Busy Tables Party and Events
Here's the latest sneak peek into our Spiced-up Motifs sensory workshop using actual footage from the previous session, limited slots are still available via peatix! You should be able to navigate to the link easily from our website, otherwise just DM us for the link!
#awli2021 #artwalklittleindia #busytables #sensoryplay #sensorycraft #spices #artwithspices #homeactivitiesforkids
Hey all, here's a sneak peek at our upcoming Spiced-up Motifs sensory workshop in collaboration with #awli2021
We assure you this workshop will be a blast! It looks pretty, feels gritty and smells spicy(pun).Do sign up early so we can have the sensory craft kit delivered to you in time!
You can access the signup link easily from our website (Link in bio)
#artwalklittleindia #busytables #sensoryart #sensorycraft #sensoryplay #familyactivity #activitiesforkids
Woodland animals themed birthday party activities for kids 1 - 10 years old
Introducing our latest birthday party themes! Tired of cookie-cutter activities you see everywhere? Leave a lasting memory for all the little guests! Our activities are highly engaging and can keep the little ones busy for extended periods of time, it's perfect for parties and events!
We also have other themes available and can even provide customisation, check out our website or DM us for more info.
We had ❄️Frozen-inspired and 🐙 nautical themes at our sensory playdate last weekend! Speaking of which have you guys seen Frozen 2 already??? (Check out our stories)
#playdate #throwbackthursday
TOMORROW is the day that our sensory playdate is happening! We can't wait to unveil our set of over 10 different nautical and Frozen-inspired activities, toys and games for your babies to indulge in.
Here's the water beads aquatic world sensory tub that you and your baby can expect tomorrow.
There are only TWO spots left for signup... fastest fingers first! Visit this link for details: https://www.busytables.sg/products/sensory-playdate
See you tomorrow!
#playdate #busytables
❗2️⃣❗days left to our playdate!
If you do not already know, we have an assortment of nautical and Frozen-inspired sensory toys and games like this taste-safe playdough seashell imprinting activity, mermaid slime, Olaf & friends finger-tracing and MORE for your babies to play and explore.
No more fretting over fun and enriching activities to keep your baby engaged this weekend! Sign up now here: https://www.busytables.sg/products/sensory-playdate
#playdough #playdate
3️⃣days left to register your baby for our playdate! Who else is super excited? 🙋
Your kids are sure to loooove this Glitter Mermaid Slime that we have in store for them this Saturday... Get ready for things to get wonderfully messy!
Hurry and grab your spot here!: https://www.busytables.sg/products/sensory-playdate
4️⃣days left to our sensory playdate, and 7 of our slots just got taken up overnight!! Do hurry if you are interested to sign your baby up 😱
🐚Here's the Under the Sea Coloured Rice Sensory Tub that will be featured this Saturday. Get diggin'!
Register here: https://www.busytables.sg/products/sensory-playdate
#busytablesplaydate #sgmoms