5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting

5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting This is the official Facebook site of the 5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting, which will be held in Uppsala (Sweden) from May 16-20, 2016

The 5th Triennial Mosasaur Meeting (http://www.geology.lu.se/mmv) will be held at the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, May 16–20, 2016. The first Mosasaur Meeting was held in 2004 in Maastricht, The Netherlands, and has since run triennially in 2007 in Hays, Kansas, in 2010 in Paris, France, and in 2013 in Dallas, Texas. These symposia have been unique in bringing together

researchers, students and avocational palaeontologists within a forum dedicated exclusively to these magnificent fossil reptiles. However, for the forthcoming 5th Mosasaur Meeting in 2016, we will expand the event to encompass a global perspective of Mesozoic marine amniote evolution, including sauropterygians, ichthyopterygians, crocodylians, and turtles! Our intention is to foster an integration of knowledge, approaches and data amongst specialist researchers and thus instigate collaborations that will advance the field. Please note that the registration and abstract deadline is April 15, 2016.


Museum Of Evolution, Norbyvägen 18


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