot for Aelita Records at Powerhouse Moscow.Music Video:Directed by LisokotCamera by Sergey PrekrasnovEd...

DJ SICKF**K aka Leeza Shumova is a Russian-American DJ/Producer based in Moscow. She has a truly unique style - listen b...

DJ SICKF**K aka Leeza Shumova is a Russian-American DJ/Producer based in Moscow. She has a truly unique style - listen below to some wikkid mixes.

Having grown up in the US, she spent her youth traveling around the country, exploring the vibrant underground rave and hip-hop scenes. These two influences significantly shaped her musical preferences and after moving back to her hometown of Moscow in 2016, she began formulating her unique production aesthetic to form the DJ SICKF**K project, which mashes up ghetto, electro, techno and jungle genres.

Having grown up in the US, she spent her youth traveling around the country, exploring the vibrant underground rave and hip-hop scenes. These two influences significantly shaped her musical preferences and after moving back to her hometown of Moscow in 2016, she began formulating her unique producti...



Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00


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