6. Avgusta smo si drznili narediti nekaj skrajno ne tipičnega za tovrsto tekmovanj in razglasili datume prvenstva, saj je bil pritisk in želja voznikov previsok. Kljub pozni najavi pa smo uspeli dostaviti dogodke na višjem, novem nivoju kateri bo sedaj merilo za vse naslednje sezone.
Dostavili smo dolgo pričakovan format tekmovanja v dveh razredih in po zgledu tujih naprednih prvenstev tudi prenos v živo. V celotni sezoni v nižjem "OEM+" razredu je sodelovalo skupaj kar 38 voznikov, med drugim tudi iz Hrvaške, Avstrije in Italije. "Unlimited" razred pa je postregel z vsega skupaj 15 vozniki, kar je za tako pozno razglašenim prvenstvom tudi sam svoj dosežek.
Samega prvenstva se je udeležilo preko 5.000 ljudi od katerih jih je preko 450 izkusilo drift iz prve vrste v taxi driftu in si naredilo obisk dogodka poleg dobre hrane in pijače, popoln. Med drugim pa so prenosi v živo, skupno presegli 15.000 število ogledov.
Pretekli vikend smo izvedli tretjo in finalno etapo prvenstva, katera je določila prvaka obeh razredov in sicer v "OEM+" se z nazivom prvaka lahko ponaša Gregor Kukec v razredu "Unlimited" pa že vsem znan Erik Jankov-ič. V "OEM+" razredu je prve 3 najvišje uvrščene na koncu ločilo vsega skupaj pičlih 5 točk in to je tisto kar dela prvenstva toliko bolj zanimiva, nepredvidljivost.
Stopničke so si na tretji etapi v "OEM+" razredu deili na 1. mestu Gregor Kukec, na 2. Rok Mlekuš in na 3. Miha Kugonic. "Unlimited" razred pa je nosil prvič v svoji karieri na 1. mestu Klemna Klemarja, na 2. Gašper Lukan-a in na 3. Dejan Fakuč-a.
Rezultate vseh ostalih tekmovalcev in končnih točk si lahko ogledate tu: https://www.racegasmic.eu/Tekmovanje-2023/
Radi bi se zahvalili vsem obiskovalcem za obisk, tekmovalcem za udeležbo, pokroviteljem za podporo, sokrajanom za toleriranje in vsem ostalim kateri ste tako ali drugače pomagali pri izvedbi dogodkov. Brez vseh naštetih, tovrstnih tekmovanj ne bi bilo.
Se vidimo v 2024!
6. In August, we dared to do something extremely untypical for this type of competition and announced the dates of the championship, as the pressure and desire of the drivers was too high. Despite the late announcement, we managed to deliver events at a higher, new level, which will now be the benchmark for all subsequent seasons.
We have delivered long-awaited competition format in two classes and, following the example of foreign advanced championships, also a live broadcast. A total of 38 drivers participated in the lower "OEM+" class throughout the season, including from Croatia, Austria and Italy. The "Unlimited" class was served by a total of 15 drivers, which is an achievement in itself for a championship announced so late.
The championship itself was attended by over 5,000 people, of whom over 450 experienced drifting from the front row in taxi drift and made visiting the event perfect, in addition to good food and drinks. Among other things, the live broadcasts exceeded 15,000 views in total.
Last weekend we held the third and final round of the championship, which determined the champion of both classes, in "OEM+" Gregor Kukec can boast the title of champion, and in the "Unlimited" class Erik Jankovič who is already known to everyone. In the "OEM+" class, the first 3 highest ranked teams were separated by a total of just 5 points, and this is what makes the championship so much more interesting, the unpredictability.
The podiums in the "OEM+" class were shared by Gregor Kukec in 1st place, Rok Mlekuš in 2nd and Miha Kugonič in 3rd. The "Unlimited" class was held for the first time in his career by Klemno Klemar in 1st place, Gašper Lukan in 2nd and Dejan Fakuč in 3rd.
You can see the results of all other competitors and final points here: https://www.racegasmic.eu/Tekmovanje-2023/
We would like to thank all visitors for visiting, competitors for participation, sponsors for support, compatriots for tolerating and everyone else who in one way or another helped in the implementation of the events. Without all of the above, this type of competition would not exist.
See you in 2024